Towards a workable and effective climate regime
By writing a chapter on economic and institutional challenges of the 2°C target three MCC scientists contributed to a new book on what comes after the COP21.
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
What Nigeria could contribute to mitigation
Being a part of a lecture tour organized by Germany’s government MCC group leader Jan Steckel met with policy-makers in Nigeria. Climate change and development ...
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
EU too reliant on advice from “seven wise men”
In a new paper in "Nature Climate Change" the MCC proposes assessments as a means to strengthen the EU Scientific Advice Mechanism.
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
MCC now partner of Green Growth Knowledge Platform
The institute aims at filling research gaps on the road to a green economy transition.
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
Transport policies that make people happy
A new study by the MCC finds that citizens would benefit from fast-track bike paths.
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
Two MCC scientists appointed professors
Through cooperations with The University of Potsdam and The Hertie School of Governance the MCC builds its profile in climate policy.
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
Climate assessments need more policy-relevance
MCC director Edenhofer sees the IPCC at a crossroads: In "Science" he writes that in order to become more relevant it should explore costs, benefits and risks ...
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
How to simultaneously tackle climate change and poverty
Pope Francis calls for recognition of the atmosphere as a global common. In "Nature Climate Change" the MCC shows the relevance for the combat on climate ...
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
How new coal power plants let climate goals go up in smoke
In "Science" MCC director Edenhofer warns that building new coal power plants cause dangerous path dependencies.
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
The curse of agricultural advantage
A new MCC study finds that geography is a fundamental cause of growth across societies: Geographical advantage for agricultural production may slow down ...
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive