Adrian Odenweller

Doctoral Researcher

    New highlight (January 2025)

    In a new Article and Policy Brief in Nature Energy, we define and quantify three key gaps of green hydrogen. We find that hydrogen has fallen dramatically short of expectations and will continue to face challenges due a lack of competitiveness. We therefore recommend a robust political strategy that supports green hydrogen, but is based on realistic expectations about its cost and availability.



    Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
    P.O. Box 60 12 03
    14412 Potsdam


    • Since 09/2020: Doctoral researcher, RD3, PIK, Germany.
    • 11/2022 - 12/2022: Visiting researcher, Melbourne Climate Futures, University of Melbourne, Australia.
    • 06/2020 - 07/2020: Research Associate, Research Unit Sustainability & Global Change (FNU), University of Hamburg, Germany.
    • 10/2017 - 04/2020: M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences, Cluster of Excellence CLICCS, University of Hamburg, Germany.
    • 01/2018 - 03/2020: Research assistant, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Department: The Land in the Earth System, Global Vegetation Modelling Group, Hamburg, Germany.
    • 10/2018-01/2019: Visiting researcher, Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance (C-EENRG), University of Cambridge, UK.
    • 2017: Trainee, Macroeconomic Statistics Division, European Central Bank, Frankfurt, Germany.
    • 2012 - 2017: B.Sc. Physics, University of Cologne, Germany. Thesis written at PIK.
    • 2012 - 2016: B.Sc. Economics, University of Cologne, Germany.
    • 2014: Semester abroad, Corvinus University Budapest, Hungary.
    • 2011 - 2012: Enrolled in MEng Civil Engineering, University College London (UCL), UK.

    Also see Google Scholar and ResearchGate.

    Work in progress / under review

    • F. Schreyer, F. Ueckerdt, R. Pietzcker, A. Odenweller, A. Merfort, R. Rodrigues, J. Strefler, F. Lécuyer, G. Luderer (in review): From net-zero to zero-fossil in transforming the EU energy system.
    • T. Zurbriggen, N. Brazzola, A. Odenweller, F. Ueckerdt, J. Rogelj (in preparation): Assessing the Feasibility of Economy-Scale Direct Air Capture Deployment by 2050
    • A. Odenweller et al. (in preparation): REMIND-PyPSA-Eur: Bi-directional coupling of an integrated assessment model and an hourly power system model

    Journal articles

    • A. Odenweller, F. Ueckerdt (2025): The green hydrogen ambition and implementation gap. Nature Energy,
    • A. Odenweller, F. Ueckerdt (2025): An adjusted strategy is needed to ground green hydrogen expectations in reality. Policy Brief. Nature Energy,
    • J. Biehl et al. (incl. A. Odenweller) (2023): Wicked facets of the German energy transition – examples from the electricity, heating, transport, and industry sectors. International Journal of Sustainable Energy,
    • C. Gong, F. Ueckerdt, R. Pietzcker, A. Odenweller, W.-P. Schill, M. Kittel, G. Luderer (2023): Bidirectional coupling of the long-term integrated assessment model REgional Model of INvestments and Development (REMIND) v3.0.0 with the hourly power sector model Dispatch and Investment Evaluation Tool with Endogenous Renewables (DIETER) v1.0.2. Geoscientific Model Development,
    • A. Odenweller, F. Ueckerdt, G. F. Nemet, M. Jensterle, G. Luderer (2022): Probabilistic feasibility space of scaling up green hydrogen supply. Nature Energy,
    • A. Odenweller (2022): Climate mitigation under S-shaped energy technology diffusion: Leveraging synergies of optimisation and simulation models. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 178, 121568.
    • L. Baumstark et al. (incl. A. Odenweller) (2021): REMIND2.1: transformation and innovation dynamics of the energy-economic system within climate and sustainability limits. Geoscientific Model Development, 14, 6571–6603.
    • A. Odenweller & R. V. Donner (2020): Disentangling synchrony from serial dependency in paired-event time series. Physical Review E, 101(5), 052213.

    Project papers and reports

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