crop_operation Subroutine

public subroutine crop_operation(j, je, k, alai, dm, frar, g, ida, iy, olai, rd, rsd, ws)


  • proc~~crop_operation~~UsesGraph proc~crop_operation crop_operation module~output output proc~crop_operation->module~output module~utilities utilities module~output->module~utilities


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer :: j
integer :: je
integer :: k
real(kind=dp), intent(inout), dimension(:, :):: alai
real(kind=dp), intent(inout), dimension(:, :):: dm
real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:, :):: frar
real(kind=dp), intent(inout), dimension(:, :):: g
integer, intent(in) :: ida
integer, intent(in) :: iy
real(kind=dp), intent(out), dimension(:, :):: olai
real(kind=dp), intent(inout), dimension(:, :):: rd
real(kind=dp), intent(inout), dimension(:, :, :):: rsd
real(kind=dp), intent(inout), dimension(:, :):: ws


proc~~crop_operation~~CallsGraph proc~crop_operation crop_operation proc~output_store_hydrotope_value output_store_hydrotope_value proc~crop_operation->proc~output_store_hydrotope_value

Called by

proc~~crop_operation~~CalledByGraph proc~crop_operation crop_operation proc~crop_process crop_process proc~crop_process->proc~crop_operation proc~hydrotope_process hydrotope_process proc~hydrotope_process->proc~crop_process proc~runsubbasin runsubbasin proc~runsubbasin->proc~hydrotope_process proc~time_process_day time_process_day proc~time_process_day->proc~runsubbasin proc~time_process_month time_process_month proc~time_process_month->proc~time_process_day proc~time_process_years time_process_years proc~time_process_years->proc~time_process_month program~swim swim program~swim->proc~time_process_years


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine crop_operation(j, je, k, alai, dm, frar, g, ida, iy, olai, rd, rsd, ws)
    !**** CALLED IN: CRPMD
    !      alai(j, je) = leaf area index
    !      aryld(j, k, icr) = fraction of area by crop per sub, soil
    !      arylda(iy, icr) = fraction of area by crop per year
    !      aryldc(icr) = fraction of area by crop
    !      arylds(k, icr) = fraction of area by crop per soil
    !      avyld(j, k, icr) = av. yld per sub, soil, crop, kg/ha
    !      avylda(iy, icr) = av yld per year, crop, kg/ha
    !      avyldc(icr) = av yld per crop, kg/ha
    !      avylds(k, icr) = av. yld per soil, crop, kg/ha
    !      cva(j, je) = vegetation cover, kg/ha
    !      dm(j, je) = total biomass, kg/ha
    !      fon(j, je, l) = fresh org N, kg/ha
    !      fop(j, je, l) = fresh org P, kg/ha
    !      frar(j, je) = fractional area of hydrotope in subbasin
    !      g(j, je) = fraction of heat units to maturity accumulated
    !      hi(icr) = harvest index for crop (database), for maize & potat.
    !      hia(j, je) = harvest index
    !      hiad(j, je) = harvest index, adjusted
    !      huharv(j, je) = harvest index heat unit
    !      icc = index for cover crop corr. number in crop database
    !      ida = current day
    !      idayx = par = ida, to calc ndgro - number of growth days
    !      idop(5, iop) = day of operation
    !      igro(j, je) = vegetation index, =1 if yes
    !      iopc(5, iop) = opeartion code: 1 - planting, ...
    !      ipo = index for potatoes corr. number in crop database
    !      isba = index for s. barley corr. number in crop databas
    !      istyr = starting year
    !      iwb = index for w. barley corr. number in crop databas
    !      iwr = index for w. rye corr. number in crop databas
    !      iww = index for w. wheat corr. number in crop databas
    !      iy = current year as counter (1, ..., nbyr)
    !      ncrp(iop) = crop number
    !      ndgro = number of growth days
    !      ndpri = day to write crop yield for GIS output
    !      nucr(j, je) = crop number (database)
    !      olai(j, je) = alai(j, je) - leaf area index
    !      rsd(j, je, 2) = residue, kg/ha
    !      rwt(j, je) = fraction of root weight
    !      sbar(j) = subbasin area, m2
    !      snup(j, je) = N uptake, kg/ha
    !      spup(j, je) = P uptake, kg/ha
    !      swh(j, je) = actual transp. by plants, mm
    !      swp(j, je) = potent. transp. by plants, mm
    !      ws(j, je) = water stress
    !      yld(j, je) = crop yield, kg/ha
    !      ylda(j, k) = crop yield for subbasin and soil, kg/ha
    !      >>>>>

    !      >>>>> STATIC PARAMETERS
    !      icr = local par
    !      ii = local par
    !      ioper = local par
    !      xx = local par
    !      yield = current yield
    !      >>>>>
    use output, only: output_store_hydrotope_value

    !**** Include common parameters

    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: alai
    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: dm
    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: frar
    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: g
    integer, intent(in) :: ida
    integer, intent(in) :: iy
    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: olai
    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: rd
    real(dp), dimension(:, :, :), intent(inout) :: rsd
    real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: ws
    integer j, je, k
    integer icr, ii, ioper
    real(dp) xx, yield

    !*********************************************************** START IF (IGRO=0)
    !**** CHECK if day of planting, then goto 10 - planting
    if (igro(j, je) .eq. 0) then
      do ii = 1, mop
        if (ida .eq. idop(ii)) then
          nucr(j, je) = ncrp(ii)
          ioper = iopc(ii)
          if (ioper .eq. 1) then
            igro(j, je) = 1
            g(j, je) = 0.
            dm(j, je) = 0.01
            snup(j, je) = 0.
            spup(j, je) = 0.
            swh(j, je) = 0.
            swp(j, je) = 0.
            huharv(j, je) = 0.
            hia(j, je) = 0.
            olai(j, je) = 0.
            rwt(j, je) = 0.
            idayx = - 99
            ndgro = 0
          end if
      end do
    !*********************************************************** END IF (IGRO=0)

    !*********************************************************** START IF(IGRO=1)
    !**** CHECK if day of harvest and kill
    if (igro(j, je) .eq. 1) then
      do ii = 1, mop
        if (ida .eq. idop(ii)) then
          nucr(j, je) = ncrp(ii)
          ioper = iopc(ii)
          if (ioper .eq. 2) then
            !**** CALC HARVEST AND KILL
            igro(j, je) = 0
            if (hiad(j, je) .gt. hi(nucr(j, je))) hiad(j, je) = hi(nucr(j, je))
            if (hiad(j, je) .gt. 1.) hiad(j, je) = 1.

            !**** CALC residue & fresh org N and P (no residue, fon, fop for cover crop)
            if (nucr(j, je) .ne. icc) then
              rsd(j, je, 1) = 0.25 * (1. - rwt(j, je)) * (1. - hiad(j, je)) * dm(j, je) &
                      + rsd(j, je, 1)
              rsd(j, je, 2) = 0.75 * (1. - rwt(j, je)) * (1. - hiad(j, je)) * dm(j, je) &
                      + rsd(j, je, 2)
              if (rsd(j, je, 1) .le. 0.) rsd(j, je, 1) = 1.e-6
              if (rsd(j, je, 2) .le. 0.) rsd(j, je, 2) = 1.e-6

              fon(j, je, 1) = rsd(j, je, 1) * .008
              fon(j, je, 2) = rsd(j, je, 2) * .008

              fop(j, je, 1) = rsd(j, je, 1) * .0011
              fop(j, je, 2) = rsd(j, je, 2) * .0011

            !**** CALC yield
            !       ATTN! Harvest index used for grains: hia(), for maize, potatoes: hi()
            !       No yield for cover crop (icc)
            if (nucr(j, je) .eq. iww .or. nucr(j, je) .eq. iwb .or. &
                  nucr(j, je) .eq. iwr .or. nucr(j, je) .eq. isba) then
              yield = 0.85 * dm(j, je) * hia(j, je)
            else if (nucr(j, je) .eq. ipo) then
              yield = 1.00 * dm(j, je) * hi(nucr(j, je))
              yield = 0.85 * dm(j, je) * hi(nucr(j, je))
            if (nucr(j, je) .eq. icc) yield = 0.

            ylda(j, k) = yield
            yld(j, je) = yld(j, je) + yield
            call output_store_hydrotope_value(crop_yield_output_id, j, je, yield)
            dm(j, je) = 0.
            rd(j, je) = 0.
            ws(j, je) = 1.
            alai(j, je) = 0.
            hia(j, je) = 0.
            cva(j, je) = rsd(j, je, 1) + rsd(j, je, 2)
            g(j, je) = 0.

            idayx = 0
            icr = nucr(j, je)

            !**** CALC Day to write crop yield for GIS output (except cover crop)
            if (icr .ne. icc) ndpri = ida + 3

            !**** CALC average yield
            !       avyld(j, k, icr) av yld per sub, soil, crop & aryld(j, k, icr): frac. area
            !       avylds(k, icr) av yld per soil, crop & arylds(k, icr): frac. area
            !       avyldc(icr) av yld per crop & aryldc(icr): frac. area
            !       avylda(iy, icr) av yld per year, crop & arylda(iy, icr): frac. area

            if (icrop == 1) then
              avyld(j, k, icr) = avyld(j, k, icr) + ylda(j, k) * frar(j, je) / 100.
              aryld(j, k, icr) = aryld(j, k, icr) + frar(j, je)

            avylds(k, icr) = avylds(k, icr) + ylda(j, k) * frar(j, je) / 100.
            arylds(k, icr) = arylds(k, icr) + frar(j, je)

            avyldc(icr) = avyldc(icr) + ylda(j, k) * frar(j, je) / 100.
            aryldc(icr) = aryldc(icr) + frar(j, je)

            avylda(iy, icr) = avylda(iy, icr) + ylda(j, k) * frar(j, je) / 100.
            arylda(iy, icr) = arylda(iy, icr) + frar(j, je)

            !**** END CALC HARVEST AND KILL
          end if

          if (ioper .eq. 3) then
            if (hiad(j, je) .gt. hi(nucr(j, je))) &
                  hiad(j, je) = hi(nucr(j, je))

            yield = (1. - rwt(j, je)) * dm(j, je) * hiad(j, je)
            yld(j, je) = yld(j, je) + yield
            xx = dm(j, je)
            dm(j, je) = dm(j, je) - yield
            alai(j, je) = alai(j, je) * dm(j, je) / xx
            g(j, je) = g(j, je) * dm(j, je) / xx
            !**** END CALC HARVEST ONLY
          end if

          if (ioper .eq. 4) then
            !**** CALC KILL
            igro(j, je) = 0
            dm(j, je) = 0.
            ws(j, je) = 1.
            alai(j, je) = 0.
            cva(j, je) = 0.
            g(j, je) = 0.
            rd = 0.
            !**** END CALC KILL
          end if

      end do
    !*********************************************************** END IF (IGRO=1)

  end subroutine crop_operation