Dr. Maria Martin is a postdoctoral research fellow at PIK and works as Research Analyst in the director's team. As such, she is responsible for multifaceted tasks, including performing research, scientific writing, conceptual design and lead of small research projects, research analysis, and giving external talks. Maria Martin studied physics at the University of Potsdam and the Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie in Paris.
Her thesis covered synchronization in quantum-optical resonators. Gaining her doctoral degree, she co-developed the Parallel Ice Sheet Model at PIK and performed research on Antarctic ice-flow dynamics by means of numerical modelling. She went on an expedition to Antarctica in the 2010/2011 austral summer season on the research vessel Polarstern, experimenting with new methods to determine air content in sea ice.
Please note that I am currently working primarily from home. You can best reach me by dropping an e-mail.
If you are interested, listen in to this podcast for children (in German): Podcast "Pinselohr" (Folge 2): https://nelumbocharity.org/projekte/pinselohr-podcast/
14412 Potsdam