
  • On 12 December 2020, Ottmar Edenhofer gave an interview in the Börsen-Zeitung, where he spoke about carbon pricing and the EU climate target amongst others.
  • On 24 May 2019, Ottmar Edenhofer delivered a keynote on the occasion of the Deutsche Bank "Sustainable Finance Day". A video of the highlights of the event can be found here.
  • In cooperation with the Federal Foreign Office and the think tank adelphi, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research has initiated the Berlin Climate and Security Conference to provide a forum for this rising issue. The summit will gather support for the “Berlin Call for Action”, directed at every foreign policy institution to step up efforts to address one of the greatest global security and foreign policy challenges of the 21st century: Climate change. PIK directors Ottmar Edenhofer and Johan Rockström gave a joint opening keynote in the conference’s first panel on “Climate Change – A Risk to Global Security”
  • Ottmar Edenhofer comments on the need to introduce a CO2 tax in Germany in the current issue of WirtschaftsWoche of 3 May 2019.
  • Presentation of the Institute on the occasion of the Federal Minister of Education and Research Anja Karliczek and the Minister for Science, Research and Culture of Brandenburg on Telegrafenberg, 20 March 2019
  • "Bodensteuern, Wachstum und Gerechtigkeit - Makroökonomische Aspekte der Grundsteuerreform", 16 January 2019, Dialogreihe Grundsteuerreform, Berlin
  • Climate plan for Germany: Economists propose CO2 price reform -In its issue of 1 December 2018, SPIEGEL reports on the joint proposal by MCC, PIK and RWI for cornerstones of a CO2-price reform in Germany. Link
  • In the article "Why Security Policy is Reliant on Effective Climate Policy", co-authored by Kira Vinke and Dr. Jacob Schewe, Ottmar Edenhofer points out that dangerous climate change is increasingly threatening the security of states. Link
  • Ottmar Edenhofer in an interview with Schweizer Radio SRF 3 - "Klimakitsch ärgert mich", on 7 January 2019. Link
  • In an interview of the Handelsblatt Ottmar Edenhofer appeals against the background of the Bavarian state elections and in the run-up to COP24 in Katowice to politicians to set a clear signal for an ambitious German climate policy, above all by introducing a CO2 price.
  • Ottmar Edenhofer concludes in the article published in Handelsblatt of 18 October 2018 "Die Öko-Lüge - Wie Deutschland seine Vorreiterrolle beim Klimaschutz verspielt", Germany has a lost decade behind it in terms of climate protection. What has been missed in terms of structural change and the automotive industry.
  • The German newspaper “DIE ZEIT” published an interview with Ottmar Edenhofer about the IPCC’s “Special Report 1.5 degrees” on 4 October 2018.
  • In the Washington Post Ottmar Edenhofer is warning of the consequences of coal plants: "[...] when we continue with the existing coal fired power plants, and build the new ones, we are closing the door to the 2 degree target".
  • In the German newspaper "F.A.Z.", Ottmar Edenhofer advocates an ambitious minimum price for CO2 as an instrument for efficient emissions reduction and easier international cooperation (17 November 2017).
  • Nach dem 1,5°-Bericht: Ehrgeizigere Ziele - halbherzige Mittel?", 04 February, Kieler Energiediskurs, Kiel.
  • "Optionen für CO2-Bepreisung: EU ETS und Transportsektor", 28 January 2019, Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge Target Summit, Berlin.
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