vegetation.f95 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~vegetation.f95~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~vegetation.f95 vegetation.f95 sourcefile~utilities.f95 utilities.f95 sourcefile~vegetation.f95->sourcefile~utilities.f95 sourcefile~snow.f95 snow.f95 sourcefile~vegetation.f95->sourcefile~snow.f95 sourcefile~management.f95 management.f95 sourcefile~vegetation.f95->sourcefile~management.f95 sourcefile~nutrient.f95 nutrient.f95 sourcefile~vegetation.f95->sourcefile~nutrient.f95 sourcefile~landuse.f95 landuse.f95 sourcefile~vegetation.f95->sourcefile~landuse.f95 sourcefile~output.f95 output.f95 sourcefile~vegetation.f95->sourcefile~output.f95 sourcefile~input.f95 input.f95 sourcefile~vegetation.f95->sourcefile~input.f95 sourcefile~snow.f95->sourcefile~utilities.f95 sourcefile~snow.f95->sourcefile~output.f95 sourcefile~snow.f95->sourcefile~input.f95 sourcefile~management.f95->sourcefile~utilities.f95 sourcefile~management.f95->sourcefile~output.f95 sourcefile~management.f95->sourcefile~input.f95 sourcefile~nutrient.f95->sourcefile~utilities.f95 sourcefile~nutrient.f95->sourcefile~input.f95 sourcefile~landuse.f95->sourcefile~utilities.f95 sourcefile~landuse.f95->sourcefile~input.f95 sourcefile~output.f95->sourcefile~utilities.f95 sourcefile~output.f95->sourcefile~input.f95 sourcefile~input.f95->sourcefile~utilities.f95

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~vegetation.f95~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~vegetation.f95 vegetation.f95 sourcefile~hydrotope.f95 hydrotope.f95 sourcefile~hydrotope.f95->sourcefile~vegetation.f95 sourcefile~crop.f95 crop.f95 sourcefile~hydrotope.f95->sourcefile~crop.f95 sourcefile~time.f95 time.f95 sourcefile~time.f95->sourcefile~vegetation.f95 sourcefile~time.f95->sourcefile~hydrotope.f95 sourcefile~subbasin.f95 subbasin.f95 sourcefile~time.f95->sourcefile~subbasin.f95 sourcefile~time.f95->sourcefile~crop.f95 sourcefile~reservoir.f95 reservoir.f95 sourcefile~time.f95->sourcefile~reservoir.f95 sourcefile~catchment.f95 catchment.f95 sourcefile~time.f95->sourcefile~catchment.f95 sourcefile~subbasin.f95->sourcefile~vegetation.f95 sourcefile~subbasin.f95->sourcefile~hydrotope.f95 sourcefile~subbasin.f95->sourcefile~crop.f95 sourcefile~subbasin.f95->sourcefile~reservoir.f95 sourcefile~crop.f95->sourcefile~vegetation.f95 sourcefile~swim.f95 swim.f95 sourcefile~swim.f95->sourcefile~vegetation.f95 sourcefile~swim.f95->sourcefile~hydrotope.f95 sourcefile~swim.f95->sourcefile~time.f95 sourcefile~swim.f95->sourcefile~subbasin.f95 sourcefile~swim.f95->sourcefile~crop.f95 sourcefile~swim.f95->sourcefile~reservoir.f95 sourcefile~swim.f95->sourcefile~catchment.f95 sourcefile~reservoir.f95->sourcefile~hydrotope.f95 sourcefile~catchment.f95->sourcefile~subbasin.f95


Source Code

Source Code

!     FILE vegfun.f95
!     subroutine wstress(j, je, k, n) crpmd, vegmd
!     subroutine tstress(tgx, j, je, n) crpmd, vegmd
!     subroutine scurve(x1, x2, x3, x4) crpmd, adjustbe
!     subroutine ascrv(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) readcrp
!     subroutine adjustbe(j, je, xtem, beadj) crpmd
module vegetation

  use utilities, only : dp

  implicit none

  ! initial Leaf Area Index for land use type
  real(dp), save, dimension(:), allocatable :: alai0
  integer, parameter :: nih = 7
  ! water use rate - depth parameter, used in wstress
  real(dp) :: ub = 3.065
  ! alpha factor for vegetation
  real(dp), save :: alfa
  ! plant transpiration, mm
  real(dp), save :: ep
  ! temperature stress factor
  real(dp), save :: ts
  ! plant evaporation, potential, mm
  real(dp), save :: potentl
  real(dp), save :: sdt = 0. ! sum temp stress days
  real(dp), save :: sdw = 0. ! sum water stress days
  ! |hour |time threshold used to define dormant , dimension(subtot)
  real(dp), save, dimension(:), allocatable :: dormhr
  ! dormancy threshold for day length
  logical, save :: bDormancy = .false.
  real(dp), save :: epco = 1. ! limit plant water demand compensation from lower layers.
  ! pap calc in readbas from ub, ub=3.065 blockdata
  real(dp), save :: uob
  ! switch parameter: to calc CO2 effect on net photosynthesis?
  integer, save :: ialpha
  ! switch parameter: to calc CO2 effect on transpiration?
  integer, save :: ibeta
  ! switch parameter: 3 / 4 - C3 or C4 crop?
  real(dp), save :: ic3c4
  ! atm CO2 in the reference period, ppm
  real(dp), save :: co2ref
  ! atm CO2 in the scenario period, ppm
  real(dp), save :: co2sce
  real(dp), save, dimension(:), allocatable :: gwqLastday
  ! maximum additional additional uptake rate in wetlands, mm
  real(dp), save :: rzmaxup = 0.
  ! min day length, h, calc. in readwet
  real(dp), save, dimension(:), allocatable :: daylmn
  ! day length in subbasin, h, calc in readcli
  real(dp), save, dimension(:), allocatable :: daylen
  ! index for dormant period
  integer, save, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: idorm
  ! crop residue in two upper soil layers, kg / ha
  real(dp), save, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable :: rsd
  ! total biomass, kg / ha
  real(dp), save, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: dm
  ! fraction heat units accumulated, 1 / 1
  real(dp), save, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: g
  ! alai(j, je) - leaf area index
  real(dp), save, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: olai
  ! leaf area index
  real(dp), save, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: alai
  ! root depth, mm
  real(dp), save, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: rd
  ! water stress factor
  real(dp), save, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: ws
  ! water stress, sum for the growth period
  real(dp), save, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: wsav
  ! temp stress, sum for the growth period
  real(dp), save, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: tsav
  ! base temp. for plant growth, degree C
  real(dp), save, dimension(:), allocatable :: tb
  ! max LAI for crop
  real(dp), save, dimension(:), allocatable :: blai
  ! fraction of growing season, when LAI declines
  real(dp), save, dimension(:), allocatable :: dlai
  ! minimum Leaf Area Index (for forest and natural vegetation)
  real(dp), save, dimension(:), allocatable :: almn
  ! specific leaf area, m2 / kg, LAI / SLA in kg / m2
  real(dp), save, dimension(:), allocatable :: sla
  ! land cover category for vegetation iv
  integer, save, dimension(:), allocatable :: ilcc
  ! shape parameter for the LAI developement equation
  real(dp), save, dimension(:), allocatable :: ald1
  ! shape parameter for the LAI developement equation
  real(dp), save, dimension(:), allocatable :: ald2
  ! optimal temperature for plant growth, degrees C
  real(dp), save, dimension(:), allocatable :: to

  ! output ids
  integer :: &
    transpiration_output_id = 0, &
    vegetation_water_stress_oid = 0, &
    vegetation_temp_stress_oid = 0, &
    heat_unit_fract_output_id = 0, &
    biomass_total_output_id = 0, &
    leaf_area_index_output_id = 0, &
    root_depth_output_id = 0

    co2ref, &
    co2sce, &
    epco, &
    ialpha, &
    ibeta, &
    ic3c4, &
    rzmaxup, &
    ub, &



  subroutine vegetation_initialise(mb, nlut, mcrdb, meap, lat)
    use input, only : get_config_fid
    use output, only : output_register_hydrotope_var
    integer, intent(in) :: mb, nlut, mcrdb, meap
    real(dp), intent(in) :: lat(:)

    read(get_config_fid(), VEGETATION_PARAMETERS)

    call vegetation_allocate(mb, nlut, mcrdb, meap)
    call vegetation_prepare_parameters(lat)

    ! output variables
    transpiration_output_id = output_register_hydrotope_var("transpiration", .false.)
    vegetation_water_stress_oid = &
    vegetation_temp_stress_oid = &
    heat_unit_fract_output_id = output_register_hydrotope_var("heat_unit_fraction")
    biomass_total_output_id = output_register_hydrotope_var("biomass_total")
    leaf_area_index_output_id = output_register_hydrotope_var("leaf_area_index")
    root_depth_output_id = output_register_hydrotope_var("root_depth")

  end subroutine vegetation_initialise

  subroutine vegetation_prepare_parameters(lat)
    real(dp), intent(in) :: lat(:)
    real(dp) :: ch(size(lat)), hrs(size(lat))

    ch = .439 * abs(tan(lat / 57.296))
    hrs = merge(0., acos(ch), ch >= 1.)
    daylmn = 7.72 * hrs
    if (bDormancy) then
      dormhr = merge(1., (abs(lat) - 20.) / 20., abs(lat) > 40.)
      dormhr = merge(-0.1, dormhr, abs(lat) < 20.)
      dormhr = - 1.
    end if
  end subroutine vegetation_prepare_parameters

  subroutine vegetation_allocate(mb, nlut, mcrdb, meap)
    integer, intent(in) :: mb, nlut, mcrdb, meap

    allocate(alai(mb, meap))
    allocate(dm(mb, meap))
    allocate(g(mb, meap))
    allocate(idorm(mb, meap))
    allocate(olai(mb, meap))
    allocate(rd(mb, meap))
    allocate(rsd(mb, meap, 2))
    allocate(tsav(mb, meap))
    allocate(ws(mb, meap))
    allocate(wsav(mb, meap))

    alai(:, :) = 0.
    alai0 = 0.
    ald1 = 0.
    ald2 = 0.
    almn = 0.
    blai = 0.
    daylen = 0.
    daylmn = 0.
    dlai = 0.
    dm = 0.
    dormhr = 0.
    g = 0.
    gwqLastday = 0.
    idorm = 0
    ilcc = 0
    olai(: , :) = 0.
    rd = 0.
    rsd = 0.
    sla = 0.
    tb = 0.
    tsav = 0.
    uob = 1. - exp(- ub)
    ws = 0.
    wsav = 0.
    to = 0.

  end subroutine vegetation_allocate

  subroutine dealloc_vegetation

  end subroutine dealloc_vegetation

  subroutine vegetation_water_stress(j, je, k, n, wet, additionalGwUptake, bWAM_Module, dart, daycounter, fc, frar, humi, icc, ida, iy, iyr, mstruc, nbyr, nn, nucr, nveg, rdmx, sbar, sep, ste, z)
    !      alfa = calculated in adjustbe
    !      co2ref = CO2 in reference period, ppm
    !      co2sce = CO2 in simulated period, ppm
    !      ep = plant evaporation, mm
    !      g(j, je) = fraction heat units accumulated, 1/1
    !      humi(j) = air humidity, %
    !      ialpha = switch parameter: to calc CO2 effect on net photosynthesis?
    !      ibeta = switch parameter: to calc CO2 effect on transpiration?
    !      ida = current day
    !      ilcc(iv) = land cover category for vegetation iv
    !      iwshd = number of hydrotope to print from wstress(), if iwstr = 1
    !      iwssb = number of subbasin to print from wstress(), if iwstr = 1
    !      iwstr = switch code to print from wstress()
    !      nn = number of soil layers
    !      nucr(j, je) = crop number (database)
    !      nveg(j, je) = vegetation number (database)
    !      potentl = plant evaporation, potential, mm
    !      precip = precipitation, mm
    !      rd(j, je) = root depth, mm
    !      rdmx(iv) = max root depth, mm
    !      sep = water percolation
    !      ste(j, je, l) = water storage, recalc here, mm
    !block ub = 3.065
    !      ul(l, k) = upper limit water content in layer, mm
    !      uob = pap calc in readbas from ub, ub=3.065 blockdata
    !      ws(j, je) = water stress factor
    !      z(l, k) = depth of layer, mm
    !      >>>>>

    !      >>>>> STATIC PARAMETERS
    !      beta = beta factor for plant transpiration under higher CO2
    !      ccfi = local par
    !      epin = local par
    !      gx = local par
    !      ir = local par
    !      l = local par
    !      num = local par
    !      sum = local par
    !      u = local par |mm H2O |water uptake by plants in each soil layer
    !      ul4 = local par
    !      xx = local par |mm H2O |water uptake by plants from all layers
    !      xx1 = local par
    !      xx2 = local par
    !      xx3 = local par
    !      >>>>>

    !**** Include common parameters
    use management, only : &
        TSubbasin, TWaterUser, management_is_transfer_subbasin, management_subbasin_pointer, &
        management_user_pointer, management_is_active_period, wam_correct_irrigationdemand, &
        wam_plantdemand_summary, wam_plantdemand_summary, wam_irrigationdemand_summary
    use landuse, only : landuse_is_cropland

    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: additionalGwUptake
    logical, intent(in) :: bWAM_Module
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: dart
    integer, intent(in) :: daycounter
    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: fc
    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: frar
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: humi
    integer, intent(in) :: icc
    integer, intent(in) :: ida
    integer, intent(in) :: iy
    integer, intent(in) :: iyr
    integer, dimension(:, :, :), intent(in) :: mstruc
    integer, intent(in) :: nbyr
    integer, intent(in) :: nn
    integer, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: nucr
    integer, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: nveg
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: rdmx
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: sbar
    real(dp), intent(inout) :: sep
    real(dp), dimension(:, :, :), intent(inout) :: ste
    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: z
    integer j, je, n, k, ir, l, num, wet
    real(dp) beta, ccfi, epin, gx, sum, ul4, xx, xx1, xx2, xx3
    real(dp) areahyd, additionalUptake, co2sce_interpolated
    real(dp), dimension(10) :: u
    ! epco as a global calibration parameter in * .bsn
    real(dp) zu, sump
    real(dp) rdmx_temp
    real(dp) :: area ! hydrotop area, m2
    TYPE (TSubbasin), POINTER :: pS ! pointer on subbasins
    TYPE (TWaterUser), POINTER :: pWU ! pointer on actual TWU

    u = 0.
    potentl = ep

    ! The factor "epco" is introduced to limit plant water demand
    ! compensation from lower layers.
    ! Without epco (or epco=1) water demand which could not be met
    ! by an individual layer was moved to the next lower layer.
    ! epco=0 means no compensation. epco=0.5 means 50% compensation
    ! from next lower layer.
    ! It is basically a calibration parameter and reflects
    ! the plants flexibility to respond to water limitations
    ! with increased root growth. -- Pia Gottschalk
    !**** SL
          ! epco is now a calibration paramter in *.bsn
    !**** SL

    !**** Including factor beta for plant transpiration under higher CO2
    !               as a constant beta coupled to alfa
    if (ialpha .eq. 1 .and. ibeta .eq. 1) then
      ! Calculation of transient CO2 increase = simple interpolation
      ! from start year CO2 concentration (co2ref)
      ! to end year CO2 concentration (co2sce):
      co2sce_interpolated = ((co2sce - co2ref) / (nbyr - 1)) * (iy - 1) + co2ref
      !        beta = alfa * co2sce / co2ref
      ! Correction of calculation of beta, Pia Gottschalk, 23/08/2011
      beta = alfa * co2ref / co2sce_interpolated
      ep = ep * beta
    end if

    epin = ep
    xx = 0.

    if (landuse_is_cropland(n) ) then
      num = nucr(j, je)
      num = nveg(j, je)
    end if
    !**** CALC plant transpiration ep and water stress ws()
    !     Correction from F. Badeck: ul4 = ul()*0.6, 60% instead of 25% before
    !     Correction from P. Gottschalk, 19/07/11:
    !     ul4 = ul()*0.5, 50% instead of 25% (SWIM original) before
    !     Correction from P. Gottschalk, 19/07/11, is based on
    !     "Leitfaden zur Beregnung landwirtschaftlicher Kulturen",
    !     LVLF, September 2005, Tabelle 3
    if (ep .le. 0.) then
      ws(j, je) = 1.
      l = 1
      ir = 0
      sum = 0.
      sump = 0.
      !       select case (ilcc(num))
      !          case (1, 2, 4, 5)
      !             rd(j, je) = 2.5 * g(j, je) * rdmx(num)
      !             if ( rd(j, je) > rdmx(num) ) rd(j, je)= rdmx(num)
      !             !if (sol_rd < 10.) sol_rd = 10.
      !          case default
      !             rd(j, je) = rdmx(num)
      !       end select
      ! Pia: rdmx (max. rooting depth) is adjusted to the depth
      ! of the arable layer or max rooting depth (from crop.dat)
      ! if the depth of the arable layer is greater than the
      ! crop specific max root depth.
      ! To adjust hydrotop specific water uptake the variable
      ! "rdmx_temp" is introduced here locally.
      ! This prevents that the loop over the arable layer to calculate
      ! water uptake generates a water stress artefact.
      ! Before, water demand was calculated along the whole root profile
      ! but the loop only ran over the arable layer.
      ! Note, this effectively reduces plant water stress
      ! because max. root depth for winter wheat is set to 2 m
      ! whereas the arable layer is usually set to a shallower layer.
      rdmx_temp = min(rdmx(num), z(nn, k))
      if (ilcc(num) .le. 2 .or. ilcc(num) .eq. 4 .or. ilcc(num) .eq. 5 &
          .OR. nucr(j, je) == icc ) then ! why not include cover crop?
        rd(j, je) = 2.5 * g(j, je) * rdmx_temp
        if (rd(j, je) .gt. rdmx_temp) then
          rd(j, je) = rdmx_temp
        end if
        rd(j, je) = rdmx_temp
      end if

      xx = 0.
      zu = 0.
      do l = 1, nn
        if (ir .gt. 0) exit
        if (rd(j, je) .le. z(l, k)) then
          gx = rd(j, je)
          ir = l
          gx = z(l, k)
        end if
        if (rd(j, je) .le. 0.) then
          sum = ep / uob
          if (num .eq. 69) then
            sum = ep * (1. - exp(- ub)) / uob
            sum = ep * (1. - exp(- ub * gx / rd(j, je))) / uob
          end if
        end if

        sump = sum
        !          u(l) = sum - xx
          u(l) = sum - sump + (sump - xx) * epco
        ! Pia: Commented out as the threshold from which plant water
        ! uptake is reduced due to increasing matrix potential (here 0.5)
        ! refers to the plant available water (=fc) and not to saturation (=ul)
        ! Note, this reduces plant water stress.
        !         ul4 = ul(l, k) * 0.5
        ul4 = fc(l, k) * 0.75

        ! Pia: Commented out: linear decline of plant water uptake below fc*0.5
        !            u(l) = u(l) * ste(j, je, l) / ul4
        ! Pia: Now using SWAT approach which features a exponential decline
        ! of plant water uptake below fc*0.5
        if (ste(j, je, l) .lt. ul4 ) u(l) = u(l) * exp(5 * (ste(j, je, l) / ul4 - 1))

        if (ste(j, je, l) .lt. u(l) ) u(l) = ste(j, je, l)
        ste(j, je, l) = ste(j, je, l) - u(l)
        xx = xx + u(l)
        zu = z(l, k)
      end do ! l = 1, nn

      ws(j, je) = xx / ep

      ! calculate plant water demand for irrigated crops
      if (bWAM_Module) then
        if (management_is_transfer_subbasin(j) ) then
          if (landuse_is_cropland(n) .AND. mstruc(j, je, 7) > 0 & ! if HRU is cropland .AND. if value in column IRR in * .str file is > 0
                              .AND. nucr(j, je) /= icc ) then ! if hydrotope is irrigated cropland, no cover crop (icc)
            pS => management_subbasin_pointer(j) ! pointer on current subbasin (could be source or destination)
            pWU => management_user_pointer(pS % pos_irr) ! pointer on current water user
            area = frar(j, je) * sbar(j) ! HRU area in m^2
            ! Plant and total irrigation requirements are calculated here.
            ! If irr_opt == 1, these requirements are written to the output files, but
            ! the amount of water used for irrigation will be overwritten by input time series in: wam_withdraw_Transfer_Out() !!!
            if (pWU % wu_opt == 4 .AND. management_is_active_period(iyr, ida, pWU) ) then ! if source is not external but another subbasin

              ! calculate plant demand but only for output purposes because under this option,
              ! water is provided (input time series) independently from requirements.
              ! xx = water uptake by plants from all layers [mm]
              ! ep = plant transpiration [mm]
              pWU % plantDemand(daycounter) = real(pWU % plantDemand(daycounter) + (xx - ep) / 1000. * area / 86400. * (- 1.)) ! mm - > m3 / s

              ! calculate actual irrigation demand including losses depending on irrigation practices
              pWU % irrigationDemand(daycounter) = wam_correct_irrigationDemand(pWU, pWU % plantDemand(daycounter))

              ! summarise total plant demand and irrigation demand for summary output file
              wam_plantDemand_summary(daycounter) = &
                  wam_plantDemand_summary(daycounter) + pWU % plantDemand(daycounter)
              wam_irrigationDemand_summary(daycounter) = &
                  wam_irrigationDemand_summary(daycounter) + pWU % irrigationDemand(daycounter)
              end if ! ( pWU % wu_opt == 4 )
          end if ! ( landuse_is_cropland(n) .AND. mstrucx(j, je, 1) >= 1 )
        end if ! ( wam_is_transfer_subbasin(j) )
      end if ! ( wam_bTransfer )

      ep = xx
    end if ! if (ep .le. 0.)

    !**** Correction on air humidity
    if (ida .gt. 100 .and. humi(j) .gt. 75.) then
        xx2 = potentl - ep
      ! ccfi = (humi(j) - 75.)/10.
      ! ccfi = 2.*(humi(j) - 75.)/10.
      ccfi = 1.
      if (ccfi .gt. 1.) ccfi = 1.
      if (xx2 .gt. 0.) then
        ! xx3=min(sep, ccfi*xx2)
        xx3 = ccfi * xx2
        if (xx3 .gt. sep) xx3 = sep
        ep = ep + xx3
        sep = sep - xx3
        if (sep .lt. 0.) sep = 0.
        ws(j, je) = ep / potentl
      end if
    end if

    !       new Riperian zone
    if (wet == 1 .and. gwqLastday(j) > 0) then

      ! calculate transpiration deficite xx1
      xx1 = potentl - ep
      if (xx1 .gt. 0.) then
        ! uptake is limitited to rzmaxup
        if (xx1 > rzmaxup) xx1 = rzmaxup
        ep = ep + xx1
        ! calc hydrotop area
        areahyd = frar(j, je) * dart(j)
        ! calculate additional uptake in m3
        additionalUptake = xx1 * areahyd * 1000

        ! to avoid negative flow
        if ((gwqLastday(j) - additionalUptake) < 0) then
          ep = ep - xx1
          additionalUptake = gwqLastday(j)
          ! increase Et by additional uptake
          ep = ep + additionalUptake / (areahyd * 1000)
        end if

        gwqLastday(j) = gwqLastday(j) - additionalUptake
        additionalGwUptake(j) = additionalGwUptake(j) + additionalUptake
        ws(j, je) = ep / potentl
      end if
    end if

  end subroutine vegetation_water_stress


  subroutine vegetation_temperature_stress(tgx, j, je, n, avt, nucr, nveg, tmn, to, tx)
    !      avt(j) = average annual daily temerature., degree C
    !      nucr(j, je) = crop number
    !      nveg(j, je) = vegetation number
    !      tb(iv) = base temp for plant growth, degree C
    !      tmn(j) = daily min temp, from readcli, degree C
    !      to(iv) = opt temp for growth, degree C
    !      ts = temp stress factor
    !      tx(j) = daily aver temp, degree C
    !      >>>>>

    !      >>>>> STATIC PARAMETERS
    !      num = local par
    !      rto = local par
    !      rto1 = local par
    !      rto2 = local par
    !      >>>>>

    !**** Include common parameters
    use landuse, only : landuse_is_cropland
    use snow, only : bSnowModule, tmin, tx_tmp, tmit, tmin_tmp

    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: avt
    integer, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: nucr
    integer, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: nveg
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: tmn
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: to
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: tx
    integer j, je, n, num
    real(dp) tgx, rto, rto1, rto2
    !#### SNOW MODULE ####
    if (bSnowModule) then
      tx_tmp = tmit
      tmin_tmp = tmin
      tx_tmp = tx(j)
      tmin_tmp = tmn(j)
    end if

    if (landuse_is_cropland(n) ) then
        num = nucr(j, je)
        num = nveg(j, je)

    rto = 0.
    rto1 = 0.
    rto2 = 0.

    !**** CALC temp stress factor ts
    if (tx_tmp .le. to(num)) then
      tgx = (to(num) + tb(num)) / (to(num) - tb(num))
      rto1 = tgx * (to(num) - tx_tmp) ** 2
      rto2 = rto1 / (tx_tmp + 1.e-6)
      if (rto2 .le. 200.) then
        ts = exp(- 0.1054 * rto2)
        ts = 0.
      end if
      tgx = 2. * to(num) - tb(num) - tx_tmp
      rto = ((to(num)-tx_tmp) / (tgx + 1.e-6)) ** 2
      if (rto .le. 200.) then
        ts = exp(- 0.1054 * rto)
        ts = 0.
      end if

    if (tmin_tmp .le. (avt(j) - 15.)) ts = 0.

  end subroutine vegetation_temperature_stress


  subroutine vegetation_s_curve(x1, x2, x3, x4)
    !              GIVEN 2 (X, Y) POINTS
    !**** CALLED IN: CRPMD

    real(dp) x1, x2, x3, x4, xx

    xx =log(x3 / x1 - x3)
    x2 = (xx -log(x4 / x2 - x4)) / (x4 - x3)
    x1 = xx + x3 * x2
  end subroutine vegetation_s_curve


  subroutine vegetation_s_curve_parameters(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
    !              GIVEN 2 (X, Y) POINTS
    !~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    real(dp) xx, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6

    xx = 0.0
    x5 = 0.0
    x6 = 0.0
    xx = Log(x3 / x1 - x3)
    x6 = (xx - Log(x4 / x2 - x4)) / (x4 - x3)
    x5 = xx + (x3 * x6)

  end subroutine vegetation_s_curve_parameters


  subroutine vegetation_adjust_energy_ratio(j, je, beadj, be, nucr, tx)
    !**** PURPOSE: this subroutine adjusts biomass-energy ratio for crop
    !              for higher atmosphere CO2 concentrations
    !              F. Wechsung method (temperature-dependent)
    !**** CALLED IN: CRPMD
    !      alfa = alpha factor for vegetation
    !      be(icr) = biomass-energy ratio for crop
    !      co2ref = atm CO2 in the reference period, ppm
    !      co2sce = atm CO2 in the scenario period, ppm
    !      ic3c4 = switch parameter: 3/4 - C3 or C4 crop?
    !      nucr(j, je) = crop number (database)
    !      tx(j) = average daily temp., degree C
    !      >>>>>

    !      >>>>> STATIC PARAMETERS
    !      aa = coef
    !      bb = coef
    !      c1 = co2ref
    !      c2 = co2sce
    !      cc = coef
    !      ci1 = CO2 internal corr co2ref
    !      ci2 = CO2 internal corr co2sce
    !      deg = local par
    !      del = local par
    !      delq = local par
    !      xlnalfa = local par
    !      >>>>>

    !**** Include common parameters
    use snow, only : bSnowModule, tx_tmp, tmit

    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: be
    integer, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: nucr
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: tx
    integer j, je
    real(dp) beadj, aa, bb, c1, c2, cc, ci1, ci2, deg, del, delq, xlnalfa
    !#### SNOW MODULE ####
    if (bSnowModule) then
      tx_tmp = tmit
      tx_tmp = tx(j)
    end if
    !**** CALC xlnalfa = f(tx)
    aa = 0.3898E-2
    bb = 0.3769E-5
    cc = 0.3697E-4
    c1 = co2ref
    c2 = co2sce
    ci1 = c1 * 0.7
    ci2 = c2 * 0.7
    del = ci2 - ci1
    delq = ci2 * ci2 - ci1 * ci1
    xlnalfa = aa * del - bb * delq + cc * del * tx_tmp

    !**** CALC degree - different for C3 and C4 crops
    if (ic3c4 .eq. 4) then
      deg = 0.36
      deg = 0.6

    !**** CALC alfa and beadj
    alfa = exp(xlnalfa) ** deg
    if (alfa .lt. 1) alfa = 1.
    beadj = be(nucr(j, je)) * alfa

  end subroutine vegetation_adjust_energy_ratio


  subroutine vegetation_process(j, je, k, n, wet, additionalGwUptake, avt, bWAM_Module, be, cva, dart, daycounter, fc, flu, frar, huharv, humi, hun, icc, ida, iy, iyr, mstruc, nbyr, nn, nucr, nveg, ra, rdmx, rwt, sbar, sep, snup, spup, ste, sumfc, swe, tmn, to, tx, uap, z, alai, olai)
    !**** PURPOSE: CALC daily growth of plant biomass for natural vegetation
    !      alai(j, je) = leaf area index
    !      ald1(iv) = shape parameter for the LAI developement equation
    !                       for veget iv
    !      ald2(iv) = shape parameter for the LAI developement equation
    !                       for veget iv
    !      almn(iv) = LAI minimum (for forest and natural vegetation)
    !      be(iv) = biomass-energy ratio for crop, kg m2 MJ-1 ha-1 d-1
    !      blai(iv) = max LAI for crop
    !      cva(j, je) = vegetation cover, kg/ha
    !      daylen(j) = day length in subbasin, h, calc in readcli
    !      daylmn(j) = min day length, h, calc. in readwet
    !      dlai(iv) = fraction of season, when LAI declines
    !      dm(j, je) = total biomass, kg/ha
    !      flu(j) = fraction of subbasin area in the basin
    !      g(j, je) = fraction of heat units to maturity accumulated
    !      huharv(j, je) = harvest index heat unit
    !      hun(iv) = potential heat units required for maturity of crop
    !      ida = current day
    !      idorm(j, je) = index for dormant period
    !      ih1, ih2, ih3 = hydrotopes for HYDROTOPE PRINTOUT
    !      isb1, isb2, isb3 = subbasins for HYDROTOPE PRINTOUT
    !      iy = current year as counter (1, ..., nbyr)
    !      iyr = current year
    !      nveg(j, je) = number of vegetation from crop database
    !      olai(j, je) = alai(j, je) - leaf area index
    !      ra(j) = solar radiation in subbasin j, J/cm^2
    !      rd(j, je) = root depth, mm
    !      rdmx(iv) = maximum root depth, mm
    !      rsd(j, je, 2) = residue, kg/ha
    !      rwt(j, je) = fraction of root weight
    !      sdt = sum temp stress days
    !      sdw = sum water stress days
    !      sla(iv) = specific leaf area, m2/kg, LAI/SLA in kg/m2
    !      tb(iv) = base temperature for plant growth, degrees C
    !      ts = temp. stress
    !      tsav(j, je) = temp. stress, accumulated
    !      tx(j) = daily aver temp in the subbasin, degrees C
    !      uap = P uptake, kg/ha
    !      ws(j, je) = water stress
    !      wsav(j, je) = water stress, accumulated
    !      >>>>>

    !      >>>>> STATIC PARAMETERS
    !      ddm = delta dm
    !      delg = delta g
    !      deltalai = delta LAI
    !      f = fraction of plant's maximum leaf area index corresponding
    !                   to a given fraction of potential heat units for plant
    !      ff = delta f for the day
    !      par = local par
    !      reg = local par
    !      resnew = new residue
    !      tgx = local par
    !      xx = local par
    !      yy = local par
    !      zz = local par
    !      >>>>>

    !**** Include common parameters
    use snow, only: bSnowModule, tmit, tx_tmp
    use nutrient, only : nutrient_phosphorus_uptake, nutrient_nitrate_uptake

    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: alai
    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: olai
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: additionalGwUptake
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: avt
    logical, intent(in) :: bWAM_Module
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: be
    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: cva
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: dart
    integer, intent(in) :: daycounter
    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: fc
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: flu
    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: frar
    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: huharv
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: humi
    integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: hun
    integer, intent(in) :: icc
    integer, intent(in) :: ida
    integer, intent(in) :: iy
    integer, intent(in) :: iyr
    integer, dimension(:, :, :), intent(in) :: mstruc
    integer, intent(in) :: nbyr
    integer, intent(in) :: nn
    integer, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: nucr
    integer, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: nveg
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ra
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: rdmx
    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: rwt
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: sbar
    real(dp), intent(inout) :: sep
    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: snup
    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: spup
    real(dp), dimension(:, :, :), intent(inout) :: ste
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: sumfc
    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: swe
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: tmn
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: to
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: tx
    real(dp), intent(out) :: uap
    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: z
    integer j, je, k, n, wet
    real(dp) ddm, delg, deltalai, f, ff, par, reg, resnew, tgx, xx, yy, zz
    integer :: veg_end
    real(dp) :: veg_wstress, veg_dieoff, dieoff

    ! ToDo: veg_end (end of vegetation period to restart growth)
    ! this parameter is to be defined somewhere as input parameter, not fixed like here!
    veg_end = 365
    veg_wstress = .1
    veg_dieoff = .99
    dieoff = 0.

    !#### SNOW MODULE ####
    if (bSnowModule) then
      tx_tmp = tmit
      tx_tmp = tx(j)
    end if

    uap = 0.
    ts = 0.

    !**** CALC land cover for natural vegetation:
    cva(j, je) = 1000. * alai(j, je) + rsd(j, je, 1)

    !**** CHECK if start of dormant period
    !     CALC rsd(), dm(), alai(), g()
    !     Residue allocation formula is changed: to check!
    !      if (idorm(j, je).eq.0) then
    !      if (daylen(j) then
    !      if ( then
    if (bDormancy) then
      if (idorm(j, je) == 0 ) then
        if (daylen(j) + dormhr(j) < daylmn(j) ) then
          if (iy > 1.OR.ida >= veg_end) then
            idorm(j, je) = 1
            resnew = (olai(j, je) - alai(j, je)) * 10000. / sla(nveg(j, je)) ! sla = specific leaf area, m2 / kg, LAI / SLA in kg / m2
            rsd(j, je, 1) = rsd(j, je, 1) + resnew * 0.5
            rsd(j, je, 2) = rsd(j, je, 2) + resnew * 0.5
            dm(j, je) = dm(j, je) - resnew
            alai(j, je) = almn(nveg(j, je))
            g(j, je) = 0.
            idorm(j, je) = 1
            alai(j, je) = almn(nveg(j, je))
            g(j, je) = 0.
          end if
        end if
      end if
    else ! ( bDormancy )
      if (idorm(j, je) .eq. 0) then
        if (daylen(j) - 1. .lt. daylmn(j)) then
          if (iy .ne. 1 .or. ida .ge. 180) then
            idorm(j, je) = 1
            resnew = (olai(j, je) - alai(j, je)) * 10000. / sla(nveg(j, je)) ! sla = specific leaf area, m2 / kg, LAI / SLA in kg / m2
            rsd(j, je, 1) = rsd(j, je, 1) + resnew * 0.5
            rsd(j, je, 2) = rsd(j, je, 2) + resnew * 0.5
            dm(j, je) = dm(j, je) - resnew
            alai(j, je) = almn(nveg(j, je))
            g(j, je) = 0.
            idorm(j, je) = 1
            alai(j, je) = almn(nveg(j, je))
            g(j, je) = 0.
          end if
        end if
      end if
    end if ! ( bDormancy )

    !**** check if end of dormant period
    if (bDormancy) then
      if ((idorm(j, je) >= 1).AND.(daylen(j) + dormhr(j) >= daylmn(j)).AND.ida < veg_end ) then
        idorm(j, je) = 0
      end if
      if (idorm(j, je) .ge. 1) then
        if (daylen(j) - 1. .ge. daylmn(j)) then
        idorm(j, je) = 0
        end if
      end if
    end if ! ( bDormancy )

    !**** Assuming that the root depth of natural vegetation is not allowed to decrease
    rd(j, je) = rdmx(nveg(j, je))

    !#### CALL WSTRESS
    call vegetation_water_stress(j, je, k, n, wet, additionalGwUptake, bWAM_Module, dart, daycounter, fc, frar, humi, icc, ida, iy, iyr, mstruc, nbyr, nn, nucr, nveg, rdmx, sbar, sep, ste, z)

    !sl begin
    !**** This code snippet has been included to better account for vegetation growth
    !     controlled by water stress rather than temperature or daylength.
    !     Vegetation growth is limited to water availability using the soil water index.
    !     This part is only active if parameter nat_veg is 1 (*.bsn)
    if (bDormancy) then
      ! swe(j, jea)/sumfc(k) = soil water index (0-1)
      ! swe = soil water content [mm]
      ! sumfc = sum of field capacity in soil [mm]
      if (swe(j, je) / sumfc(k) <= veg_wstress ) then
        idorm(j, je) = 1 ! vegetation stops growing (is dormant due to water stress)
        olai(j, je) = alai(j, je) ! olai = alai of previous day
        alai(j, je) = alai(j, je) * veg_dieoff ! assuming dying vegetation up to a certain amount per time step
        alai(j, je) = max(alai(j, je), almn(nveg(j, je)))

        ! calcuate residue from difference between acutal lai and lai of previous day
        resnew = (olai(j, je) - alai(j, je)) * 10000. / sla(nveg(j, je)) ! sla = specific leaf area, m2 / kg, LAI / SLA in kg / m2
        resnew = max(0.0_dp, resnew)

        rsd(j, je, 1) = rsd(j, je, 1) + resnew * .5 ! half of this residue is contributing to residue of upper storage
        rsd(j, je, 2) = rsd(j, je, 2) + resnew * .5 ! the other half contributes to second storage

        dm(j, je) = dm(j, je) - resnew ! reduce biomass by value of residue
        dm = max(0.0_dp, dm)
        idorm(j, je) = 0
      end if

      ! fraction of heat units and alai need to be initialized after growing season
      ! ToDo: the definition of the growing season needs re-thinking!
      if (idorm(j, je) == 0 ) then
        if (g(j, je) >= 1. ) then
          g(j, je) = 0.
          !alai(j, je) = almn(nveg(j, je))
        end if
      end if

      if (ida == veg_end) then
        g(j, je) = 0.
      end if
    end if ! if (bDormancy)

    !sl end

    !       if (idorm(j, je).ge.1) goto 10
    if (idorm(j, je) == 0) then
      delg = (tx_tmp - tb(nveg(j, je))) / hun(nveg(j, je))
      if (delg .lt. 0.) delg = 0.
      g(j, je) = g(j, je) + delg
      if (g(j, je) .gt. 1.) g(j, je) = 1.

      !*********************************************************** START IF (G<=1)
      !**** GROWTH SEASON
      if (g(j, je) .le. 1) then
        tgx = tx_tmp - tb(nveg(j, je))
        if (tgx .le. 0.) then
          ts = 0.
          call vegetation_temperature_stress(tgx, j, je, n, avt, nucr, nveg, tmn, to, tx)
        end if

        !**** CALC daily biomass increase: ddm
        par = .005 * ra(j) * (1. - exp(- .65 * (alai(j, je) + .05)))
        ddm = be(nveg(j, je)) * par
        if (ddm .lt. 0.) ddm = 0.

        call nutrient_nitrate_uptake(j, je, nveg(j, je), dm, flu, frar, g, ida, nn, snup)
        call nutrient_phosphorus_uptake(j, je, nveg(j, je), dm, flu, frar, g, ida, nn, spup)

        !**** CALC BIOMASS dm(), ROOT WEIGHT rwt(9
        xx = dm(j, je) + ddm
        reg = amin1(real(ws(j, je), 4), real(ts, 4))
        if (reg .lt. 0.) reg = 0.
        if (reg .gt. 1.) reg = 1.
        dm(j, je) = dm(j, je) + ddm * reg
        rwt(j, je) = (.4 - .2 * g(j, je))

        tsav(j, je) = tsav(j, je) + ts
        wsav(j, je) = wsav(j, je) + ws(j, je)

        !**** CALC f, ff, huharv()
        f = g(j, je) / (g(j, je) + exp(ald1(nveg(j, je)) - ald2(nveg(j, je)) * g(j, je)))
        ff = f - huharv(j, je)
        huharv(j, je) = f

        !**** CALC SUM STRESS DAYS
        sdw = sdw + (1. - ws(j, je)) * flu(j)
        sdt = sdt + (1. - ts) * flu(j)

        !**** CALC LAI and adjust for lower limit of LAI for forest alnm()
        if (g(j, je) .le. dlai(nveg(j, je)) ) then
          if (alai(j, je) .gt. blai(nveg(j, je)) ) alai(j, je) = blai(nveg(j, je))
          deltalai = ff * blai(nveg(j, je)) * (1. - exp(5. * (alai(j, je) - blai(nveg(j, je))))) * sqrt(reg)
          alai(j, je) = alai(j, je) + deltalai
          if (alai(j, je) .gt. blai(nveg(j, je)) ) alai(j, je) = blai(nveg(j, je))
          olai(j, je) = alai(j, je)
          if (alai(j, je) .lt. almn(nveg(j, je)) ) alai(j, je) = almn(nveg(j, je))
          yy = sqrt(1. - g(j, je))
          zz = 1. / sqrt(1. - dlai(nveg(j, je)))
          alai(j, je) = zz * olai(j, je) * yy
          if (alai(j, je) .lt. almn(nveg(j, je)) ) alai(j, je) = almn(nveg(j, je))
        end if ! ( g(j, je) .le. dlai(nveg(j, je)) )
      end if ! (g(j, je) .le. 1)
      !*********************************************************** END IF (G<=1)
    end if ! ( idorm(j, je) == 0)

  end subroutine vegetation_process

  subroutine vegetation_store_output(j, je)
    use output, only : output_store_hydrotope_value
    integer, intent(in) :: j, je

    call output_store_hydrotope_value(vegetation_water_stress_oid, j, je, ws(j, je))
    call output_store_hydrotope_value(vegetation_temp_stress_oid, j, je, ts)
    call output_store_hydrotope_value(heat_unit_fract_output_id, j, je, g(j, je))
    call output_store_hydrotope_value(biomass_total_output_id, j, je, dm(j, je))
    call output_store_hydrotope_value(leaf_area_index_output_id, j, je, alai(j, je))
    call output_store_hydrotope_value(root_depth_output_id, j, je, rd(j, je))
  end subroutine vegetation_store_output

end module vegetation