MCC world's third best climate think tank
A second time in row MCC is one of the top scientific think tanks in the field of climate change. In this year´s "Climate Think Tank Ranking" by the ...
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
Study: Land taxation can protect forests
MCC emphasizes synergy effects between forest conservation and economic development through land taxation
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
Discussion: What's Next After the Paris Climate Agreement?
"We quickly have to specify institutions and policy instruments", was a conclusion of the panel discussion jointly organized by MCC and Hertie School ...
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
"Those who harm the climate, to the detriment of all, have to pay for it."
Ottmar Edenhofer´s statement about the signing of the Paris Agreement on 22 April 2016
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
Paris-Abkommen: Schöne Worte? Scharfe Werkzeuge!
(only in German) Kolumne von Ottmar Edenhofer beim Deutschen Klima-Konsortium (DKK): "Die Unterzeichnung des Paris-Abkommens ist der Anfang eines Weges, ...
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
EU-ETS will need tweaking after climate treaty
“The polluter pays” is the main principle in emissions trading. However, despite being the central pillar of EU climate protection, emissions trading has ...
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
Drinking water: Carbon pricing could close infrastructure gaps
More than 700 million people have no running water. A study by MCC released today shows that a tax on carbon dioxide could help remedy this situation while ...
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
Neues Buch: „Unter 2 Grad“
(only in German) Edenhofer zu Hintergründen, Inhalten und Konsequenzen des neuen Weltklimavertrages
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
Dependency on food imports leads to food crises in many developing countries
Worldwide, the potential collapse of food imports threatens the food security of 200 million people. Countries in North Africa and Central America are the most ...
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
Carbon taxes are key to sustainable growth
In the magazine "Herder Korrespondenz", MCC Director Edenhofer explained why we have to decouple growth from emissions—and the role which the ...
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive