Check, if the irrigated area, summarised for each subbasin from *.str file is
0 for irrigation water users = 0 for transfer water users otherwise, the *.str file (column IRR) requires correction
allocate and initialise array of TYPE wamTSub that contains information on - whether subbasin consists of water users (subnum = subbasin number) or no water users (subnum = 0) - and pointer to respective location in array TYPE of TSub
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
real(kind=dp), | intent(in), | dimension(:, :) | :: | frar | ||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | mb | |||
integer, | intent(in), | dimension(:, :, :) | :: | mstruc | ||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | nDaysSim | |||
integer, | intent(in), | dimension(:) | :: | neap | ||
real(kind=dp), | intent(in), | dimension(:) | :: | sbar |
subroutine management_read_ctrl(frar, mb, mstruc, ndayssim, neap, sbar)
use input, only : &
read_real_column, &
read_integer_column, &
read_string_column, &
input_count_rows, &
real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: frar
integer, intent(in) :: mb
integer, dimension(:, :, :), intent(in) :: mstruc
integer, intent(in) :: nDaysSim
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: neap
real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: sbar
! This subroutine reads the water transfer control file (wam_transfer.ctrl)
! and assigns the corresponding values to water users of TYPE TWU,
! the required subbasin variables and wamTSub.
integer :: i, sub, hru, k, a
real(dp) :: area
! pointer on subbasin
TYPE (TSubbasin), POINTER :: pS
! pointer on actual water user (TWU)
TYPE (TWaterUser), POINTER :: pWU
! open wam control file
management_input_file_id = input_open_file(management_input_file)
wam_nWU = input_count_rows(management_input_file_id, .true.)
call management_allocate_transfer(wam_nWU)
! continue reading control file
call read_string_column(management_input_file_id, 'name', wam_UName)
call read_integer_column(management_input_file_id, 'first_year', wam_firstyr)
call read_integer_column(management_input_file_id, 'last_year', wam_lastyr)
call read_integer_column(management_input_file_id, 'ts', wam_ts)
call read_integer_column(management_input_file_id, 'source', wam_source)
call read_integer_column(management_input_file_id, 'destination', wam_destination)
call read_real_column(management_input_file_id, 'trs_eff', wam_eff)
call read_integer_column(management_input_file_id, 'irr_opt', wam_irr_opt)
call read_integer_column(management_input_file_id, 'irr_practice', wam_irr_practice)
call read_real_column(management_input_file_id, 'irr_deficit', wam_irr_deficit_fac, 1.0_dp)
call read_integer_column(management_input_file_id, 'day_irr_start', wam_day_irr_start, 1)
call read_integer_column(management_input_file_id, 'day_irr_end', wam_day_irr_end, 365)
call read_integer_column(management_input_file_id, 'irr_water_source', wam_w_source, 1)
! assign water user options (transfer or irrigation)
do i = 1, wam_nWU
if (wam_source(i) > mb ) then
call log_error("wam", "Subbasin number (subs) of water user does not exist!", int=i)
end if
if (wam_destination(i) > mb ) then
call log_error("wam", "Subbasin number (subd) of water user does not exist!", int=i)
end if
wam_opt(i) = 0
! transfer from sub x to sub y)
if (wam_source(i) > 0 .AND. wam_destination(i) > 0 &
.AND. wam_irr_opt(i) == 0 ) wam_opt(i) = 1
! transfer to external destination)
if (wam_source(i) > 0 .AND. wam_destination(i) == 0 ) wam_opt(i) = 2
! input (supply/inflow from external source)
if (wam_source(i) == 0 .AND. wam_destination(i) > 0 &
.AND. wam_irr_opt(i) == 0 ) wam_opt(i) = 3
! irrigation
if (wam_irr_opt(i) > 0 ) wam_opt(i) = 4
! if source and destination subbasins are the same, it should be irrigation
if (wam_source(i) > 0 &
.AND. wam_source(i) == wam_destination(i) ) wam_opt(i) = 4
end do
! allocate and assign data to water users of TYPE TWU
! array of water users (corresponds to the number of water users defined in the control file)
do i = 1, wam_nWU ! loop over water users
pWU => TWU(i) ! pointer on current water user
pWU % name = wam_UName(i)
pWU % fyr = wam_firstyr(i)
pWU % lyr = wam_lastyr(i)
pWU % ts_ = wam_ts(i) ! type of time series (daily, monthly...)
pWU % wu_opt = wam_opt(i) ! type of water user (transfer or irrigation)
pWU % subs = wam_source(i)
if (pWU % subs > mb .OR. pWU % subs < 0) then
call log_error("wam", "Subbasin number (subs) of water user does not exist!", int=i)
end if
pWU % subd = wam_destination(i)
if (pWU % subd > mb .OR. pWU % subd < 0) then
call log_error("wam", "Subbasin number (subd) of water user does not exist!", int=i)
end if
pWU % tr_eff = wam_eff(i)
if (pWU % tr_eff > 1.) then
pWU % tr_eff = 1.
call log_error("wam", "Transfer efficiency of water user ...set to 1.0", int=i)
end if
if (pWU % tr_eff < 0.) then
pWU % tr_eff = 0.
call log_error("wam", "Transfer efficiency of water user ...set to 0.0", int=i)
end if
allocate(pWU % data(0:nDaysSim))
pWU % data = 0. ! daily time series (data) of respective water user(s) are assigned later!
allocate(pWU % supplied(0:nDaysSim))
pWU % supplied = 0. ! data assigned day by day during simulation
allocate(pWU % tr_losses(0:nDaysSim))
pWU % tr_losses = 0. ! data assigned day by day during simulation
allocate(pWU % plantDemand(0:nDaysSim))
pWU % plantDemand = 0. ! data assigned day by day during simulation
allocate(pWU % irrigationDemand(0:nDaysSim))
pWU % irrigationDemand = 0. ! data assigned day by day during simulation
! irrigation variables
pWU % irr_opt = wam_irr_opt(i)
pWU % irr_practice = wam_irr_practice(i)
pWU % irr_deficit_fac = wam_irr_deficit_fac(i)
pWU % day_irr_start = wam_day_irr_start(i)
pWU % day_irr_end = wam_day_irr_end(i)
pWU % w_source = wam_w_source(i)
! Check, if the irrigated area, summarised for each subbasin from *.str file is
! > 0 for irrigation water users
! = 0 for transfer water users
! otherwise, the *.str file (column IRR) requires correction
pWU % area = 0.
! check for irrigation water users
if (pWU % wu_opt == 4) then
do sub = 1, mb
area = 0.
do hru = 1, neap(sub) ! loop over number HRUs in current subbasin
if (mstruc(sub, hru, 7) >= 1 .AND. sub == pWU % subd ) &
pWU % area = real(pWU % area + frar(sub, hru) * sbar(sub))
end do
end do
! stop execution, if area == 0 (no HRU with irrigation > 0 in *.str file)
if (pWU % area <= 0.) then
call log_error("wam", &
"There was no HRU with irrigation option identified in (subbasin) for water user: "//trim(pWU%name), &
end if
end if
! check for transfer water users
if (pWU % wu_opt /= 4) then
do sub = 1, mb
area = 0.
do hru = 1, neap(sub) ! loop over number HRUs in current subbasin
if (mstruc(sub, hru, 7) >= 1 .AND. sub == pWU % subd ) then
call log_error("wam", "In (subbasin, HRU) was identified as irrigated area, "// &
"which should not be the case, because it was assigned as <transfer>"// &
"Set respective value to 0 in the <IRR> column in the *.str file!", i1=sub, i2=hru)
end if
end do
end do
end if
end do ! do i = 1, wam_nWU ! loop over water users
call management_deallocate_transfer ! deallocate arrays not required anymore
! allocate and initialise array of TYPE wamTSub that contains information on
! - whether subbasin consists of water users (subnum = subbasin number) or no water users (subnum = 0)
! - and pointer to respective location in array TYPE of TSub
wamTSub % subnum = 0 ! set all subnum values to 0
do i = 1, mb
NULLIFY (wamTSub(i) % pSub) ! nullify all pointers
end do
! identify and assign subbasin numbers used for water allocation and/or irrigation
do i = 1, wam_nWU
pWU => TWU(i)
if (pWU % subs > 0) wamTSub(pWU % subs) % subnum = pWU % subs
! If a water user transfers water to another (destination) subbasin,
! this destination subbasin will be identified here as a water allocation subbasin, too.
if (pWU % subd > 0) wamTSub(pWU % subd) % subnum = pWU % subd
end do
call log_info("wam", 'Subbasin numbers where water allocation takes place, either as a source or destination', &
do i = 1, mb
if (wamTSub(i)%subnum == i ) call log_info("wam", "", int=wamTSub(i)%subnum, log=management_log)
end do
!count number of subbasins with water allocation users
wam_nsub = 0
do i = 1, mb
if (wamTSub(i) % subnum > 0 ) wam_nsub = wam_nsub + 1
end do
call log_info("wam", 'Number of subbasins with water allocation users:', &
int=wam_nsub, log=management_log)
! initialise variables of TYPE TSub
do i = 1, wam_nsub
TSub(i) % nWU = 0
TSub(i) % nWUout = 0
TSub(i) % nWUin = 0
allocate(TSub(i) % Q_min(0:nDaysSim))
TSub(i) % Q_min = 0.
allocate(TSub(i) % Q_act(0:nDaysSim))
TSub(i) % Q_act = 0.
allocate(TSub(i) % irrDemand(0:nDaysSim))
TSub(i) % irrDemand = 0. ! data assigned day by day during simulation
allocate(TSub(i) % totDemand(0:nDaysSim))
TSub(i) % totDemand = 0. ! data assigned day by day during simulation
allocate(TSub(i) % inflow(0:nDaysSim))
TSub(i) % inflow = 0. ! data assigned day by day during simulation
allocate(TSub(i) % tr_losses_in(0:nDaysSim))
TSub(i) % tr_losses_in = 0. ! data assigned day by day during simulation
allocate(TSub(i) % tr_losses_out(0:nDaysSim))
TSub(i) % tr_losses_out = 0. ! data assigned day by day during simulation
allocate(TSub(i) % withdrawal(0:nDaysSim))
TSub(i) % withdrawal = 0. ! data assigned day by day during simulation
! TSub%pos will be initialised when nWU is known
end do
! assign pointers from wamTSub to each TSub
k = 0
do i = 1, mb
if (wamTSub(i) % subnum > 0 ) then
k = k + 1
wamTSub(i) % pSub => TSub(k)
TSub(k) % subnr = wamTSub(i) % subnum
end if
end do
! count number of water users per subbasin and assign to TSub%nWU
do i = 1, wam_nWU ! loop over total number of water users
if (management_is_transfer_subbasin(TWU(i) % subs) ) then
pS => management_subbasin_pointer(TWU(i) % subs) ! pointer on source subbasin
pS % nWU = pS % nWU + 1 ! add water user
pS % nWUout = pS % nWUout + 1 ! add water user of type output
end if
if (management_is_transfer_subbasin(TWU(i) % subd) ) then
pS => management_subbasin_pointer(TWU(i) % subd) ! pointer on destination subbasin
if (TWU(i) % wu_opt == 4 .AND. TWU(i) % subs /= TWU(i) % subd ) pS % nWU = pS % nWU + 1 ! add water user
if (TWU(i) % wu_opt /= 4 ) pS % nWU = pS % nWU + 1 ! add water user
pS % nWUin = pS % nWUin + 1 ! add water user of type input
end if
end do
!allocate TSub%pos
do i = 1, wam_nsub ! loop over number of subbasins where water allocation takes place
pS => management_subbasin_pointer(TSub(i) % subnr)
allocate(pS % pos(pS % nWU))
! assign position of current water user in water user array to %pos
a = 0
do k = 1, wam_nWU ! loop over water users
if (TWU(k) % subs == pS % subnr .OR. TWU(k) % subd == pS % subnr ) then
a = a + 1
if (TWU(k) % wu_opt == 4) pS % pos_irr = k ! if water user is of type irrigation
pS % pos(a) = k
end if
end do
end do
! write log file
call log_info("wam", 'Water users per subbasin', log=management_log)
call log_info("wam", ' sub No_of_WU', log=management_log)
do i = 1, wam_nsub
pS => management_subbasin_pointer(TSub(i) % subnr)
call log_info("wam", '', ints=(/pS%subnr, pS%nWU/), log=management_log)
end do
call log_info("wam", 'Type of Water users per subbasin', log=management_log)
call log_info("wam", ' sub No_of_WU nWUin nWUout', log=management_log)
do i = 1, wam_nsub
pS => management_subbasin_pointer(TSub(i) % subnr)
call log_info("wam", '', ints=(/pS%subnr, pS%nWU, pS%nWUin, pS%nWUout/), log=management_log)
end do
call log_info("wam", 'wu_opt (transfer or irrigation)', log=management_log)
call log_info("wam", 'wu_opt: 1 = transfer from subbasin x to subbasin y', log=management_log)
call log_info("wam", 'wu_opt: 2 = transfer from subbasin x to external destination', log=management_log)
call log_info("wam", 'wu_opt: 3 = transfer from external source to subbasin x', log=management_log)
call log_info("wam", 'wu_opt: 4 = irrigation', log=management_log)
call log_info("wam", 'WU_name subd subs wu_opt', log=management_log)
do i = 1, wam_nWU
call log_info("wam", trim(TWU(i)%name), ints=(/TWU(i)%subs, TWU(i)%subd, TWU(i)%wu_opt/), log=management_log)
end do
end subroutine management_read_ctrl