Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | ida | |||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | mb | |||
real(kind=dp), | intent(in), | dimension(:) | :: | tmx |
subroutine evapotranspiration_radiation(ida, mb, tmx)
integer, intent(in) :: ida
integer, intent(in) :: mb
real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: tmx
integer :: k
real(dp) :: gb, dr, ds, ws2, ram_1, radi, ek2
gb = 0.
! ek1 = empirical constant
!ek1=0.16 ! used in West Africa (Niger Basin)
!ek1 = 0.115 ! used in East Africa (Blue Nile Basin), old value
!ec1 = 0.145 ! used in East Africa (Blue Nile Basin), for new SWIM trunk version
ek2 = 0. !empirische Konstante 1
dr = 1 + (.033 * cos(((2. * 3.141592) / 365.) * ida)) !Inverse relative Distanz Erde - Sonne
ds = .409 * sin(((2. * 3.141592) / 365.) * ida - 1.39) ! Deklination der Sonne
do k = 1, mb
! Note, if latitude is larger 67 degrees North, this function does not work!
if (lat(k) > 66.5 ) then
lat(k) = 66.5
call log_warn("evapotranspiration_radiation", "Latitude is > 66.5, "// &
"in subbasin (N) set to 66.5", i1=k)
end if
if (lat(k) < - 66.5 ) then
lat(k) = - 66.5
call log_warn("evapotranspiration_radiation", "Latitude is < -66.5, "// &
"in subbasin (N) set to -66.5", i1=k)
end if
gb = (3.1415 / 180.) * lat(k) !Breite in Bogenwinkel
ws2 = acos((- tan(gb)) * tan(ds)) !Stundenwinkel beim Sonnenuntergang
ram_1 = (ws2 * sin(gb) * sin(ds)) + (cos(gb) * cos(ds) * sin(ws2))
radi = ((24. * 60.) / 3.141592) * .0820 * dr * ram_1
radi = (radi * 100.) ! Formel in MJ / m2 / d
ra(k) = ec1 * radi * ((tmx(k) - tmn(k)) ** .5) + ek2 ! Formel von Hargreaves(1985)
end do
end subroutine evapotranspiration_radiation