Dr Benjamin Peeters

Postdoctoral Researcher

Benjamin Peeters is a postdoctoral researcher in the Research Department Transformation Pathways. His research in the GeoClimRisk project examines the links between physical and transition risks of climate change through the REMIND model (REgional Model of Investment and Development). His work focuses on climate damages, adaptation costs, and the effects of climate risks on the cost of capital.


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam


Benjamin completed his PhD in Economics at UCLouvain Brussels in 2023. His thesis assessed financial interdependencies since the 1970s through spatial econometrics and time-varying panel data analysis. He holds two master's degrees from UCLouvain: an MSc in Engineering (2014) and an MSc in Economics (2016).

From 2023 to 2024, he conducted research at National Chengchi University in Taiwan on East Asian economic integration. Between 2011 and 2022, he worked as a teaching assistant at UCLouvain, teaching statistics, econometrics, and macroeconomics.

Peer-reviewed Publications
Fagnart, J.-F., Germain, M and Peeters, B. (2020). Can the Energy Transition Be Smooth? A General Equilibrium Approach to the EROEI. Sustainability, 12(3), 1176. DOI: 10.3390/su12031176

PhD Thesis
"Empirical Assessments of Financial Interdependencies since the 1970s" (March 2023, UCLouvain Brussels). http://hdl.handle.net/2078.3/273394

Working Papers (under review)

Peeters B. (2024), "Cyclical International Financial Flows to the Semi-periphery"
Peeters B. (2024), "How has Financial Globalization impacted Monetary Policy? An overview"
Defraigne J-C, and Peeters B., (2024) "Medium-term cycles in center economies and Financial Crises"
Peeters B., Girard A., and Gnabo J-Y. (2023) "Monetary policy response or globalization: what drives monetary policy rates spillovers?"

See https://www.benjaminpeeters.com/research for more details.

The Geopolitics of Climate Change-Linked Risks & Transformations (GeoClimRisks)

Author and maintainer of the R package:

- WPD (World Panel Database)
WPD is an R package that simplifies access to and visualization of global economic and social panel data from major international organizations and academic researchers.

- TVSR (Time-Varying Spatial Regression)
TVSR is an R package including two main functions to estimate time-varying spatial regression models: LKSR (local-kernel spatial regression) and SDSR (score-driven spatial regression).