6,167 researchers from more than 60 countries and regions have been recognized this year. Whilst the United States continues to dominate the list as the home to the highest number of Highly Cited Researchers, its relative share of the list continues to decrease. China is number two on the list followed by UK and Germany. Harvard University is the institution with the greatest number of listed leading experts, followed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Stanford University – all of them much bigger institutions than PIK. The institute slightly improved its score this year, with 12 instead of previously 10 scientists amongst the "highly cited".
The Potsdam Institute’s researchers on the list include:
- Stefan Rahmstorf
- Dim Coumou
- Hermann Lotze-Campen
- Christoph Müller
- Elmar Kriegler
- Katja Frieler
- Gunnar Luderer
- Alexander Popp
- Jürgen Kurths
- Malte Meinshausen
- Ottmar Edenhofer
- Johan Rockström
Find the complete list of highly cited scientists 2020 and additional information HERE
2019 PIK highly cited listing: https://www.pik-potsdam.de/en/news/latest-news/ten-pik-researchers-among-the-most-influential-scientists-worldwide-ranking
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Twitter: @PIK_Climate