First digital meeting of the #FactoryWisskomm working groups
05/11/2020 - ICE group Leader Ricarda Winkelmann participated at the first digital meeting of the #FactoryWisskomm working groups
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Earth Resilience (ERSU)
MCC enhances research and consultation on carbon pricing in developing and emerging countries
The Climate and Development working group is now advising the Indonesian Ministry of Finance on this issue – and is also steering a new international network.
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
ICE group @ EGU General Assembly 2020
05/08/2020 - The ICE group participated in the EGU General Assembly 2020 in online format with various contributions.
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Earth Resilience (ERSU)
Safeguarding Europe’s climate protection
The corona crisis is highlighting the importance of the EU Commission’s considerations of a border carbon adjustment. An MCC Policy Brief shows the options for ...
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
Corona und Klima: Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit (German)
01.05.2020 - Internationale Politik: To step out of the systematic crisis we need a climate-corona treaty between the generations. Read the commentary on the ...
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News/Press Releases
Understanding the monsoon, preventing major catastrophes
30.04.2020 - The International Climate Initiative (IKI) published a news article on the International Monsoon Study Group (IMSG) that was organized within the ...
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News/Press Releases
Global coal boom jeopardises climate targets
Complementary MCC information on the Chancellor's speech today at the Petersberg Climate Dialogue. Including a figure on the remaining carbon budget.
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
Compiling insights on the Paris Agreement, carbon footprint and sustainable economic activity
The MCC coordinates a research synthesis project of the journal Environmental Research Letters. Three articles involving MCC contributions are already ...
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
MCC researcher Leila Niamir joins the Global Young Academy
Exclusive global network of excellent young scientists from all disciplines, with just 200 selected members.
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive
How global climate financing could do a better job
Game theory study by the MCC: an improved design of international transfers may increase the willingness of states to cooperate.
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Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
MCC News Archive