Will the trade war between America and China help the climate?
New study: penalties imposed by the Trump government result in slightly reduced greenhouse gas emissions, but real progress requires international cooperation.
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
“Decision for higher carbon price in Germany is a courageous step”
Statement by MCC Director Ottmar Edenhofer on today's compromise between federal and state governments on the climate package.
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
ICE group @ AGU Fall Meeting 2019
12/13/2019 - The ICE group participated in the AGU Fall Meeting 2019 with various contributions.
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Earth Resilience (ERSU)
Coal boom in sub-Saharan Africa
New MCC study reveals threatening consequences for climate change mitigation: the global community must do its part to make emission-free alternatives ...
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
MCC discussion event on the air at rbb Inforadio
Can climate protection be socially just? Ottmar Edenhofer in conversation with Jörg Steinbach, Antje Kapek, Roman Zitzelsberger, and Klaus Müller.
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
Climate change may reduce welfare of Indian subsistence farmers by one third
New MCC study quantifies impacts in the world's second most populous country. Households above the poverty line, however, may even benefit.
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
MCC is a focal point for scientific excellence
Stellio Del Campo, Dan Phaneuf, Neal Haddaway: three current examples prove the attractiveness of the Berlin climate research institute as a research location.
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
“It is high time to implement the Paris Agreement”
Statement by MCC Director Ottmar Edenhofer on the UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid: align national climate protection targets with carbon price and ...
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
Potsdam: Kira Vinke is awarded best PhD Thesis Prize for Work on Climate Migration
29.11.2019 - PIK-News: Kira Vinke from PIK is the first political scientist to receive the Potsdam Young Scientist Award.
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News/Press Releases
Edenhofer chairs steering committee of “Science Platform Climate Protection”
Together with Sabine Schlacke from the University of Münster. The body is to advise the German Government and monitor the implementation of the climate package.
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive