Alison Schlums

Science Manager
Alumni Officer

Member of the Science Management team at PIK. Main responsibilities: reports and records; information on international cooperation; organisation of the Science & Pretzels seminar series and the Newcomers' Coffee at PIK.

Alumni Officer: In 2017-2018 Alison developed PIK's Alumni programme with support from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and is the contact point for all alumni matters.

PIK Coordinator for the Geo.X research network.

Normal working hours:
Monday - Thursday (usually at PIK Mondays to Wednesdays).




Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
T +49 (0)331 288 2504
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam

University of Cambridge - First class honours degree in history

University of Leicester - Diploma in Museum Studies

1986 -1990 - Museum curator in south-west England

1995 - Joined PIK - Department of Global Change & Natural Systems

2001 - Return to PIK following maternity leave - Science Coordination / Science Management team

Since 2017 - PIK Alumni Officer

Translator of the 2009 GLOWA-Elbe book:
"Integrated Analysis of the Impacts of Global Change on Environment and Society in the Elbe River Basin"

book cover

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