Pauline Harich

Project Manager

Pauline Harich serves as a project manager in the research group "Climate Change and Health" within Research Department 2, focusing on "Climate Resilience." Her role involves coordinating various research projects within the group and acting as the liaison between the collaborative efforts of PIK and Charité. Additionally, she provides support to Prof. Dr. Sabine Gabrysch in her professorship at Charité Berlin and in her capacity as the head of Research Department 2 at PIK.

Pauline holds an M.Sc. in Environmental Studies and Sustainability Sciences, specializing in Global Health from Lund University, Sweden. She also possesses a B.A. in Cultural Studies with an emphasis on EU Politics. Before joining PIK, she contributed to the efforts of an international non-profit foundation in Copenhagen, focusing on the decarbonization of the shipping industry. During her undergraduate studies, she gained practical experience as a working student at Infarm, a Berlin-based vertical farming start-up.


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
T +49 (0)331 288 20758[at]
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam

M.Sc. Environmental Studies and Sustainability Studies (Lund, Sweden)
B.A. Cultural Studies (Frankfurt Oder, Germany and Buenos Aires, Argentina)