The Global Calculator will help business leaders in the transport, manufacturing, food, construction and electricity generation industries explore the implications of different energy, food and land futures for their business operations and the climate system.
The tool can be run using 40 choices to compile a more detailed, nuanced pathway to 2050.
For convenience, users can also set groups of choices together, using 10 "aggregated" choices to rapidly generate a pathway to 2050.
Developed together with the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change, Climate-KIC, Chinese Energy R&D International, Ernst & Young India, Climact, London School of Economics, Imperial College London and Climate Media Factory. Support also from: International Energy Agency, World Resources Institute, Utrecht University, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Resaerch, Reading University, Rothamsted Research, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Met Office, Tyndall Centre.