Hannah Prawitz

Doctoral Researcher

Hannah Prawitz is a Doctoral Reseacher at the Max-Plank-Institute of Geoanthropology and in the FutureLab on Earth Resilience in the Anthropocene and the COPAN collaboration at PIK. Here, she is working in the Earth4All and WorldTrans projects.

Research Interests

  • Dynamics of (planetary-scale) socio-ecological systems
  • Decarbonization dynamics and sustainability transformation
  • Conceptual models of society-environment coevolutionary dynamics
  • Inter- and transdisciplinary research on human-environment interactions


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam

Max-Plank-Institut of Geoanthropology Department Evolutionary Earth Systems Science hannah.prawitz[at]gea.mpg.de