Sommersemester 2023


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Name Fachbereich Titel
Lucht, Wolfgang Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Geographisches Institut Climate and Earth System Dynamics
Helga Weisz Department for Cultural Histroy and Theory, Department for Social Sciences Globale Umweltkrisen und Ungleichheit / Global Environmental Change and Social Inequality

Technische Universität Berlin

Name Fachbereich Titel
Linus Mattauch Economics How to advance climate policy? Economic Perspectives on the Climate Crisis
Théo Konc, Linus Mattauch Economics and Management Inequality and the Environment
Franziska Funke, Leonard Missbach, Linus Mattauch Economics Advanced Selected Topics in Development, Environmental and Climate Economics
Gunnar Luderer, Chen Gong, Anne Merfort, Adrian Odenweller, Sebastian Osorio, Philipp C. Verpoort Energy systems Seminar on New Research in Energy-systems Modelling
Ottmar Edenhofer Economics of Climate Change The Economics of Climate Change
Max Franks Fak VI, ILAUP, Economics of Climate Change Economics of Climate Change
Hagen Koch Faculty VI - Planning Building Environment River Basin Management
Luderer, Gunnar Global Energy Systems Analysis Energy and Climate Change

Universität Potsdam

Name Fachbereich Titel
Feulner, Georg Institute of Physics and Astronomy Numerical Models in Climate Science
Kriegler, Elmar Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences Integrated Assessment of Climate Change
Ricarda Winkelmann Physics and Astronomy Ice Dynamics in Greenland and Antarctica
Katja Frieler, Simon Treu, Sandra Zimmermann, Stefanie Heinicke, Umweltwissenschaften und Geographie Ökozonen der Erde
Detlef Sprinz Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences Global Climate Governance
Rahmstorf, Stefan Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät Theorie der globalen Meeresströmungen
Johan Rockström, Jonathan Donges, Nico Wunderling, Niklas Kitzmann CLEWS Earth System Science & Anthropocene
Rahmstorf, Stefan Climate, Earth, Water, Sustainability | International Master CLEWS SW01 Ocean Dynamics
Kreitz (Uni Potsdam); Botta (PIK); Böhne (Uni Potsdam); Richter (Uni Potsdam) Computer Science Cartesian Seminar
Werner von Bloh Astrophysics Seminar Astrobiology
Anders Levermann Institute of Physics and Astronomy Dynamics of the climate system


Name Universität Titel
Patrick Klösel University of Münster Causal Inference in Statistics: Philosophy of Science Perspectives
Sebastian Bathiany TU Munich Earth System Modelling
Théo Konc, Nicolas Taconet Hertie School of Governance Political Economy of Climate Change
Niklas Boers, Philipp Hess, Maximilian Gelbrecht TU München Machine Learning in Earth System Modelling
Maya Ben-Yami, Lana Blaschke, Niklas Boers Technische Universität München Kipppunkte im Erdsystem
Takahito Mitsui Technical University Munich (TUM) Earth System Modelling
Niklas Boers, Sebastian Bathiany Technical University Munich (TUM) Theoretical Physics approaches to Climate Sciences
Niklas Boers Technical University Munich (TUM) Earth System Modelling
Niklas Boers Technical University Munich (TUM) Tipping Points in the Earth System
Takahito Mitsui, Keno Riechers Technical University of Munich Earth System Modelling - Exercise
Patrick Klösel University of Münster Kausale Inferenz in der Statistik: Wissenschaftstheoretische Perspektiven (Causal Inference in Statistics: Philosophy of Science Perspectives)
Christoph Gornott & Abel Chemura University of Kassel Modelling climate impacts on agroecosystems
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