Publications List

Complexity Science
Schinkel, S., Marwan, Norbert, Dimigen, O., Kurths, Jürgen (2009): Confidence bounds of recurrence-based complexity measures - Physics Letters A
Jaeger, Carlo C., Meleshko, V., Bobylev, L., Kovalevsky, D., Hasselmann, K., Welp, M. (2009): Long-term options for Russian climate policy: an integrated assessment - Long-term options for Russian climate policy: an integrated assessment, ECF Working Paper 2/2009
Neuman, Y., Marwan, Norbert, Livshitz, D. (2009): The complexity of advice-giving - Complexity
Wolf, S., Emmer, M., Quarteroni, A. (2009): Vulnerability to climate change: Mathematics as a language to clarify concepts - MATHKNOW: Mathematics, Applied Science and Real Life, MS&A ; 3
Battaglini, A., Barbeau, G., Bindi, M., Badeck, F.-W. (2009): European winegrowers' perceptions of climate change impact and options for adaptation - Regional Environmental Change
Marwan, Norbert, Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Zou, Y., Donner, Reik V., Kurths, Jürgen (2009): Complex network approach for recurrence analysis of time series - Physics Letters A
Rachimow, C., Petri, S., Flechsig, M., Wohlgemuth, V. (2009): Managing metadata in a collaborative earth system research environment - Information Technology and Climate Change : 2nd International Conference IT for empowerment [ITCC'08, Berlin, 2008]
Li, C., Xu, C., Sun, W., Xu, J., Kurths, Jürgen (2009): Outer synchronization of coupled discrete-time networks - Chaos
Van Leeuwen, P., Geue, D., Thiel, M., Cysarz, D., Lange, S., Romano, M. C., Wessel, N., Kurths, Jürgen, Grönemeyer, D. H. (2009): Influence of paced maternal breathing on fetal-maternal heart rate coordination - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Welp, M., Kasemir, B., Jaeger, C.C., Coenen, F.H.J.M. (2009): Citizens' voices in environmental policy: The contribution of integrated assessment focus groups to accountable decision making - Public participation and better environmental decisions : The promise and limits of participatory processes for the quality of environmentally related decision-making
Komalapriya, C., Thiel, M., Romano, M.C., Kurths, Jürgen, Daniel, M., Rajasekar, S. (2009): Dynamically reconstructed trajectories - Nonlinear dynamics
Orgis, O., Brand, S., Schwarz, U., Handorf, D., Dethloff, K., Kurths, Jürgen (2009): Influence of interactive stratospheric chemistry on large-scale air mass exchange in a global circulation model - European Physical Journal - Special Topics
Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen, Thomsen, J. S., Felsenberg, D., Saparin, P. (2009): Three-dimensional quantification of structures in trabecular bone using measures of complexity - Physical Review E
Wessel, N., Riedl, M., Kurths, Jürgen (2009): Is the normal heart rate 'chaotic' due to respiration? - Chaos
Zolotova, N. V., Ponyavin, D. I., Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen (2009): Long-term asymmetry in the wings of the butterfly diagram - Astronomy and Astrophysics
Romano, M. C., Thiel, M., Kurths, Jürgen, Mergenthaler, K., Engbert, R. (2009): Hypothesis test for synchronization: Twin surrogates revisited - Chaos
Wessel, N., Suhrbier, A., Riedl, M., Marwan, Norbert, Malberg, H., Bretthauer, G., Penzel, T., Kurths, Jürgen (2009): Detection of time-delayed interactions in biosignals using symbolic coupling traces - Europhysics Letters (epl)
Linnerooth-Bayer, J., Warner, K., Bals, C., Höppe, P., Burton, I., Loster, T., Haas, A. (2009): Insurance, developing countries and climate change - The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance
Jaeger, Carlo C., Jørgensen, S. E., Fath, B. (2008): Noosphere - Encyclopedia of Ecology
Reußwig, Fritz (2008): Strukturwandel des Klimadiskurses – Ein soziologischer Deutungsvorschlag - GAiA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society
Nocke, T., Sterzel, T., Böttinger, M., Wrobel, M., Ehlers, M., Behncke, K., Gerstengarbe, F.-W., Hillen, F., Koppers, L., Stroinck, L., Wächter, J. (2008): Visualization of climate and climate change data: an overview - Digital earth summit on geoinformatics 2008: tools for global change research
Horenko, I., Klein, R., Dolaptchiev, S., Schütte, C. (2008): Automated generation of reduced stochastic weather models I: simultaneous dimension and model reduction for time series analysis - SIAM Journal on Multiscale Modelling and Simulation
Reußwig, Fritz, Battaglini, A., Ott, H. E. (2008): Lebensstildynamik als Katalysator einer nachhaltigen Energiewende - Wege aus der Klimafalle : neue Ziele, neue Allianzen, neue Technologien - was eine zukünftige Klimapolitik leisten muss
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Reußwig, Fritz (2008): Was kann Architektur für das Klima tun? - DBZ Deutsche Bauzeitschrift