Christine Kaufhold

Doctoral Researcher

Since May 2022, Christine is a working as a doctoral researcher in the group Long-Term Dynamics of the Earth System (LOTES). Her research centers on the long-term Anthropocene, exploring future glacial inceptions over the next 100 kyr - 1 Myr under varying anthropogenic CO2 emission scenarios, and how this will affect nuclear waste storage solutions.


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam


Christine Kaufhold studied Physics at the University of Waterloo, Canada with an emphasis on numerical modelling and environmental systems (e.g., oceanography, geosciences). After completing an internship on particle tracking for contaminant transport in the Department of Stochastic Simulation and Safety Research for Hydrosystems at Universität Stuttgart, she went on to finish her MSc. in Ocean and Climate Physics at Universität Hamburg. Her master's thesis was focused on characterizing regimes of weather forecasting uncertainty via explainable AI methods.

  • URS; REDUKLIM - Reduction of emission scenario uncertainty through climate modelling, providing long-term climate change scenarios

  • Ocean Dynamics SoSe 2023/2024 tutorial session