David Meng-Chuen Chen

Doctoral Researcher

      I am a doctoral student in the Land Use Group. I conduct research on the resilience of the food system, mainly through quantitative methods, applying statistical methods and developing the MAgPIE model. Specifically, my thesis focuses on how harvest failures impact the food system, and how resilience in the food system is mediated through storage and local markets. I'm also interested in food waste and municipal solid waste. 



Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam

David studied International Agriculture & Food Systems (BSc.(Agr.), 2015) at McGill University, and Integrated Natural Resource Management at Humboldt University (MSc., 2020). 

  • Impact of Multiple Harvest Failures or Multiple Breadbasket Failures (MBBF) on Global Food Systems
  • Food Storage and Local Food Markets as Resilience-Enhancing Mechanisms
  • Environmental Impacts of Municipal Solid Waste 

Bodirsky BL*, Chen DM*, Weindl I, Soergel B, Beier F, Molina Bacca EJ, Gaupp F, Popp A, Lotze-Campen H. 2022. Integrating degrowth and efficiency perspectives enables an emission-neutral food system by 2100. Nature Food 3(5) 341-348. | DOI           *equal contribution

Chen DM, Bodirsky BL, Krueger T, Mishra A, Popp A. 2020. The world’s growing municipal solid waste: Trends and impacts. Environmental Research Letters 15(7) 074021. | DOI 

Dietrich JP, Bodirsky BL, Humpenöder F, Weindl I, Stevanović M, Karstens K, Kreidenweis U, Wang X, Mishra A, Klein D, Ambrósio G, Araujo E, Yalew AW, Baumstark L, Wirth S, Giannousakis A, Beier F, Chen DMC, Lotze-Campen H, Popp A. 2019, MAgPIE 4–a modular open-source framework for modeling global land systems. Geoscientific Model Development 12(4). | DOI

Chen DM, Tucker B, Badami MG, Ramankutty N, Rhemtulla JM. 2016. A multi-dimensional metric for facilitating sustainable food choices in campus cafeterias. Journal of Cleaner Production 135(1351-1362). | DOI

Chen DM, Whalen JK. 2016. Climate change in the North China Plain: smallholder farmer perceptions and adaptations in Quzhou County, Hebei Province. Climate Research 69(3). | DOI

  • 2021: Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) Doctoral Scholarship
  • 2018-2020: Masters Study Scholarship for All Disciplines (DAAD)
  • 2018: Deutschlandstipendium
  • 2014/2015: Undergraduate Student Research Award (Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada) 
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