UN water prize for PIK researcher Zbigniew Kundzewicz
03/23/2021 - In a ceremony attended by UN Secetary General António Gutteres, a prestigious prize has been awarded to PIK researcher Zbigniew Kundzewicz from ...
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State of the planet: This decade must bend the curves on emissions and biodiversity loss
03/22/2021 - Humanity is now the dominant force of change on our Earth – and human actions are threatening the resilience and stability of Earth’s biosphere, ...
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Inequality, Human Well-Being and Development
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FutureLabs & Science Units
Security, Ethnic Conflicts & Migration
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FutureLabs & Science Units
Climate change affects global river flow
03/18/2021 - Human-induced climate change is likely a crucial driver of changes in the river flow at the global scale, a new study finds. To obtain these ...
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Nobel Prize Summit ‘Our Planet, Our Future’: Registration Now Open
03/17/2021 - From Al Gore and Xiye Bastida to the Dalai Lama and Jennifer Doudna – these and many more renowned leaders will take part in the first Nobel Prize ...
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3rd IKI Peru Networking Meeting
16.03.21 - EPICC News: EPICC researchers participated in the 3rd IKI Peru Networking Meeting and presented its vision on post-Covid-19 crisis Green Recovery.
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News/Press Releases
Support Unit: Computational Methods and Visualization
The cross-cutting activity "Computational Methods and Visualization" develops and applies domain-specific languages and computational methods for verified ...
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Complexity Science
When the flames are out, danger continues: Cascading effects of wildfires
03/15/2021 - After extreme weather events like droughts and wildfires, it often only takes small additional natural hazards like rainfall to trigger further ...
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Two CO2 prices are better than one - for now: suggestions for EU climate policy
03/09/2021 - A new policy mix with a CO2 price as the guiding instrument is needed to ensure that the European Union actually achieves its declared goal of ...
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