Dr. Susanne Rolinski

Senior Scientist

Senior scientist in the working group Landuse and resilience within the land-use group working with the biophysical vegetation and agricultural LPJmL model with the focus on managed grasslands.


Working Group


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
T +49 (0)331 288 2518
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam

Professional education

Potsdam 12/2009 since Member of scientific staff at the Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research (PIK) in flagships LandUse & Resilience and ECOSTAB, contributing to projects CARBOextreme, FUME, NaWaMa, MACSUR, MACMIT, Climasteppe ...
Dresden 2002 to 2009 Dresden University of Technology, Institute of Hydrobiology, 01062 Dresden
9/2006 to 11/2009 INTEGTA: 'Integratives Management mehrfach genutzter Trinkwassertalsperren'
6/2005 to 8/2006 AQUASHIFT Cluster Saidenbach: 'Analysis of physical und biological long-term data on climatological trends'
3/2002 to 5/2005 GETAS: 'Gekoppelte hydrodynamisch-ökologische Simulation zur Bewirtschaftung von Talsperren'
Hamburg 1/1992 to 12/2013 Member of scientific staff at the Institute of Oceanography, University of Hamburg, and at the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg
to 2/2002
'Eutrophierungsbewertung von Übergangs- und Küstengewässern der Nordsee'
4/1999 to 6/2001 F-ECTS: 'Feedbacks of Estuarine Circulation and Transport of Sediments on Phytobenthos'
9/1998 to 3/1999 SYKON : 'Synthesis and new conceptions of North Sea research'
8/1997 to 8/1998 TRANSMOD II: 'Modelling the long-distance and long-term effect of deep-sea mining in the Pacific'
5/1997 to 7/1997 ELAWAT: 'Elasticity of the Waddensea ecosystem'
1/1997 to 5/1997 ATESEPP: 'Consequences of technical impacts on the ecosystem of the deep-sea in the south-eastern Pacific offshore Peru'
1/1992 to 12/1995 SFB 327: 'Interactions between biotic and abiotic factors in the Tidal River Elbe'
Graduation 1992-1996 University of Hamburg, Institute of Oceanography
1/1997 Doctoral defence
Studies 1982-1991 University of Hamburg, Department of Mathematics
8/1991 Diploma in Mathematics
Cruises 6/1992 25-hour sampling on Pontoon 'Universität Hamburg' in the River Elbe
3/1994 4-weeks cruise in the Greenland Sea, Valdivia 141, leg 2
Measuring Campaigns May & October 2002 3-days intensive campaigns on Saidenbach Reservoir
May & September 2003 3-days intensive campaigns on Bautzen Reservoir

Research Interests

Being trained in mathematics and numerical modeling, I am involved in the modeling activities with LPJmL. Current focus of my work is the identification and characterization of managed grasslands and the impact assessment of livestock production. I am generally interested in biogeochemical cycles in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

The connection of productivity of grassland under different management practices and harvesting options to the feed demand of livestock production systems touches aspects of land and water use as well as food security and feeding efficiency. For me, the feed-back between primary productivity of grasses and secondary production of herbivores under changing climatic and management conditions is of particular interest.

Reviewed paper


[68] Wirth, S.B., J. Braun, J. Heinke, S. Ostberg, S. Rolinski, S. Schaphoff, F. Stenzel, W. von Bloh and C. Müller (2024): Biological nitrogen fixation of natural and agricultural vegetation simulated with LPJmL 5.7.9, EGUsphere [preprint], doi: 10.5194/egusphere-2023-2946.

[67] Wirth, S.B., A. Poyda, F. Taube, B. Tietjen, C. Müller, K. Thonicke, A. Linstädter, K. Behn, S. Schaphoff, W. von Bloh and S. Rolinski (2024): Connecting competitor, stress-tolerator and ruderal (CSR) theory and Lund Potsdam Jena managed Land 5 (LPJmL 5) to assess the role of environmental conditions, management and functional diversity for grassland ecosystem functions, Biogeosciences, 21(2), 381-410, doi: 10.5194/bg-21-381-2024.


[66] Heinke, J., S. Rolinski and C. Müller (2023): Modelling the role of livestock grazing in C and N cycling in grasslands with LPJmL5.0-grazing. Geoscientific Model Development, 16, 2455–2475, doi: 10.5194/gmd-16-2455-2023.

[65] Sandor, R., F. Ehrhardt, P. Grace, S. Recous, P. Smith, V. Snow, J.-F. Soussana, B. Basso, A. Bhatia, L. Brilli, J. Doltra, C.D. Dorich, L. Doro, N. Fitton, B. Grant, M.T. Harrison, U. Skiba, M.U.F. Kirschbaum, K. Klumpp, P. Laville, J. Léonard, R. Martin, R.S. Massad, A. Moore, V. Myrgiotis, E. Pattey, S. Rolinski, J. Sharp, W. Smith, L. Wu, Z. Qing and G. Bellocchi (2023): Residual correlation and ensemble modelling to improve crop and grassland models. Environmental Modelling & Software, 161, 105625, doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2023.105625.

[64] Cano‑Crespo, A., D. Traxl, G. Prat‑Ortega, S. Rolinski and K. Thonicke (2023): Characterization of land cover‑specific fire regimes in the Brazilian Amazon. Regional Environmental Change, 23(19), 1-19, doi: 10.1007/s10113-022-02012-z.


[63] Karstens, K., B.L. Bodirsky, J.P. Dietrich, M. Dondini, J. Heinke, M. Kuhnert, C. Müller, S. Rolinski, P. Smith, I. Weindl, H. Lotze-Campen and A. Popp (2022): Management induced changes of soil organic carbon on global croplands. Biogeosciences, 19, 5125-5149, doi: 10.5194/bg-19-5125-2022.

[62] Porwollik, S. Rolinski, J. Heinke, W. von Bloh, S. Schaphoff and C. Müller (2022): The role of cover crops for cropland soil carbon, nitrogen leaching, and agricultural yields – a global simulation study with LPJmL (V. 5.0-tillage-cc). Biogeosciences, 19, 3, 957-977, doi: 10.5194/bg-19-957-2022.


[61] Herzfeld, T., J. Heinke, S. Rolinski and C. Müller (2021): SOC sequestration potentials for agricultural management practices under climate change. Earth System Dynamics, 12 1037-1055, doi: 10.5194/esd-12-1037-2021.

[60] Wirth, S.B., F. Taubert, B. Tietjen, C. Müller and S. Rolinski (2021): Do details matter? Disentangling the processes related to plant species interactions in two grassland models of different complexity. Ecological Modelling, 460, 109737, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2021.109737.

[59] Brunel, M., A. Rammig, F. Furquim, G. Overbeck, H.M.J. Barbosa, K. Thonicke and S. Rolinski (2021): When do farmers burn pasture in Brazil: A model-based approach to determine burning date. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 79, 110-125, doi: 10.1016/j.rama.2021.08.003.

[58] Rolinski, S., A.V. Prishchepov, G. Guggenberger, N. Bischoff, F. Schierhorn, D. Müller and C. Müller (2021): Dynamics of soil organic carbon in steppes of Russia and Kazakhstan under past and future climate and land use. Regional Environmental Change, 21, 73, doi: 10.1007/s10113-021-01799-7.


[57] Bodirsky, B.L., J.P. Dietrich, E. Martinelli, A. Stenstad, P. Pradhan, S. Gabrysch, A. Mishra, I. Weindl, C. Le Mouël, S. Rolinski, L. Baumstark, X. Wang, J.L. Waid, H. Lotze‑Campen and A. Popp (2020): The ongoing nutrition transition thwarts long‑term targets for food security, public health and environmental protection. Scientific Reports, 10, 19778, doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-75213-3.

[56] Lutz, F., S. DelGrosso, S. Ogle, S. Williams, S. Minoli, S. Rolinski, J. Heinke, J.J. Stoorvogel and C. Müller (2020): The importance of management information and soil moisture representation for simulating tillage effects on N2O emissions in LPJmL5.0-tillage. Geoscientific Model Development, 13, 3905-3923, doi: 10.5194/gmd-13-3905-2020.

[55] Sándor, R., F. Ehrhardt, P. Grace, S. Recous, P. Smith, V. Snow, J.-F. Soussana, B. Basso, A. Bhatia, L. Brilli, J. Doltra, C.D. Dorich, L. Doro, N. Fitton, B. Grant, M.T. Harrison, U. Skiba, M.U. Kirschbaum, K. Klumpp, P. Laville, J. Léonard, R. Martin, R.-S. Massad, A. Moore, V. Myrgiotis, E. Pattey, Z. Qing, S. Rolinski, J. Sharp, W. Smith, L. Wu, G. Bellocchi (2020): Ensemble modelling of carbon fluxes in grasslands and croplands. Field Crops Research, 252, 107791, doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2020.107791.

[54] Weindl, I., M. Ost, P. Wiedmer, M. Schreiner, S. Neugart, R. Klopsch, H. Kühnhold, W. Kloas, I. Henkel, O. Schlüter, S. Bußler, S. Bellingrath-Kimura, H. Ma, T. Grune, S. Rolinski and S. Klaus (2020): Sustainable food protein supply reconciling human and ecosystem health: A Leibniz Position. Global Food Security, 25, 100367, doi: 10.1016/j.gfs.2020.100367.

[53] Van Oijen, M., Z. Barcza, R. Confalonieri, P. Korhonen, G. Kröel-Dulay, E. Lellei-Kovács, G. Louarn, F. Louault, R. Martin, T. Moulin, E. Movedi, C. Picon-Cochard, S. Rolinski, N. Viovy, S.B. Wirth and G. Bellocchi (2020): Incorporating biodiversity into biogeochemistry models to improve prediction of ecosystem services in temperate grasslands: Review and roadmap. Agronomy, 10, 2, 259, doi: 10.3390/agronomy10020259.

[52] Fuchs, K., L. Merbold, N. Buchmann, D. Bretscher, L. Brilli, N. Fitton, C.F.E. Topp, K. Klumpp, M. Lieffering, R. Martin, P.C.D. Newton, R.M. Rees, S. Rolinski, P. Smith and V. Snow (2020): Multi–model evaluation of nitrous oxide emissions from an intensively managed grassland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125, 1, e2019JG005261, doi: 10.1029/2019JG005261.


[51] Kipling, R., C.F.E. Topp, A. Bannink, D.J. Bartley, I. Blanco-Penedo, R. Cortignani, A. del Prado, G. Dono, P. Faverdin, A.-I. Graux, N. Hutchings, L. Lauwers, Ş. Özkan Gülzari, P. Reidsma, S. Rolinski, M. Ruiz-Ramos, D. Sandars, R. Sandor, M. Schoenhart, G. Seddaiu, J. van Middelkoop, S. Shrestha, I. Weindl & V. Eory (2019): To what extent is climate change adaptation a novel challenge for agricultural modellers? Environmental Modelling and Software, 120, 104492, doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2019.104492.

[50] Lutz, F., T. Herzfeld, J. Heinke, S. Rolinski, S. Schaphoff, W. von Bloh, J. Stoorvogel, and C. Müller (2019): Simulating the effect of tillage practices with the global ecosystem model LPJmL (version 5.0-tillage). Geoscientific Model Development, 12, 6, 2419-2440, doi: 10.5194/gmd-12-2419-2019.

[49] Milford, A.B., B.L. Bodirsky, C. Le Mouël and S. Rolinski (2019): Drivers of meat consumption. Appetite, 141, 104313, doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2019.06.005.

[48] Porwollik, V., S. Rolinski, J. Heinke and C. Müller (2019): Generating a global gridded tillage dataset. Earth System Science Data, 11, 823-843 doi: 10.5194/essd-11-823-2019.

[47] Minoli, S., D. Egli, S. Rolinski, C. Müller (2019): Modelling cropping periods of grain crops at the global scale. Global and Planetary Change, 174, 35-46, doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2018.12.013.

[46] Schauberger, B., S. Rolinski, S. Schaphoff, C. Müller (2019): Global historical soybean and wheat yield loss estimates from ozone pollution considering water and temperature as modifying effects. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 265, 1-15, doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.11.004.


[45] Sándor, R., F. Ehrhardt, L. Brilli, M. Carozzi, S. Recous, P. Smith, V. Snow, J.-F. Soussana, C.D. Dorich, K. Fuchs, N. Fitton, K. Gongadze, K. Klumpp, M. Liebig, R. Martin, L. Merbold, P.C.D. Newton, R.M. Rees, S. Rolinski, G. Bellocchi (2018): The use of biogeochemical models to evaluate mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from managed grasslands. Science of The Total Environment, 643, 292-306, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.06.020.

[44] von Bloh, W., S. Schaphoff, C. Müller, S. Rolinski, K. Waha, and S. Zaehle (2018): Implementing the Nitrogen cycle into the dynamic global vegetation, hydrology and crop growth model LPJmL (version 5). Geoscientific Model Development, 11, 2789-2812, doi: 10.5194/gmd-11-2789-2018.

[43] Schaphoff, S., W. von Bloh, A. Rammig, K. Thonicke, H. Biemans, M. Forkel, D. Gerten, J. Heinke, J. Jägermeyr, J. Knauer, F. Langerwisch, W. Lucht, C. Müller, S. Rolinski, and K. Waha (2018): LPJmL4 – a dynamic global vegetation model with managed land: Part I – Model description. Geoscientific Model Development, 11, 1343-1375, doi: 10.5194/gmd-11-1343-2018.

[42] Humpenöder, F., A. Popp, B.L. Bodirsky, I. Weindl, A. Biewald, H. Lotze-Campen, J.P. Dietrich, D. Klein, U. Kreidenweis, C. Müller, S. Rolinski, and M. Stevanovic (2018): Large-scale bioenergy production: How to resolve sustainability trade-offs? Environmental Research Letters, 13, 2, 024011, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aa9e3b.

[41] Rolinski, S., C. Müller, J. Heinke, I. Weindl, A. Biewald, B.L. Bodirsky, A. Bondeau, E.R. Boons-Prins, A.F. Bouwman, P.A. Leffelaar, J.A. te Roller, S. Schaphoff and K. Thonicke (2018): Modeling vegetation and carbon dynamics of managed grasslands at the global scale with LPJmL 3.6. Geoscientific Model Development, 11,429-451, doi: 10.5194/gmd-11-429-2018.

[40] Ehrhardt, F., J.-F. Soussana, G. Bellocchi, P. Grace, R. McAuliffe, S. Recous, R. Sándor, P. Smith, V. Snow, M. De Antoni Migliorati, B. Basso, A. Bhatia, L. Brilli, J. Doltra, C.D. Dorich, L. Doro, N. Fitton, S. Giacomini, B. Grant, M. Harrison, S. Jones, M. Kirschbaum, K. Klumpp, P. Laville, J. Leonard, M. Liebig, M. Lieffering, R. Martin, R.S. Massad, E. Meier, L. Merbold, A. Moore, V. Myrgiotis, P. Newton, E. Pattey, S. Rolinski, J. Sharp, W. Smith, L. Wu, Q. Zhang (2018): Assessing uncertainties in crop and pasture ensemble model simulations of productivity and N2O emissions. Global Change Biology, 24, 2, e603–e616, doi: 10.1111/gcb.13965.


[39] Weindl, I., A. Popp, B.L. Bodirsky, S. Rolinski, H. Lotze-Campen, A. Biewald, F. Humpenöder, J.P. Dietrich and M. Stevanović (2017): Livestock and human use of land: productivity trends and dietary choices as drivers of future land and carbon dynamics. Global and Planetary Change, 159, 1-10, doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2017.10.002.

[38] Weindl, I., B.L. Bodirsky, S. Rolinski, A. Biewald, H. Lotze-Campen, C. Muller, J.P. Dietrich, F. Humpenöder, M. Stevanović, S. Schaphoff and A. Popp (2017): Livestock production and the water challenge of future food supply: implications of agricultural management and dietary choices. Global Environmental Change, 47, 121-132, doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2017.09.010.

[37] Sándor, R., Z. Barcza, M. Acutis, L. Doro, D. Hidy, M. Köchy, J. Minet, E. Lellei-Kovács, S. Ma, A. Perego, S. Rolinski, F. Ruget, M. Sanna, G. Seddaiu, L. Wu, and G. Bellocchi (2017): Multi-model simulation of soil temperature, soil water content and biomass in Euro-Mediterranean grasslands: Uncertainties and ensemble performance. European Journal of Agronomy, 88, 22-40, doi: 10.1016/j.eja.2016.06.006.

[36] Fetzel, T., P. Havlik, M. Herrero, J.O. Kaplan, T. Kastner, C. Kroisleitner, S. Rolinski, T. Searchinger, P.M. Van Bodegom, S. Wirsenius and K.-H. Erb (2017): Quantification of uncertainties in global grazing systems assessment. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 31, 1089-1102, doi: 10.1002/2016GB005601.

[35] Schauberger, B., S. Archontoulis, A. Arneth, J. Balkovic, P. Ciais, D. Deryng, J. Elliott, C. Folberth, N. Khabarov, C. Müller, T. A. M. Pugh, S. Rolinski, S. Schaphoff, E. Schmid, X. Wang, W. Schlenker and K. Frieler (2017): Consistent negative response of US crops to high temperatures in observations and crop models. Nature Communications, 8, 13931, doi: 10.1038/ncomms13931.

[34] Stevanović, M., A. Popp, B.L. Bodirsky, F. Humpenöder, C. Müller, I. Weindl, J.P. Dietrich, H. Lotze-Campen, U. Kreidenweis, S. Rolinski, A. Biewald, X. Wang (2017): Mitigation Strategies for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture and Land-Use Change: Consequences for Food Prices. Environmental Science & Technology, 51, 365-374, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.6b04291.

[33] Kriegler, E., N. Bauer, A. Popp, F. Humpenöder, M. Leimbach, J. Strefler, L. Baumstark, B. Bodirsky, J. Hilaire, D. Klein, I. Mouratiadou, I. Weindl, C. Bertram, J.-P. Dietrich, G. Luderer, M. Pehl, R. Pietzcker, F. Piontek, H. Lotze-Campen, A. Biewald, M. Bonsch, A. Giannousakis, U. Kreidenweis, C. Müller, S. Rolinski, A. Schultes, J. Schwanitz, M. Stevanovic, K. Calvin, J. Emmerling, S. Fujimori, and O. Edenhofer (2017): Fossil-fueled development (SSP5): an energy and resource intensive scenario for the 21st century. Global Environmental Change, 42, 297-315, doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2016.05.015.


[32] Schauberger, B., S. Rolinski and C. Müller (2016): A network-based approach for semi-quantitative knowledge mining and its application to yield variability. Environmental Research Letters, 11, 123001, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/11/12/123001.

[31] Drastig, K., A. Prochnow, J. Libra, H. Koch and S. Rolinski (2016): Irrigation water demand of selected agricultural crops in Germany between 1902 and 2010. Science of The Total Environment, 569-570, 1299 - 1314, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.06.206.

[30] Kipling, R.P., P. Virkajärvi, L. Breitsameter, Y. Curnel, T. De Swaef, A.-M. Gustavsson, S. Hennart, M. Höglind, K. Järvenranta, J. Minet, C. Nendel, T. Persson, C. Picon-Cochard, S. Rolinski, D.L. Sandars, N.D. Scollan, L. Sebek, G. Seddaiu, C.F.E. Topp, S. Twardy, J. Van Middelkoop, L. Wu and G. Bellocchi (2016): Key challenges and priorities for modelling European grasslands under climate change. Science of the Total Environment, 566 - 567, 851 - 864, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.05.144.

[29] Bonsch, M., F. Humpenöder, A. Popp, B. Bodirsky, J.P. Dietrich, S. Rolinski, A. Biewald, H. Lotze-Campen, I. Weindl, D. Gerten and M. Stevanovic (2016): Trade-offs between land and water requirements for large-scale bioenergy production. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 8, 11 - 24, doi: 10.1111/gcbb.12226.


[28] Bodirsky, B.L., S. Rolinski, A. Biewald, I. Weindl, A. Popp, and H. Lotze-Campen (2015): Global food demand scenarios for the 21st century. Plos One, 10, e0139201, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0139201.

[27] Weindl, I., H. Lotze-Campen, A. Popp, C. Mueller, P. Havlik, M. Herrero, C. Schmitz, and S. Rolinski (2015): Livestock in a changing climate: production system transitions as an adaptation strategy for agriculture. Environmental Research Letters, 10, 094021, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/10/9/094021.

[26] Humpenöder, F., A. Popp, M. Stevanovic, C. Müller, B.L. Bodirsky, M. Bonsch, J.P. Dietrich, H. Lotze-Campen, I. Weindl, A. Biewald, and S. Rolinski (2015): Land-use and carbon cycle responses to moderate climate change: implications for land-based mitigation? Environmental Science & Technology, 49, 6731-6739, doi: 10.1021/es506201r.

[25] Rolinski, S., A. Rammig, A. Walz, W. von Bloh, M. van Oijen and K. Thonicke (2015): A probabilistic risk assessment for the vulnerability of the European carbon cycle to weather extremes: the ecosystem perspective. Biogeosciences, 12, 1813-1831, doi: 10.5194/bg-12-1813-2015.

[24] Bonsch, M, A. Popp, A. Biewald, S. Rolinski,  C. Schmitz, K. Hoegner, J. Heinke, S. Ostberg, J.P. Dietrich, B. Bodirsky, H. Lotze-Campen, M. Stevanovic, F. Humpenöder, I. Weindl (2015): Environmental flow provision: implications for agricultural water and land-use at the global scale. Global Environmental Change, 30, 113 - 132, doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2014.10.015.


[23] Popp, A., F. Humpenöder, I. Weindl, B.L. Bodirsky, M. Bonsch, H. Lotze-Campen, C. Müller, A. Biewald, S. Rolinski, M. Stevanovic, and J.P. Dietrich (2014): Land use protection for climate change mitigation. Nature Climate Change, 4, 1095 - 1098, doi: 10.1038/nclimate2444.

[22] Hardenbicker, P., S. Rolinski, M. Weitere, and H. Fischer (2014): Contrasting long-term trends and shifts in phytoplankton dynamics in two large rivers. International Review of Hydrobiology, 99, 4, 326 - 334, doi: 10.1002/iroh.201301680.

[21] Bodirsky, B.L., A. Popp, H. Lotze-Campen, J.P. Dietrich, S. Rolinski, I. Weindl, C. Schmitz, C. Müller, M. Bonsch, F. Humpenöder, A. Biewald and M. Stevanovic (2014): Reactive nitrogen requirements to feed the world in 2050 and potentials to mitigate nitrogen pollution. Nature Communications, 5, 3858, doi: 10.1038/ncomms4858.

[20] Biewald, A., S. Rolinski, H. Lotze-Campen, C. Schmitz and J.P. Dietrich (2014): Valueing the impact of trade on local blue water. Ecological Economics, 101, 43 - 53, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2014.02.003.

[19] Van Oijen, M., J. Balkovič, C. Beer, D. Cameron, P. Ciais, W. Cramer, T. Kato, M. Kuhnert, R. Martin, R. Myneni, A. Rammig, S. Rolinski, J.-F. Soussana, K. Thonicke, M. Van der Velde, and L. Xu (2014): Impact of droughts on the carbon cycle in European vegetation: a probabilistic risk analysis using six vegetation models. Biogeosciences, 11, 22, 6357 - 6375, doi: 10.5194/bg-11-6357-2014.

[18] Schürkmann, A., A. Biewald and S. Rolinski (2014): A Global Approach to Estimating the Benefit-Cost Ratio of Water Supply Measures in the Agricultural Sector. In J.J. Bogardi, A. Bhaduri, J. Leentvaar, and S. Marx (eds), The Global Water System in the Anthropocene, Springer, Bonn, Germany, 73 - 87, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-07548-8_6.

[17] Valin, H., R.D. Sands, D. van der Mensbrugghe, G.C. Nelson, H. Ahammad, E. Blanc, B.L. Bodirsky, S. Fujimori, T. Hasegawa, P. Havlík, E. Heyhoe, P. Kyle, D. Mason-D’Croz, S. Paltsev, S. Rolinski, A. Tabeau, H. van Meijl, M. von Lampe, and D. Willenbockel (2014): The future of food demand: understanding differences in global economic models. Agricultural Economics, 45, 1, 51 - 67, doi: 10.1111/agec.12089.


[16] Waha, K., C. Müller, and S. Rolinski (2013): Separating the effects of temperature and precipitation change on maize yields in sub-Saharan Africa. Global and Planetary Change, 106, 1-12, doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.02.009.

[15] Rolinski, S., P. Pätz, K. Papendick, S. Jähnichen, and N. Scheifhacken (2013): Phytoplankton appearance in particle size spectra - deriving conversion functions between microscopic and particle counter measurements. Water Research, 47, 5, 1928 - 1940, doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2013.01.024.

[14] Slavik, I., W. Uhl, B. Skibinski, S. Rolinski, T. Petzoldt, J. Benndorf, N. Scheifhacken, L. Paul, M. Funke, H. Lohr, J. Völker, and D. Borchardt (2013): A decision support procedure for integrative management of dammed raw water reservoirs. Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, 13, 2, 349 - 357, doi: 10.2166/ws.2013.032.

[13] Van Oijen, M., C. Beer, W. Cramer, A. Rammig, M. Reichstein, S. Rolinski, and J.-F. Soussana (2013): A novel probabilistic risk analysis to determine the vulnerability of ecosystems to extreme climatic events. Environmental Research Letters, 8, 1, 015032, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/8/1/015032.


[12] Bodirsky, B.L., A. Popp, I. Weindl, J.P. Dietrich, S. Rolinski, L. Scheiffele, C. Schmitz, and H. Lotze-Campen (2012): N2O emissions from the global agricultural nitrogen cycle - current state and future scenarios. BioGeoSciences, 9, 10, 4169 - 4197, doi: 10.5194/bg-9-4169-2012.

[11] Biewald, A., and S. Rolinski (2012): The theory of virtual water. Why it can help to understand local water scarcity, GAIA, 21, 2, 88 - 90.


[10] Eberhardt, G., M. Odening, H. Lotze-Campen, B. Erlach, S. Rolinski, P. Rothe, and B. Wirth (2011): The impact of transportation costs on the profitability of industrial hydrothermal carbonisation. Berichte über Landwirtschaft, BMELV, 89, 3, 400 - 424.

2008 and before

[9] Hülsmann, S., T. Petzoldt, S. Jähnichen, and S. Rolinski (2008): Integrating approaches in limnological research: From basic to applied and from empirical to theoretical. Limnologica, 38, 3-4, 175 - 178, doi: 10.1016/j.limno.2008.07.003.

[8] Rolinski, S., H. Horn, T. Petzoldt, and L. Paul (2007): Identifying cardinal dates in phytoplankton time series to enable the analysis of long-term trends. Oecologia, 153, 4, 997 - 1008, doi: 10.1007/s00442-007-0783-2.

[7] Rinke, K., I. Hübner, T. Petzoldt, S. Rolinski, M. König-Rinke, J. Post, A. Lorke, and J. Benndorf (2007): How internal waves influence the vertical distribution of zooplankton. Freshwater Biology, 52, 1, 137 - 144, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2006.01687.x.

[6] Rolinski, S., and G. Umgiesser (2005): Modelling short-term dynamics of suspended particulate matter in Venice Lagoon, Italy. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 63, 4, 561 - 576, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2005.01.002.

[5] Oebius, H.U., H.-J. Becker, S. Rolinski, and J.A. Jankowski (2001): Parametrization and evaluation of marine environmental impacts produced by deep-sea manganese nodule mining. Deep-Sea Research II: Environmental Impact Studies for the Mining of Polymetallic Nodules from the Deep Sea, 48, 17-18, 3453 - 3467, doi: 10.1016/S0967-0645(01)00052-2.

[4] Rolinski, S., J. Segschneider, and J. Sündermann (2001): Long-term propagation of tailings from deep-sea mining under variable conditions by means of numerical simulations. Deep-Sea Research II: Environmental Impact Studies for the Mining of Polymetallic Nodules from the Deep Sea, 48, 17-18, 3469 - 3485, doi: 10.1016/S0967-0645(01)00053-4.

[3] Rolinski, S., and G. Eichweber (2000): Deformations of the tidal wave in the Elbe estuary and their effect on suspended particulate matter dynamics. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (B), 25, 4, 355 - 358, doi: 10.1016/S1464-1909(00)00025-3.

[2] Rolinski, S. (1999): Large scale impact of Manganese Nodule Mining in the Pacific. Numerical Simulations of Dispersion of Tailings. Proceedings of the Third (1999) Ocean Mining Symposium, Goa, India, November 8-10, 156 - 162.

[1] Rolinski, S. (1999): On the dynamics of suspended matter transport in the tidal river Elbe: Description and results of a Lagrangian model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, C11, 26043 - 26057, doi: 10.1029/1999JC900230.

Submitted paper

Reviewer for

Animal, Biogeosciences, Climate Research, Ecosystems, Food Security, Global Change Biology, Global Environmental Change, Global Food Security, Journal of Land Use Science, Nature Sustainability, PlosOne, Regional Environmental Change

Other contributions and paper

[36] Wirth, S.B., A. Poyda, F. Taube, B. Tietjen, C. Müller, K. Thonicke, A. Linstädter, K. Behn and S. Rolinski (2023): Connecting CSR theory and LPJmL 5.3 to assess the role of environmental conditions, management and functional diversity for grassland ecosystem functions. Biogeosciences Discussions, doi: 10.5194/bg-2023-55, in review 2023.

[35] Heinke, J., S. Rolinski and C. Müller (2022): Modeling the role of livestock grazing in C and N cycling in grasslands with LPJmL5.0-grazing. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, doi: 10.5194/gmd-2022-176, in review 2022.

[34] Lutz, F., S. DelGrosso, S. Ogle, S. Williams, S. Minoli, S. Rolinski, J. Heinke, J.J. Stoorvogel and C. Müller (2020): The importance of management information and soil moisture representation for simulating tillage effects on N2O emissions in LPJmL5.0-tillage. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, doi: 10.5194/gmd-2019-364, in review 2020.

[33] Rolinski, S., S. Wirth, M. Brunel and C. Müller (2018): Simulation von Grasland unter Beweidung und Mahd mit LPJmL. Tagungsband der Weidetagung 2018, Kiel, 35-39.

[32] Lutz, F., T. Herzfeld, J. Heinke, S. Rolinski, S. Schaphoff, W. von Bloh, J. Stoorvogel, and C. Müller (2018): Simulating the effect of tillage practices with the global ecosystem model LPJmL (version 5.0-tillage). Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, doi: 10.5194/gmd-2018-255, published in Geoscientific Model Development.

[31] Schaphoff, S., W. von Bloh, A. Rammig, K. Thonicke, H. Biemans, M. Forkel, D. Gerten, J. Heinke, J. Jägermeyr, J. Knauer, F. Langerwisch, W. Lucht, C. Müller, S. Rolinski, and K. Waha: LPJmL4 – a dynamic global vegetation model with managed land: Part I – Model description. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, doi:10.5194/gmd-2017-145, published in Geoscientific Model Development.

[30] Sándor, R., F. Ehrhardt, B. Basso, G. Bellocchi, A. Bhatia, L. Brilli, M. De Antoni Migliorati, J. Doltra, C. Dorich, L. Doro, N. Fitton, S.J. Giacomini, P. Grace, B. Grant, M. T. Harrison, S. Jones, M.U.F. Kirschbaum, K. Klumpp, P. Laville, J. Léonard, M. Liebig, M. Lieffering, R. Martin, R. McAuliffe, E. Meier, L. Merbold, A. Moore, V. Myrgiotis, P. Newton, E. Pattey, S. Recous, S. Rolinski, J. Sharp, R.S. Massad, P. Smith, W. Smith, V. Snow, L. Wu, Q. Zhang and J. F. Soussana (2016): C and N models Intercomparison – benchmark and ensemble model estimates for grassland production. Advances in Animal Biosciences, 7, 245-247, doi:10.1017/S204047001600029.

[29] Bellocchi, G, F. Ehrhardt, J.-F. Soussana, R. Conant, N. Fitton, M. Harrison, M. Lieffering, J. Minet, R. Martin, A. Moore, V. Myrgiotis, S. Rolinski, F. Ruget, V. Snow, H. Wang, L. Wu (2015): Sensitivity analysis for climate change impacts, adaptation and mitigation projection with pasture models, In Towards Climate-Smart Solutions L3.1 Climate, adaptation and mitigation services, 16-18 March 2015:Montpellier, p. 110.

[28] Sándor, R., S. Ma, M. Acutis, Z. Barcza, H. Ben Touhami, L. Doro, D. Hidy, M. Köchy, E. Lellei-Kovács, J. Minet, A. Perego, S. Rolinski, F. Ruget, G. Seddaiu, L. Wu and G. Bellocchi (2015): Uncertainty in simulating biomass yield and carbon–water fluxes from grasslands under climate change, Advances in Animal Biosciences, 6, 49 - 51, doi:10.1017/S2040470014000545.

[27] Rolinski, S., I. Weindl, J. Heinke, B. L. Bodirsky, A. Biewald and H. Lotze-Campen (2015): Pasture harvest, carbon sequestration and feeding potentials under different grazing intensities, Advances in Animal Biosciences, 6, 43 - 45, doi:10.1017/S2040470014000521.

[26] Biewald, A., and S. Rolinski (2014): Globaler Handel spart Wasser. DLG-Mitteilungen, 7, 58 - 60.

[25] Biewald, A., and S. Rolinski (2014): Der Einfluß des internationalen, landwirtschaftlichen Handels auf lokale Wasserknappheit. Fachzeitschrift für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 58, 3, 194 - 195.

[24] Bodirsky, B.L., S. Rolinski and A. Popp (2013): Der weltweite Konsum tierischer Produkte und die Folgen für die Umwelt. umweltJournal Rheinland-Pfalz, 56, 12-15.

[23] Biewald, A., S. Rolinski, S., H. Lotze-Campen, and C. Schmitz (2011): Implementing bilateral trade in a global landuse model. EAAE 2011 Congress Change and Uncertainty, Zürich 2011.

[22] Slavik, I., W. Uhl, B. Skibinski, S. Rolinski, T. Petzoldt, J. Benndorf, N. Scheifhacken, L. Paul, M. Funke, H. Lohr, J. Völker, and D. Borchardt (2011): A decision support procedure for integrative management of dammed raw water reservoirs. In: Proc. International Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management, Dresden/Germany.

[21] Slavik, I., W. Uhl, J. Völker, H. Lohr, M. Funke, S. Rolinski, and L. Paul (2010): IntegTa: a procedure for integrative management of dammed raw water reservoirs for drinking water production and their lower reaches. Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, 10, 5, 783 - 792.

[20] Weindl, I., H. Lotze-Campen, A. Popp, B. Bodirsky, and S. Rolinski (2010): Impacts of livestock feeding technologies on greenhouse gas emissions. Contributed paper at the IATRC Public Trade Policy Research and Analysis Symposium 'Climate Change in World Agriculture: Mitigation, Adaptation, Trade and Food Security', Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany, June 27-29

[18] Hillert, K., S. Rolinski, und J. Benndorf (2009): Biotisch oder abiotisch – Einfluss hydrologischer Ereignisse auf die Partikelzusammensetzung in einer oligotrophen Talsperre. DGL Tagungsbericht 2008 (Konstanz), Weißensee Verlag, Berlin: 433 - 439.

[17] Pätz, P., S. Rolinski, N. Scheifhacken, S. Jähnichen, und J. Benndorf (2009): Solo, Quartett oder Orchester? Koloniebildung bei Asterionella formosa und ihr Erscheinungsbild im Größenspektrum. DGL Tagungsbericht 2008, Konstanz, Weißensee Verlag, Berlin: 242 - 247.

[16] Rolinski, S., T. Petzoldt, und J. Benndorf (2009): Ablassen oder Aufstauen? - Mit Hilfe von Modellen und Beobachtungen zu einer integrierten Talsperren­bewirt­schaftung. DGL Tagungsbericht 2008 (Konstanz), Weißensee Verlag, Berlin: 161 - 166.

[15] Rolinski, S., T. Petzoldt, and J. Benndorf (2008): Nutrients, Weather, Food Web: What do we need to model Trophic Change?. Proceedings des Workshops 'Perspectives of lake modeling towards predicting reaction to trophic change', Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin Publication Series, 9, 30 - 37 (ISBN 978-3-9811684-3-3).

[14] Baumert, H.Z., J. Benndorf, K. Bigalke, D. Goldmann, I. Nöhren, T. Petzoldt, J. Post, and S. Rolinski (2005): Das hydrophysikalisch-ökologische Talsperren- und Seenmodell SALMO-HR. Modelldokumentation und Leitfaden für den Anwender. 59 S.

[13] Petzoldt, T., S. Rolinski, K. Rinke, M. König, H.Z. Baumert, and J. Benndorf (2005): SALMO: Die ökologische Komponente des gekoppelten Modells. Wasserwirtschaft, 95, 5, 28 - 33.

[12] Rolinski, S., T. Petzoldt, H.Z. Baumert, K. Bigalke, H. Horn, and J. Benndorf (2005): Das physikalisch-ökologisch gekoppelte Talsperrenmodell. Wasserwirtschaft, 95, 5, 34 - 38.

[11] Rolinski, S., and T. Petzoldt (2003): Simulationsstudie zur Dynamik der vertikalen Struktur der thermischen Schichtung und deren Einfluss auf die Phytoplanktonentwicklung. DGL Tagungsbericht (Köln), Tutzing, 376 - 381.

[10] Rolinski, S., and T. Petzoldt (2002): Simulation des Einflusses der thermischen Struktur auf die Dynamik der Frühjahrsmassenentwicklung mit dem Gewässergütemodell SALMO. DGL Tagungsbericht (Braunschweig), Tutzing, 664 - 668.

[9] Bergamasco, A., L. De Nat, M.R. Flindt, S. Rolinski, G. Umgiesser, and C. Amos (2001): 3. F-ECTS: tools for management mapping the "ecological suitability" within an estuary. In: Pirrone, N., C. Fragakis, and H.R. Barth (2001) European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies (ELOISE): 4th Open Science Meeting 5-7 September 2001, Rende, Italy: book of abstracts. pp. 176.

[8] Bergamasco, A., L. De Nat, M.R. Flindt, S. Rolinski, G. Umgiesser, and C. Amos (2001): Booklet part 1. Guidelines for integrated model-oriented monitoring of estuarine ecosystems. In: Pirrone, N., C. Fragakis, and H.R. Barth (2001) European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies (ELOISE): 4th Open Science Meeting 5-7 September 2001, Rende, Italy: book of abstracts. pp. 177.

[7] Bergamasco, A., L. De Nat, M.R. Flindt, S. Rolinski, G. Umgiesser, and C. Amos (2001): Booklet part 2. Scientifically-based guidelines to support management strategies in estuaries. In: Pirrone, N., C. Fragakis, and H.R. Barth (2001) European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies (ELOISE): 4th Open Science Meeting 5-7 September 2001, Rende, Italy: book of abstracts. pp. 178.

[6] Rolinski, S. (1999): Offener Brief des AK Mittelbau zur Kieler Unterschriftenaktion. DGM-Mitteilungen 2/1999, 18 - 19.

[5] Rolinski, S. (1999): Dispersion assessment of particulate substances from deep-sea mining activities from model simulations. Dt. Hydrogr. Z., Suppl. 10, 141 - 146.

[4] Rolinski, S. (1998): Days of dancing and debates - UK Oceanography '98 in Southampton. Ocean Challenge, Vol. 8, 3, 18.

[3] Rolinski, S. (1997): Zur Schwebstoffdynamik in der Tide-Elbe - Numerische Simulationen mit einem Lagrange'schen Verfahren. Dissertation, Berichte aus dem Zentrum für Meeres- und Klimaforschung, Reihe B, 25, 118 p.

[2] Rolinski, S. (1996): Model simulations of suspended matter transport in the Elbe Estuary. Hydrotechnical Transactions Gdansk, 60, 95 - 108.

[1] Rolinski, S. (1991): Numerische Berechnung der Eigenschwingungen von Seen. Diploma Thesis.


Supervision of PhD's

Stephen Wirth (ongoing) Interactions of plant trait diversity and grazing management in different climates: modelling forage supply by grassland ecosystems. Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences, Kiel University.
Marie Brunel (ongoing) The role of fire on managed grassland in Amazonia. Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Humboldt University Berlin.
Bernhard Schauberger (2018) Improving crop models with respect to yield variability and climate extremes as a precondition for food security assessments. Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Humboldt University Berlin.

Supervision of Master theses

Luke Johnson (2023) Investigating the role of resting periods in grazing strategies: Modelling effects on managed dry grassland with LPJmL. Faculty of Life Sciences, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Stephen Wirth (2018) Establishment and competition within grassland ecosystems in LPJmL: Can a simple trait-data-based approach improve the representation of the communities? Geoecology, Potsdam University
Hendrik Mahlkow (2018) Influence of storage on agriculture commodity prices under future extreme weather events in the face of climate change. HU Berlin
Anna Schlingmann (2016) Modelling the impact of long-term dietary transitions on the agricultural system. Geoecology, Potsdam University
Jan Kowalewski (2016) Evaluation of a Benchmarking System Implementation for Global Vegetation Model Performance Assessment. Msc of Applied Geoinformatics, University Salzburg
Kathrin Högner (2013) Global agricultural water availability and water infrastructure measures in East Africa. Master of Arts in Sustainability Economics and Management, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

Supervision of Diploma theses

Patricia Pätz (2009) Charakterisierung der Phytoplankton-Komponente im komplexen Partikelgemisch in einer oligotrophen Tal­sperre. Diplom-Biologie, J.W. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Anna-Maria Ertel (2008) Hydrodynamic modelling as an approach to assessment of data and monitoring strategies for Lake Wivenhoe. Diplom-Hydrologie, TU Dresden
Katrin Hillert (2008) Charakterisierung biotischer und abiotischer Trübstoffe in einer oligotrophen Talsperre. Diplom-Biologie, TU Dresden
Rene Sachse (2007) Der Fraßdruck einer alterstruktrierten Daphnien­popu­lation auf Phytoplanktongemische: Laborexperimente und Modellsimulationen. Diplom-Biologie, TU Dresden
Stefanie Jachner (2005) Methodik zur qualitativen Beurteilung von Gewässer­güte­modellen anhand von Messdaten. Diplom-Biomathematik, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald
Anna Pretzschner (2004) Ermittlung der Steuergrößen der Trübstoffdynamik einer flachen, windexponierten Talsperre. Diplom-Hydrologie, TU Dresden

Supervision of Bachelor theses

Tobias Lengle (2013) Einfluß physikalischer Faktoren auf die globalen Kohlenstoffflüsse auf Weideflächen mit unterschiedlichen Management-Optionen. Bachelor of Science in Technischer Physik, TU Ilmenau

Coaching of PhD's

Vera Porwollik (2022) Patterns of cropland management systems for assessments of global change, Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Humboldt Universität Berlin
Tobias Herzfeld (2022) Understanding the role of agricultural management effects on global soil degradation utilizing biophysical modeling, Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Humboldt Universität Berlin
Sara Minoli (2020) Managing phenology for agronomic adaptation of global cropping systems to climate change, Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Humboldt Universität Berlin
Femke Lutz (2020) Tilling the Earth: Modelling global N2O emissions caused by tillage, Wageningen University, Netherlands
Markus Bonsch (2015) Land and water for agriculture - future prospects and trade-offs, Fakultät VI - Planen Bauen Umwelt, Technische Universität Berlin
Michael Krause (2015) Economic potential and sectoral impacts of forest-based climate change mitigation – integrated analysis in a global multi-sectoral land use model, Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Rene Sachse (2015) Influence of climate change on lake ecosystems - disentangling physical, chemical and biological interactions, Institut für Hydrobiologie, Technische Universität Dresden
Benjamin Leon Bodirsky (2014) Agricultural nitrogen pollution: the human food-print, Fakultät VI - Planen Bauen Umwelt, Technische Universität Berlin
Katharina Waha (2012) Climate Change Impacts on Agricultural Vegetation in sub-Saharan Africa, Institute for Earth and Environmental Science, University of Potsdam
Katja Siemens (2009) Entwicklung eines aggregierten Modells zur Simulation der Gewässergüte in Talsperren als Baustein eines Flussgebietsmodells, Institute of Hydrobiology, TU Dresden
Marie König-Rinke (2008) Analyse funktioneller Typgruppen des Phytoplanktons: Integration von Modell-, Freiland- und Laborarbeiten, Institute of Hydrobiology, TU Dresden
Karsten Rinke (2006) Species-oriented model approaches to Daphnia spp.: linking the individual level to the population level, Institute of Hydrobiology, TU Dresden


Training courses in the programming language R for PIK employees starting in December 2013: details see here
Lecture contributions at the University Potsdam in the Bachelor and Master courses for "Geoecology":
Summer term 2016 Block seminar in the lecture series "Modellierung Erdsystemarer Prozesse" of Kirsten Thonicke, PIK
Summer terms 2014 to 2023 Lecture "Modellierung von Landnutzung im Erdsystem" in the lecture series "Modellierung Erdsystemarer Prozesse" of Kirsten Thonicke, PIK
Lectures and seminars at the University Potsdam in the Bachelor and Master courses for "Geoecology" with teaching assignments:
Winter term 2012/13 "Globale Ökologie" ("global ecology") as lecture with Christoph Müller, PIK
Summer term 2012 "Modellierung Erdsystemarer Prozesse" ("modeling processes of the earth system") as lecture and "Programmierung Erdsystemarer Prozesse" ("programming processes of the earth system") as block seminar with Christoph Müller, PIK
Winter term 2011/12 "Globale Ökologie" ("global ecology") as lecture with Christoph Müller, PIK
Summer term 2011 "Modellierung Erdsystemarer Prozesse" ("modeling processes of the earth system") with lecture, seminar and "Programmierung Erdsystemarer Prozesse" ("programming processes of the earth system") as block seminar with Wolfgang Cramer, Potsdam University, and Christoph Müller, PIK
Co-Teaching of courses in the programming language R on statistical methods: "Modellierung für Limnologen" 2002, 2003, 2007 and 2008, Institute of Hydrobiology, TU Dresden.

Participation in Conferences



'Strategies for assessing grassland degradation with biogeochemical models'
XXIV International Grassland and XI Rangeland Congress, Kenya online (Talk)


'Dynamics of soil organic carbon in steppes of Russia and Kazakhstan under past and future climate and land use'
1st IALE-Russia online International Conference, Moscow (Talk)


'Modellierung von Grasland mit LPJmL: Welche Rolle kann Diversität für die Produktivität in Zukunft spielen?'
Jahrestagung der AGGF, Raitenhaslach (Poster)


'Ideas and challenges for inclusion of pastoral systems in global modelling activities'
POLISES Colloquium on 'Pastoralism in Transition', Leipzig (Talk)


'Simulating the effects of grassland management for global biogeochemical cycles with LPJmL'
Weihenstephaner Kolloquium für Ökologie und Planung, Freising (Talk)


'Simulation von Grasland unter Beweidung und Mahd mit LPJmL'
Internationale Weidetagung, Kiel (Talk)


'Landwirtschaftliche Produktion und Klimawandel – Die Rolle verbesserter Datengrundlagen für die Prognosefähigkeit von globalen Modellen'
Jahrestagung des Bundesverbands für Tiergesundheit e.V., Potsdam (Talk)


'Economic and cultural drivers for national food consumption: the specific case of meat'
Impacts World Conference, Potsdam (Poster)


'Presentation of LPJmL5'
Workshop of INMS, Wageningen, NL (Talk)


'Modelling global grassland systems with LPJmL - changes and expectations including the nitrogen cycle'
Seminar of Plant & Soil Science group, Aberdeen University, Aberdeen, UK (Talk)


'Effects of grassland management on the global carbon cycle'
MACSUR Science Conference 2017, Berlin, Germany (Talk)


'Large scale impacts of grazing management under climate change'
6th AgMIP Global Workshop, Montpellier, France (Talk)


'Large scale impacts of grazing pressure under climate change'
LiveM Conference 'Modelling Grassland-Livestock Systems under Climate Change', Potsdam, Germany (Talk)


'Introduction to adaptation options in models - Grassland'
AgMIP on 'Model inter-comparison on agricultural GHG emissions', Rome, Italy (Talk)


'Overview of XC7.3 and grassland model scenarios'
MACSUR Workshop of XC7 European Impact Assessment, Braunschweig, Germany (Talk)


'Implementation of grassland management in LPJmL and global impacts on the carbon cycle'
LPJmL Seminar, PIK (Talk)
17. - 19.06. 'GHG emissions and mitigation potential in the livestock sector'
IAMO Forum, Halle, Germany (Session Chair)
15. - 16.10. 'Large
and changes
International Livestock Modelling and Research Colloquium, Bilbao, Spain (Talk)
19. - 20.05. 'Grazing effects on grassland productivity - Linking livestock production to grass yields'
Livestock, Climate Change and Food Security Conference, Madrid, Spain (Poster)
28.04. - 02.05. 'Modelling the effects of grassland management on the carbon cycle' (Poster) and
'Vulnerability and resilience of European ecosystems towards extreme climatic events: The ecosystem perspective' (Talk)
EGU 2014, Vienna, Austria
02.04. 'Environmental impacts of grassland management and livestock production'
Mid-term Conference of JPI FACCE Knowledge Hub MACSUR, Sassari, Italy (Talk)
29.09 - 02.10. 'Global food intake and household waste scenarios for the 21st century'
First International Conference on Global Food Security, Noordwijkerhout, NL (Poster)
23.08. 'Vulnerability and resilience of European ecosystems towards extreme climatic events: The ecosystem perspective'
11th International Congress of Ecology, London, UK (Talk)
12.04. 'Estimating the vulnerability of European ecosystems to extreme events: The ecosystem perspective'
European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria (Poster)
02.04 - 05.04. 'European ecosystem vulnerability to extreme events: The ecosystem perspective'
Climate Extremes and the Biogeochemical Cycle, Seefeld, Austria (Poster)
28.01. 'Population growth and dietary changes: The pressure on agricultural land and water use'
Information Event for European Parliament Delegation of the European Greens at PIK, Potsdam (Talk)
23.10. 'Carbon fluxes on managed grasslands under different grazing and mowing regimes'
GreenCycles II Mini-Conference 4, Potsdam (Talk)
28.08. 'Impacts of precipitation variability on agricultural vegetation in sub‐Saharan Africa'
IGC, Cologne (Talk)
05.07. 'The contribution of agricultural trade for saving blue water in arid regions'
IUGG, Melbourne, Australia (Talk)
13. - 17.12. 'Improved parameterization of managed grassland in a global process-based vegetation model using Bayesian statistics'
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA (Poster)
20.05. 'Wann und wieviel? Bestimmung kardinaler Zeitpunkte in saisonalen Zyklen zur Untersuchung von Langzeittrends'
KLIWAS-Workshop 'Einfluss des Klimawandels auf Stoffhaushalt und Planktondynamik von Fließgewässern', Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde, Koblenz (Talk)
02. - 07.05. 'Assessment of managed grassland for livestock production and water consumption estimates'
EGS'2010, Vienna, Austria (Poster)
21.08. 'Ecological consequences of turbidity intrusions: Linking water quality to water quantity management of drinking water reservoirs'
Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS6), Sinaia, Rumania (Talk)
22.09. 'Ablassen oder Aufstauen? - Mit Hilfe von Modellen und Beobachtungen zu einer integrierten Talsperrenbewirtschaftung'
Annual Symposium of the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie", Konstanz (Talk)
01.08. 'Ecological consequences of extreme events: Linking water quality to water quantity management of drinking water reservoirs'
Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Cairns, Australien (Talk)
10. - 14.12. 'Linking water quality to water quantity: Integration of disturbance variables such as phytoplankton and turbidity into the management strategies of drinking water reservoirs'
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA (Poster)
08.11. 'Nutrients, Weather, Food Web: What do we need to model trophic Change?'
Workshop on 'Perspectives of lake modelling towards predicting reaction to trophic change' des UBA, Berlin (Talk)
24.09. 'Die partikulären Stoffflüsse in einer oligotrophen Talsperre: Beobachtung und Modellierung'
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Münster (Talk)
14.08. 'Reservoir ecosystem dynamics simulated under changing meteorological conditions reveals shifts in plankton community'
30th SIL Congress (International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology), Montreal, Kanada (Talk)
11. - 15.12. 'Climate Simulations in Lentic Ecosystems: A Note on Indirect Effects'
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA (Poster)
14.11. 'Influence of climatic conditions on the succession of phytoplankton and zooplankton: Analysis of long-term data from the Saidenbach Reservoir'
AQUASHIFT Workshop, Kiel (Talk)
25.09. 'Klimatische Einflüsse auf die Sukzession von Phytoplankton und Zooplankton: Analyse der Langzeitdaten der Talsperre Saidenbach (Erzgebirge)'
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Dresden (Talk)
25.08. 'Wassergütemodellierung mit SALMO - Bewährte und neue Entwicklungen im Rahmen des Projektes GETAS'
Colloquium of the Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Neuglobsow (Talk)
08.06. 'Influence of climatic conditions on the succession of phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish: Analysis of long-term data from Saidenbach Reservoir (Germany)'
ASLO Summer Meeting, Victoria, Kanada (Talk)
26.09. 'Ein gekoppeltes Modell als Entscheidungshilfe bei Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen: Validation für Talsperren verschiedener Trophie'
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Karlsruhe (Talk)
28.09. 'Methods and criteria for the characterization of phytoplankton spring blooms in the Saidenbach Reservoir'
AQUASHIFT Workshop, Kiel (Talk)
24.08. 'Ecological dynamics at different trophic levels: coupled modelling of physical and biological processes in freshwater reservoirs'
Dynamic Planet 2005 (Joint assembly of IAG, IAPSO and IABO), Cairns, Australien (Talk)
22. - 26.08. 'Ecological dynamics on seasonal time scales: field and modelling studies of reservoir food webs'
4th Symposium for European Freshwater Science, Krakau, Polen (Poster)
19. - 22.10. 'Modelling the dynamics in reservoirs under varying conditions of inflow'
11th Magdeburg Seminar on Waters in Central and Eastern Europe: Assessment, Protection, Management, Leipzig (Talk)
20. - 24.09. 'Gekoppelte Modellierung der physikalischen und biologischen Prozesse in Talsperren und Seen'
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Potsdam (Talk)
09. - 13.08. 'Short-term ecological dynamics: Field and modelling studies in a deep mesotrophic and a shallow eutrophic reservoir'
29th SIL Congress (International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology), Lahti, Finland (Talk)
28. - 29.06. 'Coupled modelling of physical and biological processes in reservoirs and lakes'
DFG-Workshop on Integrated Water Research and Water Management, Kloster Haydau bei Kassel (Poster)
26. - 28.04. 'Modelling short-term dynamics of suspended particulate matter in Venice Lagoon, Italy'
Lagoons and Coastal Wetlands in the Global Change Context, UNESCO, Venice, Italy (Talk)
22. - 23.03. 'Simulation des Einflusses der thermischen Struktur auf die Dynamik der Früjahrsmassenentwicklung mit dem Gewässergütemodell SALMO'
Tag der Hydrologie, Potsdam (Poster)
29.09. - 03.10. 'Simulation zur Dynamik der vertikalen Struktur der thermischen Schichtung und deren Einfluss auf die Phytoplanktonentwicklung'
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Köln (Talk)
30.09. - 04.10. 'Simulation des Einflusses der thermischen Struktur auf die Dynamik der Früjahrsmassenentwicklung mit dem Gewässergütemodell SALMO'
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Braunschweig (Talk)
17. - 20.09. 'Transport of particulate matter in the Elbe estuary by means of numerical simulations'
Physics of Estuaries and coastal Seas, Hamburg (Talk)
16.10. 'Modellsimulationen zur Identifikation relevanter Prozesse beim Stofftransport'
Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde, Koblenz (Talk)
02. - 06.10. 'Lagrangian residual currents and their impact on suspended particulate matter transport' and
'FEM meets FDM - Conversion of velocities between two grid structures and transport of particles'
LAPCOD 2000, Ischia, Italy (Talks)
09. - 10.06. 'Modelling strategies in F-ECTS - Feed-back of estuarine circulation and transport of sediments on phytobenthos'
EUROCEAN 2000, Hamburg (Poster)
05. - 08.06. 'Macroalgae and their feed-backs on sediment stability in Venice Lagoon, Italy, by means of numerical modelling'
ASLO 2000, Copenhagen, Denmark (Poster)
25. - 28.04. 'Modelling feed-backs of macroalgae growth on SPM and sediments in Venice Lagoon, Italy'
EGS'00, Nizza, France (Poster)
13. - 17.12. 'Impact of particulate matter transport and macroalgae growth on sedimentation processes in Venice Lagoon, Italy'
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, (Talk)
01. - 04.12. 'Modelling SPM transport in the Venice Lagoon'
Eloise, 3rd Open Science Meeting, Noordwijkerhout, Netherland (Talk)
08. - 10.11. 'Long-Term Propagation of Tailings from Deep-Sea Mining - Numerical Simulations Under Variable Conditions'
ISOPE - OMS-99, Goa, India (Talk, withdrawn)
19. - 23.04. 'Deformations of the tidal wave in the Elbe estuary and their effect on suspended particulate matter dynamics'
EGS'99, Den Hague, Netherland (Talk)
07. - 11.09. 'Propagation of tailings from deep-sea mining - Numerical simulations in the Pacific'
UK Oceanography'99, Southampton, UK (Talk)
31. - 03.09. 'Large scale impact of Manganese nodule mining in the Pacific - Numerical simulations of the transport of tailings'
3rd International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, Cottbus (Talk)
19. - 23.04. 'Particle transport simulations in coastal areas of the German Bight'
EGS'98, Nizza, France (Poster)
01.12. 'Modellierung der Fernfeld- und Langzeitwirkung von Tiefseebergbau im Pazifik'
ATESEPP-Begutachtung, Hamburg (Talk)
15. - 16.05. 'Modelling SPM in the Elbe estuary'
Workshop on Radionucleides / Sediment Interactions,  Bangor, Wales, UK (Talk)
02. - 06.09. 'Particle trapping in a tidal estuary: model simulations of the transport of SPM'
UK Oceanography'96, Bangor, Wales, UK (Talk)
15.05. 'Numerische Simulation der Schwebstoffdynamik in der Tide-Elbe'
Meeresphysikalisches Seminar, Universität Oldenburg (Talk)
04. - 09.03 'How to remain in freshwater: Model simulations of algae populations in a tidal estuary'
ProDynamics'96, Hamburg (Talk)
14. - 17.11. '3D Model simulation of SPM transport in the Elbe estuary'
German-Polish Seminar, Swinoujscie, Poland (Talk)
09. - 10.06. 'Numerische Simulation der Schwebstoffdynamik in der Tide-Elbe'
Begutachtung des SFB 327, Hamburg (Talk)
13. - 15.12. 'Numerische Simulation der Schwebstoffdynamik in der Tide-Elbe - erste Ergebnisse mit einem 3-D-Modell'
Status-Seminar 'Schwebstoffe in der Unterelbe' des SFB 327, Hamburg (Talk)
30.08. - 03.09. Particles in Estuaries and Coastal Waters, ECSA 23 Symposium, Haren, Niederlande


Presentations for the public



'Climate Change and Global Change - Challenges and Opportunities for the Fruit and Vegetable Sector'
Information event FrischeForum at the FruitLogistica 2016 (Talk)


'Klimawandel und Landnutzung'
Information event for chinese journalists in the context of ChinaDialogue (Talk)


'Landnutzungsszenarien - Entwicklung und Auswirkungen'
Information event for FÖJler (Talk)


'Der Klang des Waldes'
Mitwirkung am Benefizkonzert 'Wissenschaft trifft Musik' der Staatsoper zugunsten der Stiftung Naturton im Grossen Refraktor, Potsdam (Talk)
25.06. 'Kuh und Klima. Was die Landwirtschaft mit der globalen Erwärmung zu tun hat'
Information event for journalists organized by agro-kontakt, Potsdam (Talk)
18.02. 'Um die Wurst: Klimawandel, Ernährung und Ressourcennutzung'
ScienceSpot at the 'Wissenschaftstag im rbb' StudioCampus (Talk)
29.01. 'Vulnerability of European ecosystems: Approaches from the climatic and the ecological perspective'
PIK Research Day, Potsdam (Talk)
25.09. 'How important is it how much meat we eat and how we produce it? Environmental impacts of grassland management and livestock production'
Seminar of PIK Research Domain II, Potsdam (Talk)
06.07. 'Immer heisser und trockener? Wie und warum sich das Klima verändert'
Information Event for Bavarian Delegation of Linke Party at PIK, Potsdam (Talk)
11.11. 'Knappes Gut: Wie die jetzige und zukünftige Verfügbarkeit von Wasser unsere Nahrungsmittelproduktion beeinflussen kann'
Colloquium of the Institute of Hydrobiology, TU Dresden, Dresden (Talk)

'Wassergütesimulationen mit SALMO-HR zur Erstellung eines Regelwerks zur integrativen Talsperrenbewirtschaftung'
Final colloquium of the BMBF funded project IntegTa, Dresden (Talk)
10.10. 'Reicht ein hoher Füllstand in Trinkwassertalsperren? Mit Hilfe von Modellen und Beobachtungen zu einer integrierten Talsperrenbewirtschaftung'
Colloquium of the "Institut für Seenforschung Langenargen", Langenargen (Talk)
04. - 05.04. 'Das ökologische Teilmodell', 'Eingangsdatenstruktur für das gekoppelte GETAS-Modell'
Colloquium of the project GETAS, Dresden (Talks)
26.10. 'Leben unter Wasser - Pflanzen und Tiere in der Talsperre Bautzen'
Veranstaltungsreihe der Naturschutzstation Neschwitz, Neschwitz (Talk)
26. - 27.05. 'Abschätzung der Ausbreitung von partikulären Substanzen aus Aktivitäten des Tiefseebergbaus mithilfe von Modellierung'
BSH Symposium 'Aktuelle Probleme der Meeresumwelt', Hamburg (Talk)

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