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The UKCIP Business Areas Climate Impacts Assessment Tool (BACLIAT) allows for exploring the implications of climate change on a particular organization or sector. It comprises a simple checklist for assessing the potential impacts of climate change to different aspects of an organization: logistics, finance, markets, process, people, premises and management implications. Designed for use by the business sector, BACLIAT encourages considering threats and opportunities at a organizational or industrial-sector level.

Toolbox tags

This toolbox entry has been labelled with the following tags:

Sector: independent
Spatial scale: independent
Temporal focus: future
Onset: independent
Role in decision process: diagnostic
Level of skills required: limited
Data requirements: limited
Adaptation tasks: Vulnerability and capacity analysis


BACLIAT can be used by an individual but is of most value when used as the basis of a brainstorming exercise with a group of relevant managers or representatives from the organization or sector in question. It can also be used in more general awareness-raising workshops to illustrate the breadth of impacts that climate change could have. The tool was designed to be used at a industrial sector or individual business scale, but could be applied to other sectors and scales. BACLIAT has been used by trade associations and companies in the UK.


The tool is free to use and access, and requires no special knowledge, outside knowledge of the organization or sector in question, as well as a background knowledge on climate change. BACLIAT is provided by the UKCIP, who may be available to facilitate workshops. Documentation is available from UKCIP, for further information, contact:

Kay Johnstone, Project Officer (Business), UK Climate Impacts Programme; e-mail:

Further Reading and References

Metcalf, G. and K. Jenkinson. 2005. A Changing Climate for Business, UKCIP.

Toolbox category

This detail page belongs to toolbox category
Vulnerability indication


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