nutrient_nitrate_leaching Subroutine

public subroutine nutrient_nitrate_leaching(j, je, k, flate, nn, poe, preinf, qd, ul)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer :: j
integer :: je
integer :: k
real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:, :, :):: flate
integer, intent(in) :: nn
real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:, :, :):: poe
real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:, :):: preinf
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: qd
real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:, :):: ul

Called by

proc~~nutrient_nitrate_leaching~~CalledByGraph proc~nutrient_nitrate_leaching nutrient_nitrate_leaching proc~nutrient_leaching nutrient_leaching proc~nutrient_leaching->proc~nutrient_nitrate_leaching proc~hydrotope_process hydrotope_process proc~hydrotope_process->proc~nutrient_leaching proc~runsubbasin runsubbasin proc~runsubbasin->proc~hydrotope_process proc~time_process_day time_process_day proc~time_process_day->proc~runsubbasin proc~time_process_month time_process_month proc~time_process_month->proc~time_process_day proc~time_process_years time_process_years proc~time_process_years->proc~time_process_month program~swim swim program~swim->proc~time_process_years


Source Code

  subroutine nutrient_nitrate_leaching(j, je, k, flate, nn, poe, preinf, qd, ul)
    !      ano3(j, je, l) = nitrate (NO3-N) content in a layer, kg/ha
    !      anora(j, je, l) = active org. N content in a layer, kg/ha
    !      anors(j, je, l) = stable org. N content in a layer, kg/ha
    !      dflow(j, je, 20) = monthly flows for water and N (see writhru.f)
    !      flate(j, je, l) = subsurface flow, mm, from purk
    !      inuhd = number of hydrotope to print from ncycle(), if inutr=1
    !      inusb = number of subbasin to print from ncycle(), if inutr=1
    !      nn = number of soil layers, from subbasin
    !      percn = N leaching to g-w, kg/ha
    !      poe(j, je, l) = percolation, mm, from purk
    !      precip = precipitation, mm
    !      qd = daily surface runoff, mm
    !      ssfn = N loss with subsurface flow, kg/ha
    !      ul(l, k) = upper limit water content in layer, mm
    !      xnflow(1:17) = N flow for a choosen hydrotope to write in nutr.prn
    !                      (see ncycle)
    !      yno3 = N loss with surface flow, kg/ha
    !      >>>>>

    !      >>>>> STATIC PARAMETERS
    !      co = average daily concentration of N-NO3 in the layer, kg/ha
    !      l = local par
    !      qip = input with precip, then - input in a layer from the layer above
    !      rcn = local par
    !      sro = local variable: surface runoff
    !      vno3 = amount of N-NO3 lost from the layer
    !      vv = total amount of water lost from the soil layer
    !      >>>>>

    !**** Include common parameters

    real(dp), dimension(:, :, :), intent(in) :: flate
    integer, intent(in) :: nn
    real(dp), dimension(:, :, :), intent(in) :: poe
    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: preinf
    real(dp), intent(in) :: qd
    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: ul
    integer j, je, k, l
    real(dp) co, qip, sro, vno3, vv

    qip = .01 * rcn * preinf(j, je)
    if (j .eq. inusb .and. je .eq. inuhd) xnflow(5) = qip
    sro = qd
    ssfn = 0.
    xnflow(6) = 0.
    vno3 = 0.
    co = 0.

    !**** CALC nitrate loss in surface and subsurface runoff: yno3, ssfn
    !     RECALC ano3()
    do l = 1, nn
      vv = poe(j, je, l) + sro + flate(j, je, l) + 1.e-10
      ano3(j, je, l) = ano3(j, je, l) + qip
      vno3 = ano3(j, je, l) * (1. - exp(- vv / ul(l, k)))
      co = vno3 / vv
      if (l .eq. 1.) yno3 = qd * co
      ano3(j, je, l) = ano3(j, je, l) - vno3
      qip = co * poe(j, je, l)
      sro = 0.
      ssfn = ssfn + co * flate(j, je, l)
    end do

    !**** CALC nitrate leaching into ground water: percn
    percn = qip

    !**** CALC N flows for a choosen hydrotope (output in ncycle)
    if (j .eq. inusb .and. je .eq. inuhd) then
      xnflow(1) = yno3
      xnflow(2) = ssfn
      xnflow(3) = percn
    if (j .eq. inusb .and. je .eq. inuhd .and. l .eq. 2) &
      xnflow(4) = co
    if (j .eq. inusb .and. je .eq. inuhd .and. l .eq. 2) &
      xnflow(6) = xnflow(6) + vno3 - qip

    !**** CALC monthly flows for selected HRUs (output in writhru.f)
    dflow(j, je, 5) = dflow(j, je, 5) + yno3
    dflow(j, je, 6) = dflow(j, je, 6) + ssfn
    dflow(j, je, 7) = dflow(j, je, 7) + percn
    dflow(j, je, 10) = dflow(j, je, 10) + ano3(j, je, 1) + &
        ano3(j, je, 2) + ano3(j, je, 3) + ano3(j, je, 4) + ano3(j, je, 5)
    dflow(j, je, 11) = dflow(j, je, 11) + anora(j, je, 1) + anora(j, je, 2) &
      + anora(j, je, 3) + anora(j, je, 4) + anora(j, je, 5)
    dflow(j, je, 12) = dflow(j, je, 12) + anors(j, je, 1) + anors(j, je, 2) &
      + anors(j, je, 3) + anors(j, je, 4) + anors(j, je, 5)

    dflow(j, je, 13) = dflow(j, je, 13) + ano3(j, je, 3)
    dflow(j, je, 14) = dflow(j, je, 14) + ano3(j, je, 4)
    dflow(j, je, 15) = dflow(j, je, 15) + ano3(j, je, 5)

  end subroutine nutrient_nitrate_leaching