Dr. Dim Coumou

cloud 3

Since February 2014, I am leading a new Research Group which studies links between atmospheric circulation and extreme weather events (BMBF-funded project Sacre-X).

Recent Events:

Nov 2014 - World Bank report Turn down the heat III is published. Here some infographics, videos, interviews and media-coverage.

(Older stuff)

Short resume:

A geophysicist by training, I have worked 2.5 years as marine geophysicist in the offshore industry, before starting my PhD research at ETH in Zurich. Here, I worked on the development of efficient multiphase fluid flow transport schemes which I used to study hydrothermal systems.

In 2008, I joined PIK to develop a novel atmosphere model Aeolus which is part of our in-house Earth System model POEM (PIK flagship activity NEXT). In Aeolus high-frequency variability is parameterized which makes the model computationally very efficient compared to General Circulation Models. We use it to study the sensitivity of large-scale atmospheric circulation to different drivers.

Since early 2010, I am studying the link between extreme weather events (like heat waves, droughts and heavy precipitation) and global warming. This works includes statistical analysis of heat waves, heavy rainfall and atmospheric circulation. Further, we use climate models and Causal Effect Networks to understand dynamical mechanisms which cause extremes.

My scientific interests include climate dynamics, extreme events, droughts, complex earth system, predictability, causal inference. Technical interests include parallel programming, C++, object-oriented design, etc, etc, etc...

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Dr. Dim Coumou
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research - Earth System Analysis
Telegraphenberg A62, room S16
D-14473, Potsdam, Germany

Phone ++49-331-288-2442 | Fax -2680
Email. coumou"at"pik-potsdam.de
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