B-EPICC Brazil East Africa Peru India Climate Capacities

Strengthening Resilience against Climate Change

Co-production of user-oriented climate services to better adapt to climate change

The overarching goal of this project is to strengthen resilience against disruptive weather phenomena and climate change impacts at regional, national and local levels in five partner countries: Brazil, Ethiopia, India, Peru and Tanzania. This project is an opportunity for the partner countries to reduce the gap between climate research and its application in policy, business and societal decisions, particularly regarding agriculture, biodiversity, hydrology and water resources, as well as migration. Consequently, the project aims to identify, on a collaborative basis how sound climate models and related tools can be tailored to national needs. Core questions the project tackles include: How can climate scenarios and seasonal prediction models be calibrated and put in to use for agricultural management? How can migration-climate hotspot maps support strategies to reduce vulnerability to climate stressors? Etc.

The project encompasses six modules to be developed according to preferences and top priorities of partner countries. In this sense, B-EPICC is adaptive to needs and capacities of local partners.

By clicking on the graphic below, you can access a PDF with a detailed overview of the project. Click on the links below to view the organizational structure of B-EPICC within PIK and to find out how to engage with B-EPICC from a user perspective.

B-EPICC at PIK - Organization Chart
How to engage with B-EPICC from a user perspective?

This project is funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), implemented by the Federal Foreign Office (AA). The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) is leading the execution of the project together with its project partner The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), based in New Delhi. During the first project phase, the Deutsche Wetterdienst (DWD; German Meteorological Service), based in Hamburg, was also project partner. The project is also grateful for ongoing collaboration with individuals and institutions in its partner countries. The project runs within the period of 1st January 2018 till 31st of  May 2024 and is also known under the name "Climate Capacity Building: Risk Anticipation and Minimization".
Project Signature: 18_II_149_Global_A_Risikovorhersage

If you have any complaints about the project, please contact the IKI Independent Complaint Mechanism.

For more detailed information about this project, please contact the project coordinator, Ms. Andrea Kambergs (Andrea.Kambergs[at]pik-potsdam.de).


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