subroutine landuse_initialise
use input, only : input_open_file, input_count_rows, get_config_fid
read(get_config_fid(), nml=landuse_parameters)
landuse_input_file_id = input_open_file(landuse_input_file)
! **** count number of land use types in *.lut
nlut = input_count_rows(landuse_input_file_id, .true.)
!**** Begin: Arrays allocated with: nlut (formerly 'mc') = number of land use types
allocate(LULC % cn2a(nlut))
LULC % cn2a = 0.
allocate(LULC % cn2b(nlut))
LULC % cn2b = 0.
allocate(LULC % cn2c(nlut))
LULC % cn2c = 0.
allocate(LULC % cn2d(nlut))
LULC % cn2d = 0.
allocate(LULC % canmx(nlut))
LULC % canmx = 0.
allocate(LULC % id(nlut)) ! land use ID in * .lut
LULC % id = 0
allocate(LULC % lutype(nlut)) ! land use type: 0 = no vegetation; 1 = crops (managed); 2 = natrual vegetation, water
LULC % id = 0
allocate(LULC%veg_code(nlut)) ! vegetation code (crop.dat(nlut)) for each land use class, read from input file
LULC % veg_code = 0
allocate(LULC % ETcor(nlut)) ! vegetation - specific correction on ETp
call landuse_read_input
call log_debug('hydrotope_initialise', 'Interception iicep =', int=iicep)
if (iicep == 0) LULC % canmx = 0.
end subroutine landuse_initialise