Matthias Büchner

Lahmer, W., Becker, A., Müller-Wohlfeil, D.-I. (1995): Für die Regionalisierung und großskalige Modellierungen geeignete Ansätze und Module der hydrologischen Modelle EGMO und TOPMODEL - Für die Regionalisierung und großskalige Modellierungen geeignete Ansätze und Module der hydrologischen Modelle EGMO und TOPMODEL
Moulin, S., Fischer, A., Dedieu, G., Guyot, G. (1995): Assimilation of Short Wavelength Remote Sensing Observations Within a Crop Model: Methodological Development and Interannual Field Scale Study - Assimilation of Short Wavelength Remote Sensing Observations Within a Crop Model: Methodological Development and Interannual Field Scale Study, Photosynthesis and Remote Sensing. Satellite Meeting of the 10th International Congress of Photosynt
v. Storch, H., Bürger, G., v. Storch, J.X., Schnur, R. (1995): Principal Oscillation Pattern Analysis: A Review - Journal of Climate
Toth, F., Crookall, D., Arai, K. (1995): Simulation/Gaming for Long-Term Policy Problems - Simulation/Gaming for Long-Term Policy Problems, Simulation/Gaming Across Disciplines and Cultures: ISAGA at a Watershed
Grote, R. (1995): Mechanistic Simulation of Forest Growth under a Changing Climate - Mechanistic Simulation of Forest Growth under a Changing Climate
Bugmann, H. (1995): A Dynamic Model of the Structure of Boreal and Temperate Forests Based on Plant Functional Types - A Dynamic Model of the Structure of Boreal and Temperate Forests Based on Plant Functional Types
Petschel-Held, G., Block, A., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (1995): Syndrome des Globalen Wandels: Ein systemarer Ansatz für Sustainable Development Indikatoren - Geowissenschaften
Becker, A., Pfützner, B. (1995): Climate Impact Studies in Eastern Brandenburg Using the Semi- Distributed Hydrological Model EGMO and Proposal for Nested Drainage Basin Studies - Climate Impact Studies in Eastern Brandenburg Using the Semi- Distributed Hydrological Model EGMO and Proposal for Nested Drainage Basin Studies
Lindner, M., Lasch, P., Cramer, W. (1995): Application of a forest succession model to a continentality gradient through Central Europe - Application of a forest succession model to a continentality gradient through Central Europe, PIK Reports ; 10
Bugmann, H., Solomon, A. (1995): The use of a European forest model in North America: A study of ecosystem response to climate gradients - The use of a European forest model in North America: A study of ecosystem response to climate gradients, PIK Reports ; 06
Bronstert, A., Vollmer, S., Ihringer, J. (1995): A review of the impact of larid consolidation on runoff production and flooding in Germany - Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
Fischer, A., Guyot, G. (1995): CO2 -Fluxes at Regional Scale over Agricultural Areas - CO2 -Fluxes at Regional Scale over Agricultural Areas, Photosynthesis and Remote Sensing. Satellite Meeting of the 10th International Congress of Photosynt
Linneweber, V., Katama, A. (1995): Evaluating the use of global commons: lessons from research on social judgment - Evaluating the use of global commons: lessons from research on social judgment, Equity and Sozial Considerations Related to Climate Change (Proceedings of the IPCC WG III Workshop;
Bronstert, A. (1995): Simulation of the Water Dynamics of Rural Catchments Using the HILLFLOW Model - Simulation of the Water Dynamics of Rural Catchments Using the HILLFLOW Model
Fischer, A., Juhle, Y. (1995): Couplage modele de fonctionnement/observations satellitaires pour ameliorer les estimations de production - SCOT Conseil. Suivi et/ou modelisation de la production agricole utilisant les donnees SPOT4/VEGETAT
Toth, F.L., Jäger, J., Liberatore, A., Grundlach, K. (1995): Global Environmental Change: Impacts on and Contributions of Specific Economic Sectors - Global Environmental Change: Impacts on and Contributions of Specific Economic Sectors, Global Environmental Change and Sustainable Development in Europe
Zharova, N., Krysanova, Valentina, Voinov, A. (1995): Decision Support System for Water Quality Monitoring in an Uncertain Economy. Watershed of Oka River (Russia) as a Case Study - Decision Support System for Water Quality Monitoring in an Uncertain Economy. Watershed of Oka River (Russia) as a Case Study
Fischlin, A., Bugmann, H., Gyalistras, D. (1995): Sensitivity of a forest ecosystem model to climate parameterization schemes" - Environmental Pollution
Toth, F. (1995): Social Dimensions of Resource Use: A Prototype Model for Water Management - Social Dimensions of Resource Use: A Prototype Model for Water Management
Bugmann, H., Fischlin, A., Kienast, F. (1995): Model Convergence and State Variable Update in Forest Gap Models - Ecological Modelling
Becker, A. (1995): Aspekte der Präsentation hydrologischer und hydrologisch wichtiger zeitvariabler Größen im Hydrologischen Atlas - Aspekte der Präsentation hydrologischer und hydrologisch wichtiger zeitvariabler Größen im Hydrologischen Atlas
Bronstert, A. (1995): An Integrated Modelling Study for the Piaui and Ceara Region - An Integrated Modelling Study for the Piaui and Ceara Region
Kohlmaier, G.H., Häger, C., Nadler, A., Würth, G. (1995): Global carbon dynamics of higher latitude forests during an anticipated climate change: ecophysiological versus biome- migration view - Water, Air and Soil Pollution
Kartschall, T., Grossman, S., Pinter Jr., P.J., Garcia, R.L. Kimball, Wall, G.W., Hunsaker, D.J., LaMorte, R.L. (1995): A Simulation of Phenology, Growth, Carbon Dioxide Exchange and Yields under Ambient Atmosphere and Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) Maricopa, Arizona, for Wheat - Journal of Biogeography
Bugmann, H., Fischlin, A. (1995): Simulating Forest Dynamics in Complex Topography using Gridded Climatic Data - Climatic Change
Lüdeke, M.K.B., Dönges, S., Otto, R.D., Kindermann, J. Badeck, Ramge, P., Jaekel, U., Kohlmaier, G.H. (1995): Responses in NPP and Carbon Stores of the Northern Biomes to a CO2-induced Climatic Change, as Evaluated by the Frankfurt Biosphere Model (FBM) - Tellus B
Bronstert, A. (1995): Das Modellsystem HILLFLOW zur physikalisch begründeten Modellierung des Wasserhaushaltes von Hängen und kleinen Einzugsgebieten - Das Modellsystem HILLFLOW zur physikalisch begründeten Modellierung des Wasserhaushaltes von Hängen und kleinen Einzugsgebieten
Becker, A. (1995): BAHC-Studies along Altitudinal Gradients and in Connected Research Watersheds - BAHC-Studies along Altitudinal Gradients and in Connected Research Watersheds