M.A. Christiane Walter

Project Coordinator

Christiane is doing research related to social and media sciences. Therefore, she is also often involved into project communication. Besides her scientific work she coordinates at PIK the Urban Transformations group headed by Prof. Jürgen Kropp as well as other EU funded projects.


Working Group


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
T +49 (0)331 288 2550
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam

Member of employee's council

Member of greening PIK initiative (intranet)

MA Christiane Walter graduated as Magistra Artium in Literature, Media Science, and Sociology at the University of Potsdam in 2007. She extended her profile by graduation at Freie Journalistenschule Berlin (FJS) in 2011 and writing for local press as freelancer. Since 2009 she is working at PIK in different working groups as assistant and project coordinator. Thus she is very experienced in coordinating national and international research groups under different funding schemes in terms of administrative and reporting duties and regularities. In addition she advised already many project in terms of communication and events. Her knowledge about user and stakeholder processes including co-creation methods as well as her social science background are basic for her research profile.

Since 2021 Christiane is part of the coordination team in the EU funded LOCALISED project.

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