"The Greatest Story of our Time" - PIK@Gamescom 2020
09/01/2020 - Extreme weather events, rising sea levels, or climate-triggered violent conflicts: Climate Change has enormous narrative potential for game ...
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Complex Networks, Machine Learning & Decision Theory
Frontier science with new methods. This is one of our research topics.
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Monsoon withdrawal will be sooner this year
01.09.2020 - DownToEarth: EPICC monsoon researcher Prof. Dr. Surovyatkina gave an interview to Down To Earth, Indian online media outlet, on the withdrawal of ...
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About the Institute
Advancing the scientific frontier and contributing solutions for a safe and just climate future
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Earth System Analysis
Oceans, Atmosphere and Biosphere in Past, Present and Future
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Research Departments
Planetary Boundaries, Tipping Elements & Global Commons
Grand concepts put to work to tackle grand challenges. This is one of our research topics.
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PIK director Johan Rockström elected to German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
08/28/2020 - Johan Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and internationally recognized scientist on global ...
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Greta Thunberg at PIK
08/22/2020 - ICE group leader Ricarda Winkelmann meets Greta Thunberg at PIK.
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Earth Resilience (ERSU)
Heating our climate damages our economies – study reveals greater costs than expected
08/19/2020 - Rising temperatures due to our greenhouse gas emissions can cause greater damages to our economies than previous research suggested, a new study ...
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Climate Stabilization: Lessons from the Corona Crisis
17.08.2020 - PIK News: The dynamics of the current COVID-19 pandemic could offer valuable insights for the efforts to mitigate climate change. Highlighting the ...
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