soil_read_input Subroutine

public subroutine soil_read_input(mb, mstruc, neap, cn2a, cn2b, cn2c, cn2d)


  • proc~~soil_read_input~~UsesGraph proc~soil_read_input soil_read_input module~input input proc~soil_read_input->module~input module~utilities utilities proc~soil_read_input->module~utilities module~input->module~utilities


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer, intent(in) :: mb
integer, intent(in), dimension(:, :, :):: mstruc
integer, intent(in), dimension(:):: neap
real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:):: cn2a
real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:):: cn2b
real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:):: cn2c
real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:):: cn2d


proc~~soil_read_input~~CallsGraph proc~soil_read_input soil_read_input proc~log_info log_info proc~soil_read_input->proc~log_info proc~to_string to_string proc~soil_read_input->proc~to_string proc~log_error log_error proc~soil_read_input->proc~log_error proc~check_range check_range proc~soil_read_input->proc~check_range proc~open_file open_file proc~soil_read_input->proc~open_file proc~log_debug log_debug proc~soil_read_input->proc~log_debug proc~read_string_column read_string_column proc~soil_read_input->proc~read_string_column proc~log_message log_message proc~log_info->proc~log_message proc~log_error->proc~log_message proc~check_range->proc~log_error proc~out_of_range_error out_of_range_error proc~check_range->proc~out_of_range_error proc~log_warn log_warn proc~check_range->proc~log_warn proc~open_file->proc~log_error proc~log_debug->proc~log_message proc~read_string_column->proc~log_error proc~move_lines move_lines proc~read_string_column->proc~move_lines proc~read_csv_item read_csv_item proc~read_string_column->proc~read_csv_item proc~header_column_index header_column_index proc~read_string_column->proc~header_column_index proc~input_error_column_not_found input_error_column_not_found proc~read_string_column->proc~input_error_column_not_found proc~out_of_range_error->proc~to_string proc~out_of_range_error->proc~log_error proc~header_column_index->proc~move_lines proc~header_column_index->proc~input_error_column_not_found proc~log_write log_write proc~log_message->proc~log_write proc~log_format_message log_format_message proc~log_message->proc~log_format_message proc~log_warn->proc~log_message proc~input_error_column_not_found->proc~log_error proc~log_write->proc~to_string proc~date_time_str date_time_str proc~log_format_message->proc~date_time_str proc~colourise colourise proc~log_format_message->proc~colourise proc~string_index string_index proc~colourise->proc~string_index

Called by

proc~~soil_read_input~~CalledByGraph proc~soil_read_input soil_read_input proc~soil_initialise soil_initialise proc~soil_initialise->proc~soil_read_input proc~initialise initialise proc~initialise->proc~soil_initialise program~swim swim program~swim->proc~initialise


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine soil_read_input(mb, mstruc, neap, cn2a, cn2b, cn2c, cn2d)
    !**** CALLED IN: MAIN
    !      abd(k) = sum of porosity for soil type, mm, used in solt
    !      alai0(n) = initial Leaf Area Index for land use type
    !      ap(l, k) = labile (soluble) phosphorus, g/t, then trans. to kg/ha
    !      asc(1:17) = empirical coef. (estimated here) to calc sc(l, k)
    !      awc(l, k) = available water capacity, % , /100. to transfer to m/m
    !      bd(k) = bulk density of the upper (!) soil layer, g/cm3,
    !                   calc from porosity
    !      bden(l, k) = bulk density, input, g/cm3
    !      bsc(1:17) = empirical coef to calc sc(l, k)
    !      cbn(l, k) = organic carbon content, %
    !      cla(l, k) = clay content, %
    !      clay(1, k) = clay content, %
    !      cn2(k, n, j) = Curve Numbers for soil k, land use n, and subbasin
    !      cn2a(n) = Curve Numbers for soil group A
    !      cn2b(n) = Curve Numbers for soil group B
    !      cn2c(n) = Curve Numbers for soil group C
    !      cn2d(n) = Curve Numbers for soil group D
    !      cv(j) = initial land cover, kg/ha
    !      ek(k) = soil erodibility factor
    !      fc(l, k) = field capacity, %, then trans. to mm
    !      hk(l, k) = beta coef. to estimate hydr. cond., used in perc
    !      hum(l, k) = humus content, kg/ha
    !      isc = code for saturated cond.: 0 - read, 1 - calc
    !      nn = number of soil layers
    !      ns(k) = number of soil layers
    !      nsa(k) = number of layers for arable soils
    !block nsolgr(k) = number of soils group for soil type, 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D
    !      op(l, k) = stable min. P, estimated from pmn(l, k), coef = 4., kg/ha
    !      pmn(l, k) = act. min. P, estimated from ap(l, k), psp=0.5, kg/ha
    !      por(l, k) = porosity, m/m (calc)
    !      poros(l, k) = porosity, % (input)
    !block psp = parameter = 0.5
    !      psz(5, k) = particle size distribution
    !block rtn = parameter = .15
    !      san(l, k) = sand content, %
    !      sand(1, k) = sand content, %
    !      sc(l, k) = saturated conductivity, mm/h, calc, if isc = 1
    !      sccor = correction factor for saturated conductivity (all soils)
    !      sil(l, k) = silt content, %
    !      silt(1, k) = silt content, %
    !      snam(k) = soil name
    !      stin(l, k) = water content in soil layer, mm
    !      stinco = init. water content coef, from readbas
    !      sumfc(k) = sum of field capacity in soil, mm
    !      sumul(k) = sum of upper limit water content in soil, mm
    !      swin(k) = soil water content in soil profile, mm
    !      ul(l, k) = upper limit water content in layer, mm
    !      up(l, k) = upper limit water content, m/m (used only here to calc fc)
    !      wmn(l, k) = active org. N, estim. from wn(l, k), rtn=.15, kg/ha
    !      wn(l, k) = stable organic N content, %,
    !                   recalc from % to g/t OR
    !                   estim. from C using C:N=10. and 10000. coef from % to g/t,
    !                   then trans. to kg/ha
    !      wno3(l, k) = NO3-N content (kg/ha), estimated in g/t, trans to kg/ha
    !      wp(l, k) = wilting point, in m/m (used here and in perc)
    !      wpo(l, k) = org. P, estimated from wn(), coef=.125, kg/ha
    !      z(l, k) = depth to bottom of layer, mm
    !      >>>>>

    !      >>>>> STATIC PARAMETERS
    !      ccf = correction coef for up and por by silt content
    !      dg = layer thickness
    !      i = cycle par
    !      j = par
    !      jj = par
    !      k = soil type number
    !      ka = par
    !      l = par
    !      n = par
    !      numsb = actual number of soils in database
    !      sfile = soil file name
    !      tex = sum of clay, silt and sand
    !      titldum = text
    !      wt1 = coef. to transform from g/t to kg/ha
    !      xx = par
    !      xz = par
    !      zz = par
    !      >>>>>

    !**** Include common parameters
    use utilities, only : open_file, check_range, to_string
    use input, only : read_string_column

    integer, intent(in) :: mb
    integer, dimension(:, :, :), intent(in) :: mstruc
    integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: neap
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: cn2a, cn2b, cn2c, cn2d

    ! soil counter
    integer :: k
    ! layer counter
    integer :: l
    integer :: jj, n
    integer :: j, jea
    character(len = 100) :: titldum, snam, sn
    character(len=path_max_length) :: soildat
    real(dp) :: dg, wt1, xx, xz, zz
    real(dp), dimension(17):: asc
    integer :: fid

    call log_debug('soil_read_input', 'SOIL PARAMETERS:')
    call log_debug('soil_read_input', 'Number of soils in soil.csv = ', int=msdb)

    !**** Reading Soil parameters from soilXX.dat files
    call read_string_column(soil_input_file_id, "soil_file", soil_filenames, "")
    do k = 1, msdb

      if (k .gt. msdb .or. k .eq. 0) then
        call log_error("soil_read_input", 'Soil type (k > msdb) = max soil number, or 0', &
          i1=k, i2=msdb)
      end if

      soildat = soil_filenames(k)

      ! open soil parameter files
      fid = open_file(trim(soil_input_dir)//'/'//soildat)

      !     ns - number of layers, nsa - number of layers for arable soils
      read(fid, *, ERR=55) snum(k), ns(k), nsa(k), nsolgr(k)

      nn = ns(k)
      if (ns(k) .gt. ml .or. ns(k) .eq. 0 ) then
        call log_error("soil_read_input", 'Number of layers for (soil > ml) = max number, or 0', i1=k, i2=ml)
      end if
      if (nsa(k) .gt. ns(k) .or. nsa(k) .eq. 0 ) then
        call log_error("soil_read_input", 'Number of arrable layers grater than number of layers (soil) or 0', i1=k, ints=(/nsa(k), ns(k)/))
      end if

      read(fid, "(a)") snam
      read(fid, "(a)") titldum
      read(fid, "(a)") titldum
      read(fid, *, ERR=55) (z(l, k), l = 1, nn)
      read(fid, *, ERR=55) (cla(l, k), l = 1, nn)
      read(fid, *, ERR=55) (sil(l, k), l = 1, nn)
      read(fid, *, ERR=55) (san(l, k), l = 1, nn)
      read(fid, *, ERR=55) (bden(l, k), l = 1, nn)
      read(fid, *, ERR=55) (poros(l, k), l = 1, nn)
      read(fid, *, ERR=55) (awc(l, k), l = 1, nn)
      read(fid, *, ERR=55) (fc(l, k), l = 1, nn)
      read(fid, *, ERR=55) (cbn(l, k), l = 1, nn)
      read(fid, *, ERR=55) (wn(l, k), l = 1, nn)
      read(fid, *, ERR=55) (sc(l, k), l = 1, nn)
      read(fid, *, ERR=55) ek(k)

      if (k .gt. ms .or. k .eq. 0) call log_error("soil_read_input", &
        'Soil type number > ms = max soil number, or 0', int=k)

      sn = to_string(int=k)
      call check_range(z(:, k), 'depth of soil '//trim(sn), (/0.001, 1e5/))
      call check_range(cla(:, k) + sil(:, k) + san(:, k), 'texture of soil '//trim(sn), &
        (/99., 101./))
      call check_range(bden(:, k), 'bulk density of soil '//trim(sn), (/0.001, 100./))
      call check_range(poros(:, k), 'porosity of soil '//trim(sn), (/0.01, 100./))
      call check_range(awc(:, k), 'water capacity of soil '//trim(sn), (/0.01, 100./))
      call check_range(fc(:, k), 'field capacity of soil '//trim(sn), (/0.01, 100./))
      call check_range(sc(:, k), 'saturated conductivity of soil '//trim(sn), (/0.01, 1e6/))
      call check_range((/ek(k)/), "erodibility of soil "//trim(sn), (/0.01, 1./), index=k)

      if (cbn(3, k) .le. 0) then
        xx = z(2, k)
        do l = 3, nn
          dg = (z(l, k) - xx)
          if (cbn(l, k) .eq. 0.) cbn(l, k) = cbn(l - 1, k) * exp(- .001 * dg)
          xx = z(l, k)
        end do
      end if

      !**** CALCULATE INITIAL NUTRIENT CONTENT: wno3, wn, wmn, wpo, ap, pmn, op, hum
      !     INITIALIZE sc() if isc = 0
      !     Units transformation:
      !	 g/t --> kg/ha *wt1=bden()*dg/100., bden() - bulk density
      !	 % --> g/t *10000.
      !	 % --> kg/ha *wt1*10000.
      !	 kg/ha --> g/t 1/wt1=100./dg/bden()
      !	 mg/kg = g/t
      xx = 0.
      do l = 1, nn
        if (isc .eq. 1) sc(l, k) = 0.
        dg = (z(l, k) - xx)
        wt1 = bden(l, k) * dg / 100.
        if (wno3(l, k) .le. 0.) then
          wno3(l, k) = 10. * exp(- z(l, k) / 1000.)
          wno3(l, k) = wno3(l, k) * wt1
        wn(l, k) = 10000. * wn(l, k)
        if (wn(l, k) .le. 0.) wn(l, k) = 10000. * cbn(l, k) / 10.
        wn(l, k) = wn(l, k) * wt1
        wmn(l, k) = wn(l, k) * rtn
        wn(l, k) = wn(l, k) * (1. - rtn)
        wpo(l, k) = .125 * wn(l, k)
        if (ap(1, k) .le. 0.) ap(1, k) = 5.
        ap(l, k) = ap(1, k) * wt1
        pmn(l, k) = ap(l, k) * (1. - psp) / psp
        op(l, k) = 4. * pmn(l, k)
        hum(l, k) = cbn(l, k) * wt1 * 172.
        xx = z(l, k)
      end do

      silt(1, k) = sil(1, k) / 100.
      clay(1, k) = cla(1, k) / 100.
      sand(1, k) = san(1, k) / 100.
      psz(1, k) = (1. - clay(1, k)) ** 2.49 * sand(1, k)
      psz(2, k) = .13 * silt(1, k)
      psz(3, k) = .20 * clay(1, k)
      if (clay(1, k) .le. .5) then
        if (clay(1, k) .lt. .25) then
          psz(4, k) = 2. * clay(1, k)
          psz(4, k) = .28 * (clay(1, k) - .25) + .5
        end if
        psz(4, k) = .57
      end if
      psz(5, k) = 1. - psz(1, k) - psz(2, k) - psz(3, k) - psz(4, k)

      !     CORRECTION of up & por by silt content: Fred Hattermann 2002, ccf=.05
      !     Removed 2011 from Tobias Vetter
      do l = 1, nn
        !        wp(l, k) = 0.4 * cla(l, k) * bden(l, k) / 100.
        wp(l, k) = fc(l, k) / 100 - awc(l, k) / 100
        !        ccf = 0.05
        !        up(l, k) = wp(l, k) + awc(l, k)/100. + ccf * sil(1, k) / 100.
        up(l, k) = fc(l, k) / 100
        !        por(l, k) = 1. - bden(l, k) / 2.65 + ccf * sil(1, k) / 100.
        por(l, k) = poros(l, k) / 100
        if (up(l, k) .ge. por(l, k)) then
          up(l, k) = por(l, k) - .05
          wp(l, k) = up(l, k) - awc(l, k) / 100.
          if (wp(l, k) .le. 0.) then
            up(l, k) = por(l, k) * .75
            wp(l, k) = por(l, k) * .25
          end if
        end if
        awc(l, k) = up(l, k) - wp(l, k)

        if (isc .eq. 1) then
          asc(1) = 1.
          asc(2) = san(l, k)
          asc(3) = cla(l, k)
          asc(4) = poros(l, k) / 100.
          asc(5) = san(l, k) * san(l, k)
          asc(6) = cla(l, k) * cla(l, k)
          asc(7) = poros(l, k) * poros(l, k) / 10000.
          asc(8) = san(l, k) * cla(l, k)
          asc(9) = san(l, k) * poros(l, k) / 100.
          asc(10) = cla(l, k) * poros(l, k) / 100.
          asc(11) = asc(5) * cla(l, k)
          asc(12) = asc(6) * poros(l, k) / 100.
          asc(13) = asc(5) * poros(l, k) / 100.
          asc(14) = asc(6) * san(l, k)
          asc(15) = asc(7) * cla(l, k)
          asc(16) = asc(5) * asc(7)
          asc(17) = asc(6) * asc(7)
          do jj = 1, 17
            sc(l, k) = sc(l, k) + asc(jj) * bsc(jj)
          end do
          sc(l, k) = exp(sc(l, k)) * 10.
        end if
      end do

      ek(k) = ek(k) * ekc0

    end do ! loop over number of soil files
    !*********************************************************** END OF SOIL CYCLE

    !**** DETERMINE DRAINAGE COEFS ul, sumul, fc, sumfc, hk, wss &
    do k = 1, ms
      if (z(1, k) .gt. 0.) then
        nn = ns(k)
        bd(k) = 2.65 * (1. - por(1, k))
        abd(k) = 0.
        zz = 0.
        xx = 0.
        swin(k) = 0.

        do l = 1, nn
          dg = z(l, k) - xx
          xz = por(l, k) * dg * 10.
          abd(k) = abd(k) + xz
          ul(l, k) = (por(l, k) - wp(l, k)) * dg
          sumul(k) = sumul(k) + ul(l, k)
          fc(l, k) = dg * (up(l, k) - wp(l, k))
          sumfc(k) = sumfc(k) + fc(l, k)
          stin(l, k) = fc(l, k) * stinco
          hk(l, k) = - 2.655 / log10(fc(l, k) / ul(l, k))
          xx = z(l, k)
          swin(k) = swin(k) + stin(l, k)
        end do

        abd(k) = abd(k) / (10. * z(nn, k))

      end if
    end do

    !     cn2(k, n)- CN, conditions 2
    do j = 1, mb
      do jea = 1, neap(j)
        n = mstruc(j, jea, 1)
        k = mstruc(j, jea, 2)
        select case(nsolgr(k))
            cn2(j, jea) = cn2a(n)
            cn2(j, jea) = cn2b(n)
            cn2(j, jea) = cn2c(n)
            cn2(j, jea) = cn2d(n)
        end select
      end do
    end do

    cv = 0.01

    call log_info('soil_read_input', 'Soil parameters read for N soils: ', int=k)


    55 continue
    call log_error('soil_read_input', "Failed to read soil file for soil", int=k)

  end subroutine soil_read_input