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Concept of critical levels

Many of the crucial values for society are being changed under climatic variations more or less smoothly: crop yield, water storage, water level of rivers, sea level etc.. (Note that their ``smoothness'' is determined, in the first place, by their measurability.) Therefore, these values can be considered, generally, as continuous functions of climate change, which is a consequence of the emission of ``greenhouse gases''. This process is determined mainly by the structure and organisation of the world energy system. However, a social perception transforms the continuous range of those values to a discrete set, namely ``good-medium-bad-disaster''. For instance, the difference between a bad crop yield and a catastrophic one may be less than the difference between medium and bad yields, but the social consequences of ``bad'' and ``catastrophic'' yields are not comparable. The impossibility of navigation is a result of the fact that the water levels sink below some critical threshold. A local agricultural disaster may certainly be compensated at the regional scale (with the help of market mechanisms), but there may exist a critical level for total crop production which destroys the market as a whole. For many social systems such critical thresholds (either scalars or vectors or surfaces in the space of basic variables) exist. If a system crosses such boundaries then the system's homeostasis is destroyed.

Therefore, we define a critical event as a crossing of the homeostasis boundary for some social system (see below) after which this system cannot be reconstructed (or will not reconstruct itself).

Note that in numerous works the ``COtex2html_wrap_inline691-doubling'' is considered as a crucial point for climate, biota, etc. So, this is not a critical event, and what is more, the state of the biosphere corresponding to COtex2html_wrap_inline691-doubling is not unique, because it depends substantially on the path of transition from the present state to the state where COtex2html_wrap_inline691 concentration will be doubled. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is simply one of many strategic variables of the whole system.

Suppose there is a social system, the state of which is described by the vector x (in general case x may depend on time, that is, to be a dynamic variable). We suppose also that the state depends on climate which is described by the vector tex2html_wrap_inline701, so that tex2html_wrap_inline703.

Let tex2html_wrap_inline705 be a homeostasis domain for this system. It is obvious that the critical level, tex2html_wrap_inline707, is defined by the equation tex2html_wrap_inline709. In turn, the inequality tex2html_wrap_inline705 induces the set tex2html_wrap_inline713 of admissible x with the boundary tex2html_wrap_inline717.

Suppose that the inverse mapping tex2html_wrap_inline719 does exist. Then we can calculate the set tex2html_wrap_inline721 of admissible climates with the boundary tex2html_wrap_inline723, where tex2html_wrap_inline725. Note that the mappings tex2html_wrap_inline703 and tex2html_wrap_inline719 may be non-unique.

The solution of this criticality problem is trivial: if the predicted climate does not belong to the set tex2html_wrap_inline721 then the state of the system is catastrophic.

We illustrate these abstract considerations by the following concrete example. Let our social system be the agriculture system producing cereals. The state of the system is described only by the crop yield, that is, by the scalar x. If tex2html_wrap_inline735 then we have an ``agricultural disaster'', the value tex2html_wrap_inline707 is determined by economic and social arguments. The homeostasis domain for this system is defined by the inequality tex2html_wrap_inline739. Then tex2html_wrap_inline741, tex2html_wrap_inline743 (see Fig. 1). If we assume that the crop yield depends only on the annual temperature tex2html_wrap_inline745, then the climate is described by the scalar tex2html_wrap_inline747 and tex2html_wrap_inline703. As a rule, the dependence is uni-modal, and, how we can see in Fig. 1, the mapping tex2html_wrap_inline719 is non-unique. Therefore the set tex2html_wrap_inline721 of admissible temperatures is the interval tex2html_wrap_inline755 with the boundary tex2html_wrap_inline757. These two boundary points correspond to two solutions of the equation tex2html_wrap_inline759.

Figure 1: To the definition of the sets tex2html_wrap_inline713 and tex2html_wrap_inline721: tex2html_wrap_inline765; tex2html_wrap_inline767; tex2html_wrap_inline769; tex2html_wrap_inline771; tex2html_wrap_inline773.

Revenons à nos moutons, we can say that the solution of our criticality problem is trivial if we have:

  1. an ideal model for the system, that is, for each tex2html_wrap_inline701 there are a finite number of separated x (and vice versa). (If, for instance, the dependence of crop yield on the temperature is a probability function, then this assumption is not true. The ideal model is a deterministic one, which predicts the state x corresponding to climate tex2html_wrap_inline701 with unit probability, possibly apart from hysteresis.);
  2. an ideal climatic prediction (again with the unit probability).
In actuality, we neither have an ideal model nor an ideal forecast.

Let us suppose that there are different deterministic models tex2html_wrap_inline783 and that each of them possesses a different ``predictive power'' depending on its structure, complexity, scientific uncertainties etc.. The simple way to describe this power is to associate some specific probability tex2html_wrap_inline785 to each predicted value tex2html_wrap_inline787. Thus, some probability measure can be constructed on the basis of the set of models tex2html_wrap_inline789. Another way is to use some stochastic model with a probability measure. In these cases we can formulate the following probabilistic statement: the inequality tex2html_wrap_inline735 takes place for any tex2html_wrap_inline701 with the specific probability tex2html_wrap_inline795.

Next we have to take into account that there is no ideal prediction for tex2html_wrap_inline701. Scientific uncertainties in climate prediction will allow us to predict the value tex2html_wrap_inline701 only with some probability tex2html_wrap_inline801, so that instead of unique prediction for tex2html_wrap_inline701 we have a set of values for tex2html_wrap_inline701, and each of them can be realised with a specific probability. Certainly, the suggested method of uncertainty analysis is not unique in a problem of GW, there are other approaches (see, for instance, [4]), which can also be used in calculation of corresponding probabilities.

And, finally, for the given tex2html_wrap_inline707 the probability of the event tex2html_wrap_inline735 is equal to:
under the normalisation condition
There is not a problem in generalising this approach to the case when tex2html_wrap_inline811 is a functional and the critical event is also a functional, etc..

The probability R can be considered as a measure of the risk for the catastrophic event tex2html_wrap_inline735. But we also have to keep in mind the following facts:

  1. The value tex2html_wrap_inline707 is defined by social factors only. This means that the event tex2html_wrap_inline735 could be either admissible or inadmissible depending on the social consequences.
  2. The risk level is defined by politicians, who have to compare two sets: tex2html_wrap_inline707 and the corresponding tex2html_wrap_inline823. The choice of the risk level depends on many factors: the state of society, economy, social stress etc..
  3. The main task of the scientific community is to provide the politicians with options: to present them the values for tex2html_wrap_inline707 and tex2html_wrap_inline827, and illustrate the events tex2html_wrap_inline735 with facts and pictures.
Let us now consider the following situation: We have determined the value tex2html_wrap_inline707, the probability predictions for climate change, that is, tex2html_wrap_inline801, and by calculation of tex2html_wrap_inline823 we have found out that tex2html_wrap_inline837, where tex2html_wrap_inline839 is an admissible level of risk. What kind of action can be started in such a case?
  1. We can take steps in order to lower the critical level tex2html_wrap_inline707 to tex2html_wrap_inline843 such that tex2html_wrap_inline845. In the case of crop production we can, for instance, import an additional amount of grain (adaptive strategy).
  2. We can select and cultivate a new variety of plants in the region (that is, we change tex2html_wrap_inline703).
  3. At the global level we can reduce the green-house gases emissions in order to change tex2html_wrap_inline801 and, by the same token, tex2html_wrap_inline823 until it becomes equal tex2html_wrap_inline839.
  4. Finally, we can take the risk and do nothing.
The algorithm for risk assessment consists of the following sequence of steps:
  1. By using a model for the social system which is driven by the climatic input tex2html_wrap_inline701, we construct the tex2html_wrap_inline857-domain with the boundary tex2html_wrap_inline859.
  2. On the set of possible tex2html_wrap_inline703, we construct the probability measure tex2html_wrap_inline863.
  3. Using tex2html_wrap_inline863 we calculate the probability tex2html_wrap_inline867 for the event tex2html_wrap_inline869 (for any tex2html_wrap_inline701).
  4. We determine the probability distribution tex2html_wrap_inline801, i.e., the probability of the realisation of the given climate scenario tex2html_wrap_inline701.
  5. Calculating the risk level tex2html_wrap_inline877 we construct the table tex2html_wrap_inline879.
  6. Politicians choose the pair tex2html_wrap_inline881.
  7. For the chosen pair we have to find either the appropriate structure of the system tex2html_wrap_inline703, or the appropriate climate tex2html_wrap_inline801.

Certainly, it is easier said than done (especially this is true for the first two points), but for relatively simple systems it is possible. We have shown above how to do this, for instance, for such a system as an agricultural one.

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Werner von Bloh (Data & Computation)
Fri Jul 14 10:44:24 MEST 2000