Schedule for the meetings
starting time exact 13:00h (if nothing different noted)
12.1.2010 |
keine Kuppel |
Vadim Anishchenko & Tatjana Vadivasova: Noise-induced oscillations in excitable systems |
19.1.2010 |
Kuppel |
Ido Kanter: Towards the generation of random bits at terahertz rates based on a chaotic semiconductor laser |
26.1.2010 | Kuppel | Samuel Bowong: Modelling and analysis the dynamics of the transmission of tuberculosis in Sub-Saharan Africa | |
2.2.2010 | Kuppel | Syamal Dama: Design of coupling for targeting synchronization in coupled chaotic oscillation: Theory and Experiment |
16.2.2010 |
Pappelallee13:00h |
Jobst Heitzig: A Taylor expansion approach for georisk analysis |
19.2.2010 |
A62 |
Matthias Scholz: (1) Gene expression dynamics of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum (2) Evolving Networks and the Flickr social network |
23.2.2010 |
A62 |
cancelled |
2.3.2010 |
Pappelallee207 |
I. Potapov, E. Volkov: Dynamics of repressilators with quorum sensing mechanism (models overview) |
9.3.2010 |
Kuppel | no seminar | |
16.3.2010 |
Kuppel | no seminar | |
23.3.2010 |
Kuppel |
Andreas Groth: Vulnerability of economic systems - Quantitative description of U.S. business cycles using multivariate singular spectrum analysis |
30.3.2010 |
A62 | no seminar | |
13.4.2010 |
A62 |
20.4.2010 |
A62 |
Qingying Miao: Controllability of complex networks | |
27.4.2010 |
Kuppel |
D. Farmer: N.N. | |
4.5.2010 |
Kuppel |
Tiago Pereira: Hub synchronisation in scale-free networks |
10.6.2010 |
Pappelallee |
Gonzalo Marcelo Ramirez Avila: Quantification of regular and chaotic oscillations of Chua’s circuit with piecewise-linear and cubic terms |
17.6.2010 |
Pappelallee |
Andreas Mueller: Causality measures |
24.6.2010 |
Kuppel |
Kira Rehfeld: Irregularly sampled time series- methods and perspectives |
2.7.2010 Friday! |
Kuppel |
Jakob Runge: Coupling in the Climate System (Diploma defense) |
8.7.2010 |
A31(Raum16) |
cancelled (PIK PhD - days) |
15.7.2010 |
cancelled (BIOSIGNALS conference) |
21.7.2010 Wednesday |
Kuppel |
Alexander Radebach: Evolving Climate Networks (Diploma defense) |
22.7.2010 |
Kuppel |
29.7.2010 |
Kuppel |
5.8.2010 |
Kuppel |
12.8.2010 |
Kuppel |
19.8.2010 |
Kuppel |
Wu Ye: Modelling the human communication dynamics and human comment dynamics (PhD defense trial talk) |
26.8.2010 |
Kuppel |
Jobst Heitzig: Cooperation in Public Good Games -- Connections with Dynamical Systems and Network Theory? |
2.9.2010 |
Kuppel |
Sebastian Mieruch: Causality of CO2 and temperature change(cancelled) | |
6.9.2010 Monday |
A62 |
Tsuyoshi Mizuguchi: Symmetry restoration process in attractor merging crisis | |
9.9.2010 |
Pappelallee |
15.9.2010 11:00am |
Golm 25 F0.15 |
Wu Ye: Nonlinear dynamics in complex networks and modeling human dynamics |
16.9.2010 |
Pappelallee |
André Bergner: GPGPU – supercomputing in your pocket |
23.9.2010 |
Kuppel |
Xiaoli Yang: The constructive roles of noise in resonance-like dynamics |
30.9.2010 13:00 |
Kuppel |
Vimal Kishore: Extreme events and random walk on complex networks |
14.10.2010 |
Pappelallee |
Workshop: Recurrences and Networks |
21.10.2010 |
Kuppel |
Sebastian Mieruch: Causality of CO2 and temperature change | |
26.10.2010 |
A62 |
Nariman Mahdavi: Adaptive-impulsive methods for synchronization of complex dynamical networks |
27.10.2010 15:30 |
Haus H raum 3 |
John Moore: Geoengineering, sea level and China |
2.11.2010 13:00 |
Pappelallee |
1: Maxim Komarov: Adaptive functional systems: learning with chaos 2: Valentin Petrov: Distant synchronization through the passive medium |
9.11.2010 |
Pappelallee |
16.11.2010 |
Pappelallee |
Jianquan Lu: Synchronization of dynamical networks with delays |
23.11.2010 |
Kuppel |
14:00 Diploma defense: Felix Droste: Analyzing self-organized critical dynamics on adaptive networks by moment expansions 15:00 Bachelor defense: Nils Haug: Spatialtemporal analysis of precipitation in the Himalaya region |
30.11.2010 |
Pappelallee |
Diego Rybski: Correlations and growth in complex networks: applications to social communities |
7.12.2010 |
Pappelallee |
14./15.12.2010 |
PIK Research Days |
21.12.2010 |
Kuppel |
Michael Schiek: iSANLA - intelligent Sensor and Actuator Network for Life Science Applications |