14412 Potsdam
I received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree in physics from the Iran University of Science and Technology in 2010, and the Ph.D. degree from the ForWind Institute, University of Oldenburg in 2016, where I was awarded the George-Christoph-Lichtenberg Scholarship for this period. I held a Postdoctoral position at the Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems. I am currently a Postdoctoral Researcher with the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Power Grid Group.
My research interests are:
- Power Grid and Renewable energies
- Stochastic Processes/Extreme Events
- Synchronization
- Stochastic Thermodynamics
- Causality in Coupled Time Series/Information Theory
- Turbulence
[1] Anna Büttner, Anton Plietzsch, Mehrnaz Anvari, Frank Hellamnn
A Framework for Synthetic Power System Dynamics
Submitted (2022)
[2] Julian Stürmer, Anton Plietzsch, Thomas Vogt, Frank Hellmann, Jürgen Kurths, Christian Otto, Katja Frieler, Mehrnaz Anvari
Protecting the Texas power grid from tropical cyclones: Increasing resilience by protecting critical lines
Submitted (2022)
[3] Kraemer, K Hauke and Hellmann, Frank and Anvari, Mehrnaz and Kurths, Jürgen and Marwan, Norbert
Spike Spectra for Recurrences
Entropy (2022), 24, 11, 1689
[4] Mehrnaz Anvari, Elisavet Proedrou, Benjamin Schäfer, Christian Beck, Holger Kanz & Marc Timme
Data-Driven Load Profiles and the Dynamics of Residential Electric Power Consumption
Nature Communications (2022), 13, 1, 4593
[5] Julian M. Stürmer, Anton Plietzsch, M. Anvari
The risk of cascading failures in electrical grids triggered by extreme weather events
The Eleventh International Conference on SmartGrids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies (2021)
[6] Sara Ansari, Mehrnaz Anvari, Oskar Pfeffer, Nora Molkenthin, Frank Hellmann, Jobst Heitzig & Jürgen Kuths
Moving the epidemic tipping point through topologically targeted social distancing
The European Physical Journal. Special Topics (2021) 1-8 doi: 10.1140/epjs/s11734-021-00138-5
[7] Mehrnaz Anvari, Frank Hellmann, Xiaozhu Zhang
Introduction to Focus Issue: Dynamics of modern power grids
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 30 (2020) 063140
[8] Philipp G. Meyer, M. Anvari, & H. Kantz
Identifying characteristic time scales in power grid frequency fluctuations with DFA
Chaos 30 (2020) 013130
[9] M. Anvari, L. Rydin Gorjão, Marc Timme, D. Witthaut, B. Schäfer, & H. Kantz
Stochastic properties of the frequency dynamics in real and synthetic power grids
Phys. Rev. Research 2 (2020) 013339
[10] L. Rydin Gorjão, M. Anvari, H. Kantz, D. Witthaut, B. Schäfer, & M. Timme
Data-Driven Model of the Power-Grid Frequency Dynamics
IEEE Access 8 (2020) 43082–43082
[11] M. Anvari, J. Peinke, M. Wächter
Dynamics and synchronisation in wind farms
Book chapter in Complexity and Synergetics (2018) 10.1007/978-3-319-64334-2_29
[12] M Anvari, B. Werther, G. Lohmann, M. Wächter, J. Peinke, & Hans-Peter Beck
Suppressing power output fluctuations of photovoltaic power plants
Solar Energy 157 (2017) 735
[13] S. M. Mousavi, S. N. S. Reihani, G. Anvari, M. Anvari, & M. R. R. Tabar
Stochastic analysis of time series for the spatial positions of particles trapped in optical tweezers
Nature Scientific Reports 7 (2017) 4832
[14] M Anvari, M. Wächter, & Joachim Peinke;
Phase locking of wind turbines leads to intermittent power production
Europhysics Letters, 116 (2016) 60009
[15] Ata Madanchi, M. Absalan, G. Lohmann, Mehrnaz Anvari, & M. Reza Rahimi Tabar
Strong short-term non-linearity of solar irradiance fluctuations
Solar Energy 144 (2017)
[16] Mehrnaz Anvari, Klaus Lehnertz, M. Reza Rahimi Tabar, & Joachim Peinke;
Disentangling the stochastic behavior of complex time series
Nature Scientific Reports 6 (2016) 35435
[17] M Anvari, G. Lohmann, M. Reza Rahimi Tabar, M. Wächter, P. Milan, D. Heinemann, E. Lorenz, & Joachim Peinke
Short term fluctuations of wind and solar power systems
New Journal of Physics 18 (2016) 063027
[18] Pouya Manshour, Mehrnaz Anvari, Nico Reinke, M. Reza Rahimi Tabar, & Muhammad Sahimi
Interoccurrence time statistics in fully-developed turbulence
Nature Scientific Reports 6 (2016) 27452
[19] Gerald Lohmann, M. Reza Rahimi Tabar, Patrick Milan, Mehrnaz Anvari, Matthias Wächter, Elke Lorenz, Detlev Heinemann, & Joachim Peinke
Flickering Events in Wind and Solar Power
EnviroInfo 2014 - ICT for Energy Efficiency 723 (2014)
[20] M. Reza Rahimi Tabar, M. Anvari, G. Lohmann, D. Heinemann, M. Wächter, P. Milan, E. Lorenz, & Joachim Peinke
Kolmogorov spectrum of renewable wind and solar power fluctuations
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 223 (12) (2014) 2637
[21] Shiva Lotfallahzadeh, M. Anvari, Niko Ekhtiary, Ayoub Esmailpour, & M. Reza Rahimi Tabar
Localization in the Anderson model with longe-range correlated hopping and on-site disorders
Waves in random and Complex Media, 1-9 (2014)
[22] T. Jadidi, M. Anvari, A. Mashaghi, M. Sahimi, & M. R. R. Tabar
Vibrational lifetimes of hydrated phospholipids
Europhysics Letters 102 (2) (2013) 28008
[23] A. Mashaghi, P. Partovi-Azar, T. Jadidi, Mehrnaz Anvari, S. PanahianJand, N. Nafari, M. Resa Rahimi Tabar, P. Masss, H.J. Bakker, & M. Bonn
Enhanced Aotoionization of water at phospholipid interfaces
The Journal of Physical Chimistry C117 (2013) 510
[24] Mehrnaz Anvari, Cina Aghamohammadi, H Dashti-Naserabadi, E Salehi, E Behjat, M Qorbani, M Khazaei Nezhad, M Zirak, Ali Hadjihosseini, Joachim Peinke, & M. Reza Rahimi Tabar
Stochastic nature of series of waiting times
Physical Review E 87 (2013) 062139
[25] Amir Hossein Shirazi, Cina Aghamohammadi, Mehrnaz Anvari, Alireza Bahraminasab, M. Reza Rahimi Tabar, Joachim Peinke, Muhammad Sahimi, and Matteo Marsili
Scale dependence of the directional relationships between coupled time series
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (2013) P02042
[26] Somaye Jafari, Ameneh Sheikhan, Ayoub Esmilpour, Mehrnaz Anvari & M. Reza Rahimi Tabar
Metal insulator transition in three-dimensional Anderson supperlattice with rough interfaces
Physical Review B 85 (2012) 224204
Current Project:
- Cocomusy: Consistent control design for the coordination of distributed actors in a multilayered integrated grid system, Part of the DFG Priority Programme 1984 "Hybrid and Multimodal Energy Systems", more details can be found on
- CoNDyNet II: Collective Nonlinear Dynamics on Networks, funded by BMBF, more details can be found on
- Humboldt university, Summer semester 2022/2023: Stochastic thermodynamics
- Humboldt university, Winter semester 2021/2022: Complex network dynamics
- Dresden university of Technology, Winter semester 2018/2019: Stochastic thermodynamics