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Climate network percolation reveals the expansion and weakening of the tropical component under global warming
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Su, B., Huang, J., Fischer, T., Wang, Y., Kundzewicz, Zbigniew W., Zhai, J., Sun, H., Wang, A., Zeng, X., Wang, G., Tao, H., Gemmer, M., Li, X., Jiang, T. (2018):
Drought losses in China might double between the 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C warming
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Kretschmer, Marlene, Cohen, J., Matthias, Vivien, Runge, J., Coumou, Dim (2018):
The different stratospheric influence on cold-extremes in Eurasia and North America
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Mann, M. E., Rahmstorf, Stefan, Kornhuber, Kai, Steinman, B. A., Miller, S. K., Petri, Stefan, Coumou, Dim (2018):
Projected changes in persistent extreme summer weather events: The role of quasi-resonant amplification
- Science Advances
Kretschmer, Marlene, Coumou, Dim, Agel, L., Barlow, M., Tziperman, E., Cohen, J. (2018):
More-persistent weak stratospheric polar vortex states linked to cold extremes
- Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Pfleiderer, Peter, Coumou, Dim (2018):
Quantification of temperature persistence over the Northern Hemisphere land-area
- Climate Dynamics
Petoukhov, Vladimir, Petri, Stefan, Kornhuber, Kai, Thonicke, Kirsten, Coumou, Dim, Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2018):
Alberta wildfire 2016: Apt contribution from anomalous planetary wave dynamics
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Risbey, J. A., Lewandowsky, S., Cowtan, K., Oreskes, N., Rahmstorf, Stefan, Jokimäki, A., Foster, G. (2018):
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Geiger, Tobias, Frieler, Katja, Bresch, D. N. (2018):
A global historical data set of tropical cyclone exposure (TCE-DAT)
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Suppression of anomalous synchronization and nonstationary behavior of neural network under small-world topology
- Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Astakhov, O. V., Astakhov, S. V., Krakhovskaya, N. S., Astakhov, V. V., Kurths, Jürgen (2018):
The emergence of multistability and chaos in a two-mode van der Pol generator versus different connection types of linear oscillators
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Weng, Wei, Lüdeke, Matthias K. B., Zemp, Delphine Clara, Lakes, Tobia, Kropp, Jürgen P. (2018):
Aerial and surface rivers: downwind impacts on water availability from land use changes in Amazonia
- Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
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On the origin of the mesospheric quasi-stationary planetary waves in the unusual Arctic winter 2015/2016
- Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Jeffery, M. Louise, Gütschow, Johannes, Gieseke, Robert, Gebel, Ronja (2018):
PRIMAP-crf: UNFCCC CRF data in IPCC 2006 categories
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Boaretto, B. R. R., Budzinski, R. C., Prado, T. L., Kurths, Jürgen, Lopes, Sergio Roberto (2018):
Neuron dynamics variability and anomalous phase synchronization of neural networks
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Doing more while remaining the same? Flood risk governance in Poland
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Huang, Shaochun, Kumar, R., Rakovec, O., Aich, Valentin, Wang, X., Samaniego, L., Liersch, Stefan, Krysanova, Valentina (2018):
Multimodel assessment of flood characteristics in four large river basins at global warming of 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0 K above the pre-industrial level
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Lewandowsky, S., Cowtan, K., Risbey, J. S., Mann, M. E., Steinmann, B. A., Oreskes, N., Rahmstorf, Stefan (2018):
The 'pause' in global warming in historical context: (II). Comparing models to observations
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Gelbrecht, Maximilian, Boers, Niklas, Kurths, Jürgen (2018):
Phase coherence between precipitation in South America and Rossby waves
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Schultz, Paul, Hellmann, Frank, Webster, Kevin, Kurths, Jürgen (2018):
Bounding the first exit from the basin: Independence times and finite-time basin stability
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Willner, Sven, Levermann, Anders, Zhao, Fang, Frieler, Katja (2018):
Adaptation required to preserve future high-end river flood risk at present levels
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Öztürk, Ugur, Marwan, Norbert, Korup, O., Saito, H., Agarwal, Ankit, Grossman, M. J., Zaiki, M., Kurths, Jürgen (2018):
Complex networks for tracking extreme rainfall during typhoons
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Bias correction of surface downwelling longwave and shortwave radiation for the EWEMBI dataset
- Earth System Dynamics
Wyzga, B., Kundzewicz, Zbigniew W., Konieczny, R., Piniewski, Mikolaj, Zawiejska, J., Radecki-Pawlik, A. (2018):
Comprehensive approach to the reduction of river flood risk: Case study of the Upper Vistula Basin
- Science of the Total Environment
Lehmann, Jascha, Mempel, F., Coumou, Dim (2018):
Increased occurrence of record-wet and record-dry months reflect changes in mean rainfall
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Banerjee, T., Biswas, D., Ghosh, D., Bandyopadhyay, B., Kurths, Jürgen (2018):
Transition from homogeneous to inhomogeneous limit cycles: Effect of local filtering in coupled oscillators
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In search of determinism-sensitive region to avoid artefacts in recurrence plots
- International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
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Global economic response to river floods
- Nature Climate Change
Lobanova, Anastasia, Liersch, Stefan, Nunes, J. P., Didovets, Iulii, Stagl, Judith C., Huang, S., Koch, Hagen, Rivas López, María del Rocío, Fox Maule, C., Hattermann, Fred Fokko, Krysanova, Valentina (2018):
Hydrological impacts of moderate and high-end climate change across European river basins
- Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies
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Reproducing reproduction: How to simulate mast seeding in forest models
- Ecological Modelling