I am a Professor for "Agricultural Systems and Climate Change" at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf in Freising, Germany, and senior scientist in the working group Adaptation in Agricultural Systems. My research interests are centered around near-term yield forecasting, impacts of extreme events on agriculture and food availability, the analysis of long-term yield data with machine learning and policy advice on adaptation.
14412 Potsdam
- Since August 2021 I am a professor for "Agricultural systems and climate change" at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf (Freising, Germany)
- From October 2020 to October 2021 I co-led the working group "Adaptation in Agricultural Systems"
- Since July 2017 I am a member of the RD2 working group "Adaptation in Agricultural Systems"
- From January through August 2018 I was on parental leave
- In January 2018 I obtained a PhD in Agricultural Economics (summa cum laude)
- From 2013 to 2017 I was a researcher in PIK's Landuse and ISI-MIP groups (PhD student May 2014 - July 2017)
- From 2011 to 2013 I worked as a consultant for Renewable Energy Systems near lake Chiemsee in Germany.
- From 2005 to 2011 I studied bio-informatics at LMU and TU Munich (graduated with distinction).
My research interests are focused on near-term yield forecasting, impacts of extreme events on agriculture and food availability, the analysis of long-term yield data with machine learning and policy advice on adaptation.
- Maskell G, Shukla R, Jagannathan K, Browne K et al. (incl. Schauberger B): Dichotomy or continuum? A global review of the interaction between autonomous and planned adaptations. Ecology & Society (30), 2025
- Becker R, Schauberger B, Merz R, Schulz S, Gornott C: The vulnerability of winter wheat in Germany to air temperature, precipitation or compound extremes is shaped by soil-climate zones. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (361), 2025
- Abigaba D, Chemura A, Gornott C, Schauberger B: The potential of agroforestry to buffer climate change impacts on suitability of coffee and banana in Uganda. Agroforestry Systems (2024)
- Romanovska P, Undorf S, Schauberger B, Duisenbekova A, Gornott C: Human-induced climate change has decreased wheat production in northern Kazakhstan. Environmental Research: Climate (2024)
- Murken L, Tomalka J et al. (incl. Bernhard Schauberger): The need for evidence-based climate risk and adaptation assessments: lessons learned from the AGRICA project. Environmental Research Letters (2024)
- Liu W et al. (incl. Bernhard Schauberger): Mitigating nitrogen losses with almost no crop yield penalty during extremely wet years. Science Advances 2024
- Romanovska P, Schauberger B, Gornott C: Wheat yields in Kazakhstan can successfully be forecasted using a statistical crop model. European Journal of Agronomy (accepted)
- Anderson W et al. (incl. Bernhard Schauberger): Climate variability and simultaneous breadbasket yield shocks as observed in long-term yield records. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
- Arumugam P, Chemura A, Aschenbrenner P, Schauberger B, Gornott C: Climate change impacts and adaptation strategies: An assessment on sorghum for Burkina Faso. European Journal of Agronomy (2022)
- Laudien R, Schauberger B, Waid J, Gornott C: A forecast of staple crop production in Burkina Faso to enable early warnings of shortages in domestic food availability. Scientific Reports (2022)
- Schauberger B*, Kato H*, Kato T, Watanabe D, Ciais P: French crop yield, area and production data for ten staple crops from 1900 to 2018 at county resolution. Scientific Data (2022); *shared first authorship
- Accompanying data set at GFZ Data Services: https://doi.org/10.5880/PIK.2021.001
- This data set is part of the 20th Century Crop Statistics by Weston Anderson et al.: https://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/data/set/food-twentieth-century-crop-statistics-1900-2017
- Arumugam P, Chemura A, Schauberger B, Gornott C: Remote Sensing Based Yield Estimation of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Using Gradient Boosted Regression In India. Remote Sensing (2021)
- Schauberger B, Makowski D, Ben-Ari T, Boé J, Ciais P: No historical evidence for increased vulnerability of French crop production to climatic hazards. Agricultural & Forest Meteorology (2021)
- Shukla R, Gleixner S, Yalew A W, Schauberger B, Sietz D, Gornott C: Dynamic vulnerability of smallholder agricultural systems in the face of climate change for Ethiopia. Environmental Research Letters (2021)
- Arumugam P., Chemura A., Schauberger B., Gornott C.: Near real-time biophysical rice modeling to support crop insurance implementation in India. Agronomy (2020)
- Laudien R., Schauberger B., Makowski D., Gornott C.: Robustly forecasting maize yields in Tanzania based on climatic predictors. Scientific Reports (2020)
- Laudien R., Schauberger B., Gleixner S., Gornott C.: Assessment of weather-yield relations of starchy maize at different scales in Peru to support the NDC implementation. Agricultural & Forest Meteorology (2020)
- Schauberger B., Jägermeyr J., Gornott C.: A systematic review of local to regional yield forecasting approaches and frequently used data resources. European Journal of Agronomy (2020)
- Chemura A., Schauberger B., Gornott C.: Impacts of climate change on agro-climatic suitability of major food crops in Ghana. Plos ONE (2020)
- Ceglar A., Zampieri M., Gonzalez-Reviriego N., Ciais P., Schauberger B., Van Der Velde M.: Time-varying impact of climate on maize and wheat yields in France since 1900. Environmental Research Letters (2020)
- Lehmann J., Kretschmer M., Schauberger B., Wechsung F.: Potential for early forecast of Moroccan wheat yields based on climatic drivers. Geophysical Research Letters (2020)
- Beillouin D., Schauberger B., Bastos A., Ciais P., Makowski D.: Impact of extreme weather conditions on the European crop production in 2018. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (2020)
- Schwalbert R., Amado T., Nieto L., Corassa G., Rice C., Peralta N., Schauberger B., Gornott C., Ciampitti I.: Mid-season county-level corn yield forecast for US Corn Belt integrating satellite imagery and weather variables. Crop Science (2020)
- Schauberger B., Rolinski S., Schaphoff S., Müller C.: Global historical soybean and wheat yield loss estimates from ozone pollution considering water and temperature as modifying effects. Agricultural & Forest Meteorology (Nov 2018)
- Schauberger B., Ben-Ari T., Makowski D., Kato T., Kato H., Ciais P.: Yield trends, variability and stagnation analysis of major crops in France over more than a century. Scientific Reports (Nov 2018)
- Gerten D., Schönfeld M., Schauberger B.: On deeper human dimensions in Earth system analysis and modelling. Earth System Dynamics (2018)
- Frieler K., Schauberger B., Arneth A., Balkovic J., Chryssanthacopoulos J., Deryng D., Elliott J., Folberth C., Khabarov N., Müller C., Olin S., Pugh T. A. M., Schaphoff S., Schewe J., Schmid E., Warszawski L., Levermann A.: Understanding the weather-signal in national crop-yield variability. Earth's Future (2017)
- Zhao F., Veldkamp T., Frieler K., Schewe J., Ostberg S., Willner S., Schauberger B., Gosling S., Müller Schmied H., Portmann F., Leng G., Huang M., Liu X., Tang Q., Hanasaki N., Biemans H., Gerten D., Satoh Y., Pokhrel Y., Stacke T., Ciais P., Ducharne A., Guimberteau M., Wada Y., Kim H., Yamazaki D.: The critical role of the routing scheme in simulating peak river discharge in global hydrological models. Environmental Research Letters (2017)
- Schauberger B., Gornott C., Wechsung F.: Global evaluation of a semi-empirical model for yield anomalies and application to within-season yield forecasting. Global Change Biology (2017)
- Schauberger B., Archontoulis S., Arneth A., Balkovic J., Ciais P., Deryng D., Elliott J., Folberth C., Khabarov N., Müller C., Pugh T., Rolinski S., Schaphoff S., Schmid E., Wang X., Schlenker W., Frieler K.: Consistent negative response of US crops to high temperatures in observations and crop models. Nature Communications 8 (2017), accompanying press release
- Schauberger B., Rolinski S., Müller C.: A network-based approach for semi-quantitative knowledge mining and its application to yield variability. Environmental Research Letters 11 (2016), highlighted by the Editorial Board as "Monthly highlight"
- Kokkaliaris K., Drew E., Endele M., Loeffler D., Hoppe P., Hilsenbeck O., Schauberger B., Hinzen C., Skylaki S., Theodorou M., Kieslinger M., Lemischka I., Moore K., Schroeder T.: Identification of factors promoting ex vivo maintenance of mouse hematopoietic stem cells by long-term single-cell quantification. Blood 128, 1181-1192 (2016)
- Hilsenbeck O., Schwarzfischer M., Skylaki S., Schauberger B., Hoppe P., Loeffler D., Kokkaliaris K., Hastreiter S., Skylaki E., Filipczyk A., Strasser M., Buggenthin F., Feigelman J., Krumsiek J., van den Berg A., Endele M., Etzrodt M., Marr C., Theis F., Schroeder T.: Software tools for single-cell tracking and quantification of cellular and molecular properties. Nature Biotechnology 34, 703–706 (2016)
- Hoppe P., Schwarzfischer M., Loeffler D., Kokkaliaris K., Hilsenbeck O., Moritz N., Endele M., Filipczyk A., Gambardella A., Ahmed N., Etzrodt M., Coutu D., Rieger M., Marr C., Strasser M., Schauberger B., Burtscher I., Ermakova O., Burger A., Lickert H., Nerlov C., Theis F., Schroeder T.: Early myeloid lineage choice is not initiated by random PU.1 to GATA1 protein ratios. Nature 535, 299-302 (2016)
- Filipczyk A., Marr C., Hastreiter S., Feigelman J., Schwarzfischer M., Hoppe PS, Loeffler D., Kokkaliaris KD, Endele M., Schauberger B., Hilsenbeck O., Skylaki S., Hasenauer J., Anastassiadis K., Theis FJ and Schroeder T.: Network plasticity of pluripotency transcription factors in embryonic stem cells. Nature Cell Biology 17, 1235–1246 (2015)
Other publications
- Murken, Gornott, et al. (incl. B. Schauberger), 2020: Climate Risk Analysis for Identifying and Weighing Adaptation Strategies in Ethiopia’s Agricultural Sector. Report, PIK, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
- Murken, Gornott, et al. (incl. B. Schauberger), 2019: Climate Risk Analysis for Identifying and Weighing Adaptation Strategies in Ghana’s Agriculture Sector. Report, PIK, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
- My PhD thesis: https://edoc.hu-berlin.de/handle/18452/19555
Green Vision Central Asia: https://www.pik-potsdam.de/research/projects/imported/763
Agrica 2020: https://www.pik-potsdam.de/research/projects/imported/745
- Selected as attendee of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting 2020 (postponed to 2021 due to Corona crisis)
- Member of the Postdoc Academy for Transformational Leadership by the Robert-Bosch-Foundation (07/2019 - 03/2021)
- Allianz Climate Risk Research Award (3rd place), Dec 2017
- PhD Scholarship of the German National Academic Foundation, 08/2014 - 06/2017
- Several travel grants from the Humboldt-University Berlin / IRI-THESys
- Study scholarship of the German National Academic Foundation, 06/2010 - 05/2011
Stays abroad
- 2016-2019: Paris, France: Visiting researcher at the LSCE with Dr. Philippe Ciais (11/2016 - 10/2019)
- 2016: Maricopa (AZ), USA: Visiting researcher at the USDA ALARC with Dr. Gary Wall (06/2016 - 07/2016)
- 2009: Arequipa, Peru: Missionary on temporary terms (English teacher) at CIRCA-MAS (02/2009 - 10/2009)
- Reviewer for Nature Communications, Field Crops Research, Nature Plants, Global Change Biology, Environmental Research Letters, Agricultural & Forest Meteorology, Nature Climate Change, Climatic Change, Scientific Reports, Regional Environmental Change, and others
- Greening PIK initiative - Making the research system at PIK more climate-friendly
- Member of the PhD Representatives at PIK (2014-2016)