
Land Use, Food & Water, Ecosystems
Gerten, Dieter: Essen wird anders – Ernährung und die Planetaren Grenzen - Rundschau für Fleischhygiene und Lebensmittelüberwachung
Mirzabaev, Alisher, Olsson, Lennart, Bezner Kerr, Rachel, Pradhan, Prajal, Guadalupe, Marta, Ferre, Rivera, Lotze-Campen, Hermann (2021): Climate Change and Food Systems - Food Systems Summit Brief
Habtemariam, Lemlem Teklegiorgis, Gornott, Christoph, Hoffmann, Harry, Sieber, Stefan (2021): Farm Production Diversity and Household Dietary Diversity: Panel Data Evidence From Rural Households in Tanzania - Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Noleppa, Steffen, Gornott, Christoph, Lüttringhaus, Anna Sophia, Hackenberg, Isabel, Gleixner, Stephanie (2021): El cambio climático y sus efectos en la producción de banano en Colombia, Costa Rica, República Dominicana y Ecuador - HFFA Research Paper
Marechaux, Isablelle, Langerwisch, Fanny, Huth, Andreas, Bugmann, Harald, Morin, Xavier, Reyer, Christopher P. O., Seidl, Rupert, Collalti, Alessio, Dantas de Paula, Mateus, Fischer, Rico, Gutsch, Martin, Lexer, Manfred J., Lischke, Heike, Rammig, Anja, Rödig, Edna, Sakschewski, Boris, Taubert, Franziska, Thonicke, Kirsten, Vacchiano, Giorgio, Bohn, Friedrich (2021): Tackling unresolved questions in forest ecology: the past and future role of simulation models - Ecology and Evolution
Didovets, Iulii, Lobanova, Anastasia, Krysanova, Valentina, Menz, Christoph, Babagalieva, Zhanna, Nurbatsina, Aliya, Gavrilenko, Nadejda, Khamidov, Vohid, Umirbekov, Atabek, Qodirov, Sobir, Muhyyew, Dowletgeldi, Hattermann, Fred Fokko (2021): Central Asian rivers under climate change: Impacts assessment in eight representative catchments - Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies
Waid, Jillian Lee, Sinharoy, Sheela S., Ali, Masum, Alam, Md. Mashud, Wendt, Amanda, Gabrysch, Sabine (2021): What were the drivers of improving child nutritional status in Bangladesh? An analysis of national household data from 1992 to 2005 guided by the UNICEF framework - The Journal of Nutrition
Sterl, Sebastian, Fadly, Dalia, Liersch, Stefan, Koch, Hagen, Thiery, Wim (2021): Linking solar and wind power in eastern Africa with operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam - Nature Energy
Drüke, Markus, Petri, Stefan, von Bloh, Werner, Schaphoff, Sibyll (2021): Model code for the GMD publication gmd-2020-436 (1.0)
Jans, Yvonne, von Bloh, Werner, Schaphoff, Sibyll, Müller, Christoph (2021): Global cotton production under climate change – Implications for yield and water consumption - Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Chemura, Abel, Mudereri, Bester Tawona, Yalew, Amsalu Woldie, Gornott, Christoph (2021): Climate change and specialty coffee potential in Ethiopia - Scientific Reports
Khubaib, Nusaiba, Asad, Saeed A., Khalil, Tayyaba, Baig, Ayesha, Atif, Salman, Umar, Muhammad, Kropp, Jürgen P., Pradhan, Prajal, Baig, Sofia (2021): Predicting areas suitable for wheat and maize cultivation under future climate change scenarios in Pakistan - Climate Research
Stenzel, Fabian, Gerten, Dieter, Hanasaki, Naota (2021): Global scenarios of irrigation water abstractions for bioenergy production: a systematic review - Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Zarei, Azin, Chemura, Abel, Gleixner, Stephanie, Hoff, Holger (2021): Evaluating the grassland NPP dynamics in response to climate change in Tanzania - Ecological Indicators
Pokhrel, Yadu, Felfelani, Farshid, Satoh, Yusuke, Boulange, Julien, Burek, Peter, Gädeke, Anne, Gerten, Dieter, Gosling, Simon N., Grillakis, Manolis, Gudmundsson, Lukas, Hanasaki, Naota, Kim, Hyungjun, Koutroulis, Aristeidis, Liu, Junguo, Papadimitriou, Lamprini, Schewe, Jacob, Müller Schmied, Hannes, Stacke, Tobias, Telteu, Camelia-Eliza, Thiery, Wim, Veldkamp, Ted, Zhao, Fang, Wada, Yoshihide (2021): Global terrestrial water storage and drought severity under climate change - Nature Climate Change
Kemter, Matthias, Fischer, M., Luna, Lisa, Schönfeldt, E., Vogel, J., Banerjee, Abhirup, Korup, O., Thonicke, Kirsten (2021): Cascading hazards in the aftermath of Australia's 2019/2020 Black Summer wildfires - Earth's Future
Baum, Sarah, Conradt, Tobias, Dechow, René, Elsasser, Peter, Englert, Hermann, Ermisch, Nils, Gömann, Horst, Goetzke, Roland, Gottschalk, Pia, Gutsch, Martin, Henseler, Martin, Hoymann, Jana, Köthke, Margret, Kreins, Peter, Lasch-Born, Petra, Suckow, Felicitas, Wechsung, Frank (2021): Modellgestützte Wirkungsanalysen ausgewählter Maßnahmen und Strategien - Wechselwirkungen zwischen Landnutzung und Klimawandel
Shukla, Roopam, Gleixner, Stephanie, Yalew, Amsalu Woldie, Schauberger, Bernhard, Sietz, Diana, Gornott, Christoph (2021): Dynamic vulnerability of smallholder agricultural systems in the face of climate change for Ethiopia - Environmental Research Letters
Stenzel, Fabian, Greve, Peter, Lucht, Wolfgang, Tramberend, Sylvia, Wada, Yoshihide , Gerten, Dieter (2021): Irrigation of biomass plantations may globally increase water stress more than climate change - Nature Communications
Buchmann, Nina, Falkai, Peter, Foroutan, Naika, Haddadin, Sami, Harhoff, Dietmar, Jürgens, Kerstin, Klie, Thomas, Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Milewski, Nadja, Schallbruch, Martin, Stokman, Antje (2021): Niedersachsen 2030 - Potenziale und Perspektiven. Gutachten der Kommission Niedersachsen 2030
Leip, Adrian, Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Kugelberg, Susanna (2021): The role of nitrogen in achieving sustainable food systems for healthy diets - Global Food Security
Siderius, Christian, Biemans, Hester, Conway, Declan, Immerzeel, Walter, Jägermeyr, Jonas, Ahmad, Bashir, Hellegers, Petra (2021): Financial Feasibility of Water Conservation in Agriculture - Earth's Future
Müller, Christoph, Franke, James, Jägermeyr, Jonas, Ruane, Alex C., Elliott, Joshua, Moyer, Elisabeth, Heinke, Jens, Falloon, Peter, Folberth, Christian, Francois, Louis, Hank, Tobias, Izaurralde, R. César, Jacquemin, Ingrid, Liu, Wenfeng, Olin, Stefan, Pugh, Thomas, Williams, Karina E., Zabel, Florian (2021): Exploring uncertainties in global crop yield projections in a large ensemble of crop models and CMIP5 and CMIP6 climate scenarios - Environmental Research Letters
Ruane, Alex C., Phillips, Meridell, Müller, Christoph, Elliott, Joshua, Jägermeyr, Jonas, Arneth, Almuth, Balkovic, Juraj, Deryng, Delphine, Folberth, Christian, Iizumi, Toshichika, Izaurralde, Robert C., Khabarov, Nikolay, Lawrence, Peter, Liu, Wenfeng, Olin, Stefan, Pugh, Thomas A. M., Rosenzweig, Cynthia, Sakurai, Gen, Schmid, Erwin, Sultan, Benjamin, Wang, Xuhui, de Wit, Allard, Yang, Hong (2021): Strong regional influence of climatic forcing datasets on global crop model ensembles - Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Wang, Xuhui, Müller, Christoph, Elliott, Joshua, Mueller, Nathaniel, Ciais, Philippe, Jägermeyr, Jonas, Gerber, James, Dumas, Patrice, Wang, Chenzhi, Yang, Hui, Li, Laurent, Deryng, Delphine, Folberth, Christian, Liu, Wenfeng, Makowski, David, Olin, Stefan, Pugh, Thomas A. M., Reddy, Ashwan, Schmid, Erwin, Jeong, Sujong, Zhou, Feng, Piao, Shilong (2021): Global irrigation contribution to wheat and maize yield - Nature Communications
Reinecke, Robert, Müller Schmied, Hannes, Trautmann, Tim, Andersen, Lauren, Burek, Peter, Flörke, Martina, Gosling, Simon N., Grillakis, Manolis, Hanasaki, Naota, Koutroulis, Aristeidis, Pokhrel, Yadu, Thiery, Wim, Wada, Yoshihide, Yusuke, Satoh, Döll, Petra (2021): Uncertainty of simulated groundwater recharge at different global warming levels: a global-scale multi-model ensemble study - Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Musundire, Robert, Ngonyama, Dianah, Chemura, Abel, Ngadze, Ruth Tambudzai, Jackson, Jose, Matanda, Margaret Jekanyika, Tarakini, Tawanda, Langton, Maud, Chiwona-Karltun, Linley (2021): Stewardship of wild and farmed edible insects as food and feed in Sub-Saharan Africa: A perspective - Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Gruetzmacher, Kim, Karesh, William B., Amuasi, John H., Arshad, Adnan, Farlow, Andrew, Gabrysch, Sabine, Jetzkowitz, Jens, Lieberman, Susan, Palmer, Clare, Winkler, Andrea S., Walzer, Chris (2021): The Berlin principles on One Health – Bridging global health and conservation - Science of the Total Environment