Researching the Impacts of Arctic climate change on sea level and atmospheric circulation in the Northern mid-latitudes. Currently working on extreme melt events on Greenland.
14412 Potsdam
Impacts of Arctic climate change on sea level and atmospheric circulation in the Northern mid-latitudes. Currently working on extreme melt events on Greenland.
J. Beckmann M. Perrette, S. Beyer, R. Calov, M. Willeit, and A. Ganopolski.
Modeling of Greenland outlet glaciers response to global warming using a
coupled flowline-plume model.The Cryosphere, 2019
R.Calov, S. Beyer, R. Greve, J. Beckmann, M. Willeit, T. Kleiner, M. Rückamp,
A. Humbert, and A. Ganopolski. Simulation of the future sea level contribution
of Greenland with a new glacial system model.The Cryosphere Discussion, 2018
J. Beckmann, M.Perrette, and A. Ganopolski. Simple models
for the simulation of submarine melt for a Greenland glacial system model.
The Cryosphere, 2018
D. Coumou, J. Lehmann, J. Beckmann, The weakening summer circulation
in the Northern Hemisphere. Science, 2015
11.09.2021 - What is it like, the life of a climate scientist? Video für #MintaufMission
10.06.2020 - Talk at Museum für Naturkunde: Sommerschule Klimawissen- "Eis,Kipppunkte und Meeresspiegelanstieg"
03.03.2020 - Invited Speaker for the European Security Seminar North at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies: "Climate Change in the Arctic and its Impact for the coming decades"
07.02.2020 - Interview with ZD: ,
31.01.2020 - Blog on my recent work on subglacial melting in Greenland:
19.11.2019 - Blog bout my work :