Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
integer, | intent(in), | dimension(:) | :: | icodes | ||
integer, | intent(in), | dimension(:) | :: | inum1s | ||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | mhyd |
subroutine management_route_transfer(icodes, inum1s, mhyd)
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: icodes
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: inum1s
integer, intent(in) :: mhyd
! identify hydrograph storage locations for water transfer subbasins
integer :: i, j
! identify subbasins where nothing is routed through
logical, dimension(wam_nWU) :: notRouted_n, notRouted_d
notRouted_n = .true.
notRouted_d = .true.
! identify hydrograph storage location for each transfer point (subbasin)
! identify only those which are subbasins where water is routed through
do i = 1, mhyd
if (icodes(i) == 2 ) then ! ROUTE command
do j = 1, wam_nWU
if (inum1s(i) == TWU(j) % subs ) then
bWAMHydrograph(i + 1) = .true. !ihouts(i)
notRouted_n(j) = .false.
end if
if (inum1s(i) == TWU(j) % subd ) then ! check for destination subbasin
bWAMHydrograph(i + 1) = .true. !ihouts(i)
notRouted_d(j) = .false.
end if
end do
end if
end do
! Some subbasins will certainly not be captured by the algorithm above.
! Normally these are headwater subbasins.
! The following loop captures those headwater subbasins.
do j = 1, wam_nWU
if (notRouted_n(j) .AND. TWU(j) % subs > 0 ) &
bWAMHydrograph(TWU(j) % subs) = .true. !TWU(j) % subs
if (notRouted_d(j) .AND. TWU(j) % subd > 0 ) &
bWAMHydrograph(TWU(j) % subd) = .true. !TWU(j) % subd
end do
end subroutine management_route_transfer