Felix Creutzig on the IPCC results regarding the importance of urban development.

Berlin. Felix Creutzig, head of working group land use infrastructure and transport explains to the news agency AFP, why transportation could have a significant potential to greenhouse gas emission reducation. “Urban development and transport together generate a crucial key to meet ambitious climate protection goals”, he said. He referred to outcomes of the latest IPCC report which found that emissions in city traffic could be reduced on a global scale up to 50 percent by 2050.


You can access the full article here for example.


Creutzig, who also is one of the lead authors of working group III for the IPCC’s fifth assessment report, in an interview with NDR Info emphasized: “There are promising developments, for example that cities become more and more climate friendly.” The ratio of coal in global energy use, however, was too high from a climate protection point of view.


You can access the full audio piece here.


In a story be Swedish radio Sveriges Radio Creutzig furthermore clarified how important the switch from cars to electric bikes and public transportation in cities would be for a successful climate policy.


You can access the full audio piece here.


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