
Ice, Oceans & Sea Level Rise
Rogozhina, I., Petrunin, A. G., Vaughan, A. P. M., Steinberger, B., Johnson, J. V., Kaban, M. K., Calov, Reinhard, Rickers, F., Thomas, M., Koulakov, I. (2016): Melting at the base of the Greenland ice sheet explained by Iceland hotspot history - Nature Geoscience
Dinniman, M. S., Asay-Davis, Xylar S., Galton-Fenzi, B. K., Holland, P. R., Jenkins, A., Timmermann, R. (2016): Modeling ice shelf/ocean interaction in Antarctica: A review - Oceanography
Strauss, B. H., Kulp, S., Levermann, Anders (2016): Reply to Boyd et al.: Large long-term sea level projections do not mean giving up on coastal cities - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Kopp, R. E., Kemp, A. C., Bittermann, Klaus, Horton, B. P., Donnelly, J. P., Gehrels, W. R., Hay, C. C., Mitrovica, J. X., Morrow, E. D., Rahmstorf, Stefan (2016): Temperature-driven global sea-level variability in the Common Era - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Asay-Davis, Xylar S., Cornford, S. L., Durand, G., Galton-Fenzi, B. K., Gladstone, R. M., Gudmundsson, G. H., Hattermann, T., Holland, D. M., Holland, D., Holland, P. R., Martin, D. F., Mathiot, P., Pattyn, F., Seroussi, H. (2016): Experimental design for three interrelated marine ice sheet and ocean model intercomparison projects: MISMIP v. 3 (MISMIP +), ISOMIP v. 2 (ISOMIP +) and MISOMIP v. 1 (MISOMIP1) - Geoscientific Model Development
Wiedermann, Marc, Radebach, A., Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Kurths, Jürgen, Donner, Reik V. (2016): A climate network-based index to discriminate different types of El Niño and La Niña - Geophysical Research Letters
Clark, P. U., Shakun, J. D., Marcott, S. A., Mix, A. C., Eby, M., Kulp, S., Levermann, Anders, Milne, G. A., Pfister, P. L., Santer, B. D., Schrag, D. P., Solomon, S., Stocker, T. F., Strauss, B. H., Weaver, A. J., Winkelmann, Ricarda, Archer, D., Bard, E., Goldner, A., Lambeck, K., Pierrehumbert, R. T., Plattner, G.-K. (2016): Consequences of twenty-first-century policy for multi-millennial climate and sea-level change - Nature Climate Change
Mengel, Matthias, Feldmann, Johannes, Levermann, Anders (2016): Linear sea-level response to abrupt ocean warming of major West Antarctic ice basin - Nature Climate Change