You are here: Home / Case studies / SE2 - Tuscan people is hot!
case: SE2 location: Tuscany (Italy) sectors: Health; Tourism


Which question has been addressed in this step?

What is the relationship between climate and tourism in Tuscany?

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Why has this question been chosen?

  • Touristic sector is one of the most important for Tuscan economy
  • There is a limited literature on the effects of heat waves on tourism
  • There is a scarce awareness of stakeholders and decision makers regarding the topic

Which methods have been applied?

  • Development of a statistical model that explains additional mortality and/or hospital admissions through air temperature, dew point temperature and socio-geographical variables (e.g. urban/rural, age structure)

Why have these methods been selected?

  • Practical reasons (data availability)
  • Structural reasons (past experience in, and knowledge of the methodologies, background studies).

What results have been obtained?

  • Up to date, heat waves seem to have no impact on tourism

Reflections on this step

  • We should find other methods


As yet, no adaptation task / method type has been related to this case step.

Details on this case study step

[no further details on this step available]