management_read_ctrl Subroutine

public subroutine management_read_ctrl(frar, mb, mstruc, nDaysSim, neap, sbar)


  • proc~~management_read_ctrl~~UsesGraph proc~management_read_ctrl management_read_ctrl module~input input proc~management_read_ctrl->module~input module~utilities utilities module~input->module~utilities

assign water user options (transfer or irrigation)

allocate and assign data to water users of TYPE TWU

array of water users (corresponds to the number of water users defined in the control file)

Check, if the irrigated area, summarised for each subbasin from *.str file is

0 for irrigation water users = 0 for transfer water users otherwise, the *.str file (column IRR) requires correction


allocate and initialise array of TYPE wamTSub that contains information on - whether subbasin consists of water users (subnum = subbasin number) or no water users (subnum = 0) - and pointer to respective location in array TYPE of TSub

count number of subbasins with water allocation users

initialise variables of TYPE TSub

assign pointers from wamTSub to each TSub

count number of water users per subbasin and assign to TSub%nWU

allocate TSub%pos

write log file


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:, :):: frar
integer, intent(in) :: mb
integer, intent(in), dimension(:, :, :):: mstruc
integer, intent(in) :: nDaysSim
integer, intent(in), dimension(:):: neap
real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:):: sbar


proc~~management_read_ctrl~~CallsGraph proc~management_read_ctrl management_read_ctrl proc~log_info log_info proc~management_read_ctrl->proc~log_info proc~management_subbasin_pointer management_subbasin_pointer proc~management_read_ctrl->proc~management_subbasin_pointer proc~log_error log_error proc~management_read_ctrl->proc~log_error proc~input_count_rows input_count_rows proc~management_read_ctrl->proc~input_count_rows proc~read_string_column read_string_column proc~management_read_ctrl->proc~read_string_column proc~read_real_column read_real_column proc~management_read_ctrl->proc~read_real_column proc~input_open_file input_open_file proc~management_read_ctrl->proc~input_open_file proc~management_is_transfer_subbasin management_is_transfer_subbasin proc~management_read_ctrl->proc~management_is_transfer_subbasin proc~management_deallocate_transfer management_deallocate_transfer proc~management_read_ctrl->proc~management_deallocate_transfer proc~management_allocate_transfer management_allocate_transfer proc~management_read_ctrl->proc~management_allocate_transfer proc~read_integer_column read_integer_column proc~management_read_ctrl->proc~read_integer_column proc~log_message log_message proc~log_info->proc~log_message proc~log_error->proc~log_message proc~input_count_rows->proc~log_error proc~read_string_column->proc~log_error proc~move_lines move_lines proc~read_string_column->proc~move_lines proc~read_csv_item read_csv_item proc~read_string_column->proc~read_csv_item proc~header_column_index header_column_index proc~read_string_column->proc~header_column_index proc~input_error_column_not_found input_error_column_not_found proc~read_string_column->proc~input_error_column_not_found proc~read_real_column->proc~log_error proc~input_type_conversion_error input_type_conversion_error proc~read_real_column->proc~input_type_conversion_error proc~read_real_column->proc~move_lines proc~check_range check_range proc~read_real_column->proc~check_range proc~read_real_column->proc~read_csv_item proc~read_real_column->proc~header_column_index proc~read_real_column->proc~input_error_column_not_found proc~open_file open_file proc~input_open_file->proc~open_file proc~read_integer_column->proc~log_error proc~read_integer_column->proc~input_type_conversion_error proc~read_integer_column->proc~move_lines proc~check_int_range check_int_range proc~read_integer_column->proc~check_int_range proc~read_integer_column->proc~read_csv_item proc~read_integer_column->proc~header_column_index proc~read_integer_column->proc~input_error_column_not_found proc~input_type_conversion_error->proc~log_error proc~check_int_range->proc~log_error proc~log_warn log_warn proc~check_int_range->proc~log_warn proc~out_of_range_error out_of_range_error proc~check_int_range->proc~out_of_range_error proc~check_range->proc~log_error proc~check_range->proc~log_warn proc~check_range->proc~out_of_range_error proc~header_column_index->proc~move_lines proc~header_column_index->proc~input_error_column_not_found proc~open_file->proc~log_error proc~log_write log_write proc~log_message->proc~log_write proc~log_format_message log_format_message proc~log_message->proc~log_format_message proc~input_error_column_not_found->proc~log_error proc~to_string to_string proc~log_write->proc~to_string proc~date_time_str date_time_str proc~log_format_message->proc~date_time_str proc~colourise colourise proc~log_format_message->proc~colourise proc~log_warn->proc~log_message proc~out_of_range_error->proc~log_error proc~out_of_range_error->proc~to_string proc~string_index string_index proc~colourise->proc~string_index

Called by

proc~~management_read_ctrl~~CalledByGraph proc~management_read_ctrl management_read_ctrl proc~management_initialise management_initialise proc~management_initialise->proc~management_read_ctrl proc~initialise initialise proc~initialise->proc~management_initialise program~swim swim program~swim->proc~initialise


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine management_read_ctrl(frar, mb, mstruc, ndayssim, neap, sbar)
    use input, only : &
      read_real_column, &
      read_integer_column, &
      read_string_column, &
      input_count_rows, &

    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: frar
    integer, intent(in) :: mb
    integer, dimension(:, :, :), intent(in) :: mstruc
    integer, intent(in) :: nDaysSim
    integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: neap
    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: sbar
    ! This subroutine reads the water transfer control file (wam_transfer.ctrl)
    !   and assigns the corresponding values to water users of TYPE TWU,
    !   the required subbasin variables and wamTSub.
    integer :: i, sub, hru, k, a
    real(dp) :: area

    ! pointer on subbasin
    TYPE (TSubbasin), POINTER :: pS
    ! pointer on actual water user (TWU)
    TYPE (TWaterUser), POINTER :: pWU

    ! open wam control file
    management_input_file_id = input_open_file(management_input_file)

    wam_nWU = input_count_rows(management_input_file_id, .true.)
    call management_allocate_transfer(wam_nWU)

    ! continue reading control file
    call read_string_column(management_input_file_id, 'name', wam_UName)
    call read_integer_column(management_input_file_id, 'first_year', wam_firstyr)
    call read_integer_column(management_input_file_id, 'last_year', wam_lastyr)
    call read_integer_column(management_input_file_id, 'ts', wam_ts)
    call read_integer_column(management_input_file_id, 'source', wam_source)
    call read_integer_column(management_input_file_id, 'destination', wam_destination)
    call read_real_column(management_input_file_id, 'trs_eff', wam_eff)
    call read_integer_column(management_input_file_id, 'irr_opt', wam_irr_opt)
    call read_integer_column(management_input_file_id, 'irr_practice', wam_irr_practice)
    call read_real_column(management_input_file_id, 'irr_deficit', wam_irr_deficit_fac, 1.0_dp)
    call read_integer_column(management_input_file_id, 'day_irr_start', wam_day_irr_start, 1)
    call read_integer_column(management_input_file_id, 'day_irr_end', wam_day_irr_end, 365)
    call read_integer_column(management_input_file_id, 'irr_water_source', wam_w_source, 1)


    ! assign water user options (transfer or irrigation)
    do i = 1, wam_nWU
      if (wam_source(i) > mb ) then
        call log_error("wam", "Subbasin number (subs) of water user does not exist!", int=i)
      end if
      if (wam_destination(i) > mb ) then
        call log_error("wam", "Subbasin number (subd) of water user does not exist!", int=i)
      end if

      wam_opt(i) = 0
      ! transfer from sub x to sub y)
      if (wam_source(i) > 0 .AND. wam_destination(i) > 0 &
                              .AND. wam_irr_opt(i) == 0 ) wam_opt(i) = 1

      ! transfer to external destination)
      if (wam_source(i) > 0 .AND. wam_destination(i) == 0 ) wam_opt(i) = 2

      ! input (supply/inflow from external source)
      if (wam_source(i) == 0 .AND. wam_destination(i) > 0 &
                              .AND. wam_irr_opt(i) == 0 ) wam_opt(i) = 3

      ! irrigation
      if (wam_irr_opt(i) > 0 ) wam_opt(i) = 4
      ! if source and destination subbasins are the same, it should be irrigation
      if (wam_source(i) > 0 &
            .AND. wam_source(i) == wam_destination(i) ) wam_opt(i) = 4
    end do

    ! allocate and assign data to water users of TYPE TWU
    ! array of water users (corresponds to the number of water users defined in the control file)

    do i = 1, wam_nWU ! loop over water users
      pWU => TWU(i) ! pointer on current water user
      pWU % name = wam_UName(i)
      pWU % fyr = wam_firstyr(i)
      pWU % lyr = wam_lastyr(i)
      pWU % ts_ = wam_ts(i) ! type of time series (daily, monthly...)
      pWU % wu_opt = wam_opt(i) ! type of water user (transfer or irrigation)
      pWU % subs = wam_source(i)
      if (pWU % subs > mb .OR. pWU % subs < 0) then
        call log_error("wam", "Subbasin number (subs) of water user does not exist!", int=i)
      end if
      pWU % subd = wam_destination(i)
      if (pWU % subd > mb .OR. pWU % subd < 0) then
        call log_error("wam", "Subbasin number (subd) of water user does not exist!", int=i)
      end if
      pWU % tr_eff = wam_eff(i)
      if (pWU % tr_eff > 1.) then
        pWU % tr_eff = 1.
        call log_error("wam", "Transfer efficiency of water user ...set to 1.0", int=i)
      end if
      if (pWU % tr_eff < 0.) then
        pWU % tr_eff = 0.
        call log_error("wam", "Transfer efficiency of water user ...set to 0.0", int=i)
      end if

      allocate(pWU % data(0:nDaysSim))
      pWU % data = 0. ! daily time series (data) of respective water user(s) are assigned later!
      allocate(pWU % supplied(0:nDaysSim))
      pWU % supplied = 0. ! data assigned day by day during simulation
      allocate(pWU % tr_losses(0:nDaysSim))
      pWU % tr_losses = 0. ! data assigned day by day during simulation
      allocate(pWU % plantDemand(0:nDaysSim))
      pWU % plantDemand = 0. ! data assigned day by day during simulation
      allocate(pWU % irrigationDemand(0:nDaysSim))
      pWU % irrigationDemand = 0. ! data assigned day by day during simulation

      ! irrigation variables
      pWU % irr_opt = wam_irr_opt(i)
      pWU % irr_practice = wam_irr_practice(i)
      pWU % irr_deficit_fac = wam_irr_deficit_fac(i)
      pWU % day_irr_start = wam_day_irr_start(i)
      pWU % day_irr_end = wam_day_irr_end(i)
      pWU % w_source = wam_w_source(i)

      ! Check, if the irrigated area, summarised for each subbasin from *.str file is
      ! > 0 for irrigation water users
      ! = 0 for transfer water users
      ! otherwise, the *.str file (column IRR) requires correction
      pWU % area = 0.
      ! check for irrigation water users
      if (pWU % wu_opt == 4) then
        do sub = 1, mb
          area = 0.
          do hru = 1, neap(sub) ! loop over number HRUs in current subbasin
            if (mstruc(sub, hru, 7) >= 1 .AND. sub == pWU % subd ) &
              pWU % area = real(pWU % area + frar(sub, hru) * sbar(sub))
          end do
        end do
        ! stop execution, if area == 0 (no HRU with irrigation > 0 in *.str file)
        if (pWU % area <= 0.) then
          call log_error("wam", &
            "There was no HRU with irrigation option identified in (subbasin) for water user: "//trim(pWU%name), &
        end if
      end if

      ! check for transfer water users
      if (pWU % wu_opt /= 4) then
        do sub = 1, mb
          area = 0.
          do hru = 1, neap(sub) ! loop over number HRUs in current subbasin
            if (mstruc(sub, hru, 7) >= 1 .AND. sub == pWU % subd ) then
              call log_error("wam", "In (subbasin, HRU) was identified as irrigated area, "// &
                "which should not be the case, because it was assigned as <transfer>"// &
                "Set respective value to 0 in the <IRR> column in the *.str file!",  i1=sub, i2=hru)
            end if
          end do
        end do
      end if

    end do ! do i = 1, wam_nWU ! loop over water users

    call management_deallocate_transfer ! deallocate arrays not required anymore

    ! allocate and initialise array of TYPE wamTSub that contains information on
    ! - whether subbasin consists of water users (subnum = subbasin number) or no water users (subnum = 0)
    ! - and pointer to respective location in array TYPE of TSub
    wamTSub % subnum = 0 ! set all subnum values to 0
    do i = 1, mb
      NULLIFY (wamTSub(i) % pSub) ! nullify all pointers
    end do
    ! identify and assign subbasin numbers used for water allocation and/or irrigation
    do i = 1, wam_nWU
      pWU => TWU(i)
      if (pWU % subs > 0) wamTSub(pWU % subs) % subnum = pWU % subs
      ! If a water user transfers water to another (destination) subbasin,
      ! this destination subbasin will be identified here as a water allocation subbasin, too.
      if (pWU % subd > 0) wamTSub(pWU % subd) % subnum = pWU % subd
    end do
    call log_info("wam", 'Subbasin numbers where water allocation takes place, either as a source or destination', &
    do i = 1, mb
      if (wamTSub(i)%subnum == i ) call log_info("wam", "", int=wamTSub(i)%subnum, log=management_log)
    end do

    !count number of subbasins with water allocation users
    wam_nsub = 0
    do i = 1, mb
      if (wamTSub(i) % subnum > 0 ) wam_nsub = wam_nsub + 1
    end do

    call log_info("wam", 'Number of subbasins with water allocation users:', &
      int=wam_nsub, log=management_log)

    ! initialise variables of TYPE TSub
    do i = 1, wam_nsub
      TSub(i) % nWU = 0
      TSub(i) % nWUout = 0
      TSub(i) % nWUin = 0
      allocate(TSub(i) % Q_min(0:nDaysSim))
      TSub(i) % Q_min = 0.
      allocate(TSub(i) % Q_act(0:nDaysSim))
      TSub(i) % Q_act = 0.
      allocate(TSub(i) % irrDemand(0:nDaysSim))
      TSub(i) % irrDemand = 0. ! data assigned day by day during simulation
      allocate(TSub(i) % totDemand(0:nDaysSim))
      TSub(i) % totDemand = 0. ! data assigned day by day during simulation
      allocate(TSub(i) % inflow(0:nDaysSim))
      TSub(i) % inflow = 0. ! data assigned day by day during simulation
      allocate(TSub(i) % tr_losses_in(0:nDaysSim))
      TSub(i) % tr_losses_in = 0. ! data assigned day by day during simulation
      allocate(TSub(i) % tr_losses_out(0:nDaysSim))
      TSub(i) % tr_losses_out = 0. ! data assigned day by day during simulation
      allocate(TSub(i) % withdrawal(0:nDaysSim))
      TSub(i) % withdrawal = 0. ! data assigned day by day during simulation
      ! TSub%pos will be initialised when nWU is known
    end do

    ! assign pointers from wamTSub to each TSub
    k = 0
    do i = 1, mb
      if (wamTSub(i) % subnum > 0 ) then
        k = k + 1
        wamTSub(i) % pSub => TSub(k)
        TSub(k) % subnr = wamTSub(i) % subnum
      end if
    end do

    ! count number of water users per subbasin and assign to TSub%nWU
    do i = 1, wam_nWU ! loop over total number of water users
      if (management_is_transfer_subbasin(TWU(i) % subs) ) then
        pS => management_subbasin_pointer(TWU(i) % subs) ! pointer on source subbasin
        pS % nWU = pS % nWU + 1 ! add water user
        pS % nWUout = pS % nWUout + 1 ! add water user of type output
      end if

      if (management_is_transfer_subbasin(TWU(i) % subd) ) then
        pS => management_subbasin_pointer(TWU(i) % subd) ! pointer on destination subbasin
        if (TWU(i) % wu_opt == 4 .AND. TWU(i) % subs /= TWU(i) % subd ) pS % nWU = pS % nWU + 1 ! add water user
        if (TWU(i) % wu_opt /= 4 ) pS % nWU = pS % nWU + 1 ! add water user
        pS % nWUin = pS % nWUin + 1 ! add water user of type input
      end if
    end do

    !allocate TSub%pos
    do i = 1, wam_nsub ! loop over number of subbasins where water allocation takes place
      pS => management_subbasin_pointer(TSub(i) % subnr)
      allocate(pS % pos(pS % nWU))
      ! assign position of current water user in water user array to %pos
      a = 0
      do k = 1, wam_nWU ! loop over water users
        if (TWU(k) % subs == pS % subnr .OR. TWU(k) % subd == pS % subnr ) then
          a = a + 1
          if (TWU(k) % wu_opt == 4) pS % pos_irr = k ! if water user is of type irrigation
          pS % pos(a) = k
        end if
      end do
    end do

    ! write log file
    call log_info("wam", 'Water users per subbasin', log=management_log)
    call log_info("wam", ' sub No_of_WU', log=management_log)
    do i = 1, wam_nsub
      pS => management_subbasin_pointer(TSub(i) % subnr)
      call log_info("wam", '', ints=(/pS%subnr, pS%nWU/), log=management_log)
    end do

    call log_info("wam", 'Type of Water users per subbasin', log=management_log)
    call log_info("wam", ' sub No_of_WU nWUin nWUout', log=management_log)
    do i = 1, wam_nsub
      pS => management_subbasin_pointer(TSub(i) % subnr)
      call log_info("wam", '', ints=(/pS%subnr, pS%nWU, pS%nWUin, pS%nWUout/), log=management_log)
    end do

    call log_info("wam", 'wu_opt (transfer or irrigation)', log=management_log)
    call log_info("wam", 'wu_opt: 1 = transfer from subbasin x to subbasin y', log=management_log)
    call log_info("wam", 'wu_opt: 2 = transfer from subbasin x to external destination', log=management_log)
    call log_info("wam", 'wu_opt: 3 = transfer from external source to subbasin x', log=management_log)
    call log_info("wam", 'wu_opt: 4 = irrigation', log=management_log)
    call log_info("wam", 'WU_name subd subs wu_opt', log=management_log)
    do i = 1, wam_nWU
      call log_info("wam", trim(TWU(i)%name), ints=(/TWU(i)%subs, TWU(i)%subd, TWU(i)%wu_opt/), log=management_log)
    end do
  end subroutine management_read_ctrl