!! pWU%supplied should not be added to %inflow, because the irrigation supply is added in hydrotope !! %inflow is added to sda or varoute in "subbasin" and/or "add"
If there is NOT enough water to satisfy total demand of all users in subbasin *
account for irrigation water users !! pWU%supplied should not be added to %inflow, because the irrigation supply is added in hydrotope !! %inflow is added to sda or varoute in "subbasin" and/or "add"
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | sub | |||
real(kind=dp), | intent(inout) | :: | surfaceR | |||
real(kind=dp), | intent(inout) | :: | subsurfaceR | |||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | day | |||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | ida | |||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | iyr |
subroutine management_transfer_out(sub, surfacer, subsurfacer, day, ida, iyr)
integer, intent(in) :: ida
integer, intent(in) :: iyr
! integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: subs
! This subroutine is called from subroutine 'subbasin' (if subbasin is a headwater)
! OR from subroutine 'add' if it is a subbasin where the water is routed through
! It calculates withdrawals, supply, and transmission losses.
! subbasin number
integer, intent(in) :: sub
! sda(2, sub), sda(8, sub)
real(dp), intent(inout) :: surfaceR, subsurfaceR
! current day of simulation, not julian day
integer, intent(in) :: day
integer :: i
! [m3] subbasins' inflow + own contributions
real(dp) :: voltot
! [m3] volume of water available for downstream routing
real(dp) :: available_vol
! fraction of surface runoff contribution to gw contribution
real(dp) :: frac_sr
! pointer on actual TSub
TYPE (TSubbasin), POINTER :: pS
! pointer on destination TSub
TYPE (TSubbasin), POINTER :: pSd
! pointer on actual TWU
TYPE (TWaterUser), POINTER :: pWU
available_vol = 0.
pS => management_subbasin_pointer(sub) ! pointer on actual subbasin
if (pS % nWUout > 0) then ! do water users exist receiving water from this subbasin
! check if flow values are negative
if (surfaceR < 0.) then
call log_warn("wam", "Surface runoff (varoute2, x) is negative! Subbasin:", int=sub)
surfaceR = 1.e-6
end if
if (subsurfaceR < 0.) then
call log_warn("wam", "Subsurface runoff (varoute8, x) is negative! Subbasin:", int=sub)
subsurfaceR = 1.e-6
end if
! calculate available volume at subbains' outlet
voltot = max(0.0_dp, surfaceR) + max(0.0_dp, subsurfaceR) ! [m3]
! correct on minimal flows required in subbasin
available_vol = voltot - pS % Q_min(day) * 86400. ! [m3]
if (available_vol > 0. .AND. pS % totDemand(day) > 0. ) then
frac_sr = max(0.0_dp, surfaceR) / voltot
! If there is enough water to satisfy total demand of all users in subbasin
if (available_vol >= pS % totDemand(day) * 86400. ) then ! in [m3]
! allocate water to corresponding water user(s)
do i = 1, pS % nWU ! loop over water user(s) in actual subbasin
pWU => management_user_pointer(pS % pos(i)) ! pointer on current water user
! transfer to another subbasin .OR. to external destination .OR. to irrigation user
if (pWU % wu_opt <= 2 .AND. management_is_active_period(iyr, ida, pWU) ) then
if (pWU % subs == pS % subnr) then ! if the current subbasin is a water source
! TSub (current subbasin)
! add actual withdrawals of all water users from source subbasin
pS % withdrawal(day) = pS % withdrawal(day) + pWU % data(day) ! deliver what is demanded
! add actual losses of all water users from source subbasin
pS % tr_losses_out(day) = pS % tr_losses_out(day) + pWU % data(day) * (1. - pWU % tr_eff) ! knowing that demand can be delivered
! add withdrawal day as %inflow and %tr_losses_in to destination subbasin
if (pWU % wu_opt == 1) then
pSd => management_subbasin_pointer(pWU % subd)
pSd % inflow(day) = pSd % inflow(day) + pWU % data(day) * pWU % tr_eff
pSd % tr_losses_in(day) = pSd % tr_losses_in(day) + pWU % data(day) * (1. - pWU % tr_eff)
end if
! TWU (current water user)
! calculate volume delivered to water user
pWU % supplied(day) = pWU % data(day) * pWU % tr_eff ! [m3 / s]
! calculate losses during transfer
pWU % tr_losses(day) = pWU % data(day) * (1. - pWU % tr_eff) ! [m3 / s]
end if ! ( pWU % wu_opt <= 2 .OR. pWU % wu_opt == 4 )
end if ! pWU % wu_opt <= 2
! Irrigation
if (day > 1) then
! account for irrigation water users
if (pWU % wu_opt == 4 .AND. pWU % subs > 0 .AND. management_is_active_period(iyr, ida, pWU) ) then
! calculate volume delivered to water user
! add actual withdrawals from irrigation WU
! pS%irrDemand is corrected by irrigation practices and efficiencies
if (pWU % irr_opt == 1) &
! deliver what is demanded according to input time series
pS % withdrawal(day) = pS % withdrawal(day) + pWU % data(day - 1)
if (pWU % irr_opt == 2) &
! deliver what is demanded according to calculated plant demand
pS % withdrawal(day) = pS % withdrawal(day) + pWU % irrigationDemand(day - 1)
! add actual losses of irrigation water user
pS % tr_losses_out(day) = pS % tr_losses_out(day) + pWU % irrigationDemand(day - 1) * (1. - pWU % tr_eff) ! knowing that demand can be delivered
if (pWU % irr_opt == 1) pWU % supplied(day) = pWU % data(day) * pWU % tr_eff ! [m3 / s]
if (pWU % irr_opt == 2) pWU % supplied(day) = pWU % irrigationDemand(day - 1) * pWU % tr_eff ! [m3 / s]
wam_supplied_summary(day) = wam_supplied_summary(day) + pWU % supplied(day)
!pWU%tr_losses(day) = pWU%irrigationDemand(day-1) * (1.-pWU%tr_eff) ! [m3/s]
pWU % tr_losses(day) = pWU % supplied(day) * (1. - pWU % tr_eff) ! [m3 / s]
if (pWU % subs /= pWU % subd) then
pSd => management_subbasin_pointer(pWU % subd)
!!!! pWU%supplied should not be added to %inflow, because the irrigation supply is added in hydrotope
!!!! %inflow is added to sda or varoute in "subbasin" and/or "add"
!pSd%inflow(day) = pSd%inflow(day) + pWU%supplied(day) ! pWU%irrigationDemand(day) * pWU%tr_eff ! [m3/s]
pSd % tr_losses_in(day) = pSd % tr_losses_in(day) + pWU % tr_losses(day) ! pWU % irrigationDemand(day) * (1. - pWU % tr_eff)
end if
end if !( pWU % wu_opt == 4 .AND. pWU % subs > 0 .AND. pS % irrDemand(day) > 0. )
end if
end do ! i = 1, pS % nWU
! withdraw total demand from surface and subsurface runoff
!!! NOTE: the values of varoute(2, ihout) and varaoute(8, ihout) are modified here !!!
surfaceR = surfaceR - (pS % totDemand(day) * 86400. * frac_sr) ! [m3]
subsurfaceR = subsurfaceR - (pS % totDemand(day) * 86400. * (1. - frac_sr)) ! [m3]
end if ! ( available_vol >= pS % totDemand(day))
! *****
! If there is NOT enough water to satisfy total demand of all users in subbasin
! *****
if (available_vol < pS % totDemand(day) * 86400. ) then ! in [m3]
! The amount of available water might be shared by several competing water users.
! In this version, all water users are treated according to their demand, meaning that
! water user with highest demand gets highest share.
! Another option to distribute the available volume is for instance:
! - by water user priorities (highest gets all, second and third only what remains from higher priority users)
frac_sr = max(0.0_dp, surfaceR) / (max(0.0_dp, surfaceR) + max(0.0_dp, subsurfaceR))
do i = 1, pS % nWU ! loop over water user(s) in actual subbasin
pWU => TWU(pS % pos(i)) ! pointer to current water user
if (pWU%wu_opt <= 2 .AND. management_is_active_period(iyr, ida, pWU) ) then ! if water user is of type 'output'
if (pWU % subs == pS % subnr) then ! if the current subbasin is a water source
! TSub (current subbasin)
pS % withdrawal(day) = real( &
pS % withdrawal(day) + &
pWU % data(day) / pS % totDemand(day) * &
available_vol / 86400.) ! * pWU % tr_eff ! [m3 / s]
! calculate losses during transfer
pS % tr_losses_out(day) = real( &
pS % tr_losses_out(day) + &
pWU % data(day) / pS % totDemand(day) * &
available_vol / 86400. * (1. - pWU % tr_eff)) ! [m3 / s]
! add withdrawal as %inflow and %tr_losses_in to destination subbasin
if (pWU % wu_opt == 1) then
pSd => management_subbasin_pointer(pWU % subd)
pSd % inflow(day) = real( &
pSd % inflow(day) + &
pWU % data(day) / pS % totDemand(day) * &
available_vol / 86400. * pWU % tr_eff)
pSd % tr_losses_in(day) = real( &
pSd % tr_losses_in(day) + &
pWU % data(day) / pS % totDemand(day) * &
available_vol / 86400. * (1. - pWU % tr_eff))
end if
! TWU (current water user)
! add actual withdrawals of all water users from source subbasin
pWU % supplied(day) = real( &
pWU % data(day) / pS % totDemand(day) * &
available_vol / 86400. * pWU % tr_eff) ! [m3 / s]
! calculate losses during transfer
pWU % tr_losses(day) = real( &
pWU % data(day) / pS % totDemand(day) * &
available_vol / 86400. * (1. - pWU % tr_eff)) ! [m3 / s]
end if
end if ! ( pWU % wu_opt <= 2 )
! Irrigation
! account for irrigation water users
if (day > 1) then
if (pWU % wu_opt == 4 .AND. pWU % subs > 0 .AND. management_is_active_period(iyr, ida, pWU) ) then
! add actual withdrawals from irrigation WU
! pS%irrDemand is corrected by irrigation practices and efficiencies
! demand/supply from input time series
if (pWU % irr_opt == 1) &
pS % withdrawal(day) = real( &
pS % withdrawal(day) + &
pWU % data(day - 1) / pS % totDemand(day) * &
available_vol / 86400.)
! demand/supply from plant demand
if (pWU % irr_opt == 2) &
pS % withdrawal(day) = real(pS % withdrawal(day) + pWU % irrigationDemand(day - 1) / pS % totDemand(day) &
* available_vol / 86400.)
! add actual losses of irrigation water user
pS % tr_losses_out(day) = real(pS % tr_losses_out(day) + pWU % irrigationDemand(day - 1) / pS % totDemand(day) &
* available_vol / 86400. * (1. - pWU % tr_eff)) ! knowing that demand can be delivered
! calculate volume delivered to water user
pWU % supplied(day) = real(pWU % irrigationDemand(day - 1) / pS % totDemand(day) * available_vol / 86400. * pWU % tr_eff) ! [m3 / s]
wam_supplied_summary(day) = wam_supplied_summary(day) + pWU % supplied(day)
pWU % tr_losses(day) = pWU % supplied(day) * (1. - pWU % tr_eff) ! pS % irrDemand(day) / pS % totDemand(day) * available_vol / 86400. * (1. - pWU % tr_eff) ! [m3 / s]
if (pWU % subs /= pWU % subd) then
pSd => management_subbasin_pointer(pWU % subd)
!!!! pWU%supplied should not be added to %inflow, because the irrigation supply is added in hydrotope
!!!! %inflow is added to sda or varoute in "subbasin" and/or "add"
!pSd%inflow(day) = pSd%inflow(day) + pWU%supplied(day) ! pWU%irrigationDemand(day-1)/pS%totDemand(day) * available_vol/86400. * pWU%tr_eff ! [m3/s]
pSd % tr_losses_in(day) = pSd % tr_losses_in(day) + pWU % tr_losses(day) ! pWU % irrigationDemand(day - 1) / pS % totDemand(day) * available_vol / 86400. * (1. - pWU % tr_eff)
end if
end if
end if
end do ! i = 1, pS % nWU
! withdraw total demand from surface and subsurface runoff
!!! NOTE: the values of varoute(2, ihout) and varaoute(8, ihout) are modified here !!!
surfaceR = surfaceR - (available_vol * frac_sr) ! [m3]
subsurfaceR = subsurfaceR - (available_vol * (1. - frac_sr)) ! [m3]
end if ! ( available_vol < pS % totDemand(day) * 86400. )
! The available volume at subbasin outlet minus minimal flows is negative.
! Hence, there is nothing to do here because all variables affected, such as
! pWU%delivered, pS%tr_losses, pS%supply were initialised with 0. for every day.
end if ! if (available_vol > 0. .AND. pS % totDemand(day) > 0. )
else ! no output water user in this subbasin
end if
end subroutine management_transfer_out