There are a number of existing decision
support tools that are widely used in policy and project appraisal, and
which have potential for some conventional adaptation decisions. Three
key techniques are used in European policy and option appraisal,
summarised below.
Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) is
the method of choice in most Government economic appraisal or impact
assessment. Social cost-benefit analysis (CBA) values all relevant
costs and benefits to society of all options, and then estimates a net
present value or a benefit:cost ratio. In this regard, CBA is an
absolute measure providing the justification for intervention, though
it is often difficult to value all the costs and benefits of a
particular project or policy.
CBA has been used
in some adaptation assessment, usually as part of an impact assessment
focused analysis. However, the routine CBA applied in economic
appraisal does not fully address many of the complex issues of
adaptation (UNFCCC, 2009). In general, the more unique and less routine
the decision-making context is, the more difficult the use of CBA will
be, and the technique will be appropriate only for some adaptation
decision-making contexts, though it can be combined with many of the
new techniques below.
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA)
is a widely used decision support tool. It compares alternative options
for achieving similar outputs (or objectives). In this regard it is a
relative measure, providing comparative information between choices
(unlike CBA, which provides an absolute measure). It has been widely
used in environmental policy analysis, because it avoids monetary
valuation of benefits, and instead quantifies benefits in physical
At the technical or project level, CEA
can be used to compare and rank alternative options. It does this by
assessing options in terms of the cost per unit of benefit delivered,
e.g. cost per tonne of pollution abated. This identifies those options
that deliver highest benefit for lowest cost (i.e. the most
cost-effective). At the project, policy or programme level, where
combinations of options are needed, CEA can be used to assess the most
cost-effective order of options, and identify the least-cost path for
achieving pre-defined policy targets. This is undertaken through the
use of marginal abatement cost (MAC) curves, which implement options in
order of cost-effectiveness, adding up the cumulative benefits with
each additional option. This approach can also identify the largest
benefits possible with the available resources, and can be used to help
set targets.
Cost-effectiveness analysis has
become the main appraisal technique used for climate change mitigation,
as it allows a comparison and ranking of alternative options within and
across sectors, using the metric of cost per tonne of GHG abated
(€/tCO2), and there has also been widespread use of marginal
abatement cost curves for mitigation.
the lack of a common metric makes a similar cross-sectoral approach
impossible for adaptation. Moreover, adaptation is a response to many
different local, regional or national level impacts, rather than to a
single global burden, and the application of CEA to adaptation is
therefore much more demanding, in terms of analysis detail and
CEA also focuses analysis on a single
metric, thus omitting a full analysis of all relevant costs and
benefits, which reduces the potential for cross-sectoral applications.
Nonetheless, costeffectiveness is already used in many sectors that are
relevant to adaptation, such as health (using health impact metrics)
and flooding (looking at acceptable levels of risk), and it has some
potential for appraising options within a sector, though the approach
does not easily lend itself to the analysis of uncertainty.
Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA)
is a decision support tool that allows consideration of quantitative
and qualitative data together in ranking alternative options. The
approach provides a systematic method for assessing and scoring options
against a range of decision criteria, some of which are expressed in
physical or monetary units, and some which are qualitative. The various
criteria can then be weighted to provide an overall ranking of options.
has been widely applied in the environmental domain. It has also been
used as a complementary tool to support cost-benefit analysis in
appraisal, to consider the performance of options against criteria that
may be difficult to value or involve qualitative aspects.
does have considerable potential for adaptation. Criteria can be
included to consider uncertainty or various complex elements of good
adaptation, and the approach brings the flexibility to work with
qualitative information, which is particularly useful given there are
often data gaps. As an example, previous adaptation MCAs have
considered criteria of robustness, low/no regret characteristics or
flexibility, as well as co-benefits and synergies with mitigation (van
Ierland et al, 2007). However, the analysis can be somewhat subjective
in nature, especially in relation to uncertainty, as it tends to work
with individual scenarios, against which options are assessed. This
makes it more difficult to incorporate the trade-offs over time and to
fully incorporate climate change uncertainty (i.e. how benefits of
different adaptation options vary).