Publications List

Complexity Science
Chen, M., Shang, Y., Zhou, C., Wu, Y., Kurths, Jürgen (2009): Enhanced synchronizability in scale-free networks - Chaos
Welp, M., Battaglini, A., Jaeger, Carlo C., Patt, A. G., Schröter, D., Klein, R. J. T., de la Vega-Leinert, A. C. (2009): Defining dangerous climate change: The Beijing exercise - Assessing Vulnerability to Global Environmental Change
Reckien, D., Lüdeke, M. K. B., Reußwig, Fritz, Kit, O., Hofmann, S., Meyer-Ohlendorf, L., Anders, U., Budde, M., Otto, A. (2009): Sustainable climate change adaptation and mitigation options in the future megacity of Hyderabad/India: scenario development and leverage points on influence networks - Science and Technology – Drivers for a Common Future. Proceedings
Lempert, R., Scheffran, J., Sprinz, D. (2009): Methods for long-term environmental policy challenges - Global Environmental Politics
Reußwig, Fritz, Otto, A., Meyer-Ohlendorf, L., Anders, U. (2009): Climate Change Discourse in India. An Analysis of Press Articles - Climate Change Discourse in India. An Analysis of Press Articles
Reußwig, Fritz (2009): Vom Wissen zum Handeln? - Reader zur UN-Dekaden Veranstaltungsreihe 'Food for Thought. Vor-, Nach- und Querdenken zur Nachhaltigkeit.'
Kurths, Jürgen, Maraun, D., Zhou, C. S., Zamora-Lopez, G., Zou, Y. (2009): Dynamics in complex systems - European Review
Hinkel, J., Patt, A. G., Schröter, D., Klein, R. J. T., de la Vega-Leinert, A. C. (2009): A framework for analysing methodologies of vulnerability assessment - Assessing vulnerability to global environmental change
Shang, Y., Chen, M., Kurths, Jürgen (2009): Generalized synchronization of complex networks - Physical Review E
Garz, H., Ötsch, R., Haas, A., Wirtz, P., Zank, S. (2009): German power utilities - caught in the CO2 trap? - German power utilities - caught in the CO2 trap?
Sprinz, D. (2009): Long-term environmental policy: definition, knowledge, future research - Global Environmental Politics
Reußwig, Fritz, Meyer-Ohlendorf, L., Reckien, D., Lüdeke, M., Hofmann, S., Kit, O. (2009): Is a low emission Hyderabad possible? Mapping urban transformations in a climate change scenario process - Is a low emission Hyderabad possible? Mapping urban transformations in a climate change scenario process
Riedl, M., van Leeuwen, P., Suhrbier, A., Malberg, H., Grönemeyer, D., Kurths, Jürgen, Wessel, N. (2009): Testing foetal-maternal heart rate synchronization via model-based analyses - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A - Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Pavlov, A. N., Anisimov, A. A., Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, O. V., Matasova, E. G., Kurths, Jürgen (2009): Analysis of blood pressure dynamics in male and female rats using the continuous wavelet transform - Physiological Measurement
Reußwig, Fritz, Eisel, U., Körner, S., Wiersbinski, N. (2009): Lebensstile und Naturschutz - Naturschutz als politisches Handeln, Landschaft in einer Kultur der Nachhaltigkeit ; 3
Lincke, D., Jansson, P., Zalewski, M., Ionescu, C., Taha, W. M. (2009): Generic libraries in C++ with concepts from high-level domain descriptions in Haskell: a domain-specific library for computational vulnerability assessment - Domain-Specific Languages: Proceedings of the IFIP TC 2 Working Conference, DSL 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 5658
Mandel, A., Fürst, S., Lass, W., Meissner, F., Jaeger, Carlo C. (2009): Lagom generiC: an agent-based model of growing economies - Lagom generiC: an agent-based model of growing economies, ECF Working Paper ; 1
Wrobel, M., Flechsig, M., Glauer, J., Rachimow, C., Wohlgemuth, V. (2009): The PIK approach towards intuitive and integrated access to heterogeneous scientific data - Information Technology and Climate Change : 2nd International Conference IT for empowerment [ITCC'08, Berlin, 2008]
Porta, A., Di Rienzo, M., Wessel, N., Kurths, Jürgen (2009): Addressing the complexity of cardiovascular regulation - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A - Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Zou, Y., Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen (2009): Complex networks in climate dynamics - comparing linear and nonlinear network construction methods - European Physical Journal - Special Topics
Kryukov, A. K., Osipov, G. V., Polovinkin, A. V., Kurths, Jürgen (2009): Synchronous regimes in ensembles of coupled Bonhoeffer–van der Pol oscillators - Physical Review E
Colander, D., Goldberg, M., Haas, A., Juselius, K., Kirman, A., Lux, T., Sloth, B. (2009): The financial crisis and the systemic failure of the economics profession - Critical Review
Retzlaff, B., Bauernschmitt, R., Malberg, H., Brockmann, G., Uhl, C., Lange, R., Kurths, Jürgen, Bretthauer, G., Wessel, N. (2009): Depression of cardiovascular autonomic function is more pronounced after mitral valve surgery: evidence for direct trauma - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A - Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences