Beaufils, Timothé, Berthet, Etienne, Ward, Hauke, Wenz, Leonie (2023):
Beyond production and consumption: using throughflows to untangle the virtual trade of externalities
- Economic Systems Research
Beaufils, Timothé, Ward, Hauke, Jakob, Michael, Wenz, Leonie (2023):
Assessing different European Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism implementations and their impact on trade partners
- Communications Earth and Environment
Beaufils, Timothé, Berthet, Etienne, Hauke, Ward, Wenz, Leonie (2023):
Beyond production and consumption: using throughflows to untangle the virtual trade of externalities
Beaufils, Timothé, Wenz, Leonie (2022):
A scenario-based method for projecting multi-regional input-output tables
- Economic Systems Research