Montero, Marina Martınez, Brede, Nuria, Couplet, Victor, Crucifix, Michel, Botta, Nicola, Wieners, Claudia (2024):
Lost options commitment: how short-term policies affect long-term scope of action
- Oxford Open Climate Change
Büttner, Anna, Hellmann, Frank (2024):
Complex Couplings - A universal, adaptive and bilinear formulation of power grid dynamics
- Physical Review X
Lücke, Marvin, Winkelmann, Stefanie, Heitzig, Jobst, Molkenthin, Nora, Koltai, Péter (2024):
Learning interpretable collective variables for spreading processes on networks
- Physical Review E
Wu, Xiaoshuai, Sun, Fenglan, Han, Yunpeng, Tang, Kui, Zhu, Wei, Kurths, Jürgen (2024):
Group consensus of multi‐agent systems with reference states via pinning control
- International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Wunderling, Nico, von der Heydt, A., Aksenov, Y., Barker, S., Bastiaansen, R., Brovkin, V., Brunetti, M., Couplet, V., Kleinen, T., Lear, C. H., Lohmann, J., Roman-Cuesta, R. M., Sinet, S., Swingedouw, D., Winkelmann, Ricarda, Anand, P., Barichivich, J., Bathiany, Sebastian, Baudena, M., Bruun, J. T., Chiessi, C. M., Coxall, H. K., Docquier, D., Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Falkena, S. K. J., Klose, Ann Kristin, Obura, D., Rocha, J., Rynders, S., Steinert, N. J., Willeit, Matteo (2024):
Climate tipping point interactions and cascades: A review
- Earth System Dynamics
Gabrick, Enrique C., Brugnago, Eduardo, de Souza, Silvio, Iarosz, Kelly, Szeszech, Jose, Viana, Ricardo, Caldas, Ibere, Batista, Antonio, Kurths, Jürgen (2024):
Impact of periodic vaccination in SEIRS seasonal model
- Chaos
Schunck, Florian, Wiedermann, Marc, Heitzig, Jobst, Donges, Jonathan Friedemann (2024):
A Dynamic Network Model of Societal Complexity and Resilience Inspired by Tainter’s Theory of Collapse
- Entropy
Wassmer, Jonas, Merz, Bruno, Marwan, Norbert (2024):
Resilience of transportation infrastructure networks to road failures
- Chaos
Bender, Frida A.-M., Lord, Tobias, Staffansdotter, Anna, Jung, Verena, Undorf, Sabine (2024):
Machine Learning Approach to Investigating the Relative Importance of Meteorological and Aerosol-Related Parameters in Determining Cloud Microphysical Properties
- Tellus - B
Lenton, Timothy M., Abrams, Jesse F., Bartsch, Annett, Bathiany, Sebastian, Boulton, Chris A., Buxton, Joshua E., Conversi, Alessandra, Cunliffe, Andrew M., Hebden, Sophie, Lavergne, Thomas, Poulter, Benjamin, Shepherd, Andrew, Smith, Taylor, Swingedouw, Didier, Winkelmann, Ricarda, Boers, Niklas (2024):
Remotely sensing potential climate change tipping points across scales
- Nature Communications
Conitzer, Vincent, Freedman, Rachel, Heitzig, Jobst, Holliday, Wesley H., Jacobs, Bob M., Lambert, Nathan, Mossé, Milan, Pacuit, Eric, Russell, Stuart, Schoelkopf, Hailey, Tewolde, Emanuel, Zwicker, William S. (2024):
Position: Social Choice Should Guide AI Alignment in Dealing with Diverse Human Feedback
- Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research
Feng, M., Pi, B., Deng, L.-J., Kurths, Jürgen (2024):
An Evolutionary Game With the Game Transitions Based on the Markov Process
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems
Boers, Niklas (2024):
Reply to: Evidence lacking for a pending collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Nature Climate Change
Ben-Yami, Maya, Skiba, Vanessa, Bathiany, Sebastian, Boers, Niklas (2023):
Uncertainties in critical slowing down indicators of observation-based fingerprints of the Atlantic Overturning Circulation
- Nature Communications
Liu, Weihang, Ye, Tao, Müller, Christoph, Jägermeyr, Jonas, Franke, James A., Stephens, Haynes, Chen, Shuo (2023):
The statistical emulators of GGCMI phase 2: responses of year-to-year variation of crop yield to CO2, temperature,water, and nitrogen perturbations
- Geoscientific Model Development
Li, Zheng, Zhao, Yue, Hu, Xiyang, Botta, Nicola, Ionescu, Cezar, Chen, George H. (2023):
ECOD: Unsupervised Outlier Detection Using Empirical Cumulative Distribution Functions
- IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
Haselhoff, Timo, Braun, Tobias, Fiebig, André, Hornberg, Jonas, Lawrence, Bryce T., Marwan, Norbert, Moebus, Susanne (2023):
Complex networks for analyzing the urban acoustic environment
- Ecological Informatics
Souza Filho, F. A., Rocha, R. V., Estacio, A. B. S., Rolim, L. R. Z., Pontes Filho, J. D. A., Porto, V. C., Guimarães, Sullyandro Oliveira (2023):
Enhancing streamflow forecasting for the Brazilian electricity sector: a strategy based on a hyper-multimodel
- Revista Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos
Syta, Arkadiusz, Czarnigowski, Jacek, Jakliński, Piotr, Marwan, Norbert (2023):
Detection and identification of cylinder misfire in small aircraft engine in different operating conditions by linear and non-linear properties of frequency components
- Measurement
Tang , Yang, Zhao, Chaoqiang , Wang, Jianrui, Zhang, Chongzhen , Sun, Qiyu , Kurths, Jürgen (2023):
Perception and Navigation in Autonomous Systems in the Era of Learning: A Survey
- IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
Xie, Meiling, Li, Yuhan, Feng, Minyu, Kurths, Jürgen (2023):
Contact-dependent infection and mobility in the metapopulation SIR model from a birth–death process perspective
- Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
Zheng, Yayun, Boers, Niklas (2023):
Mean exit times as global measure of resilience of tropical forest systems under climatic disturbances—Analytical and numerical results
- Chaos
Treistmann, F., Penna, D. D. J., Khenayfis, L. de S., Cavalcante, N. B. R., Souza Filho, F. A., Rocha, R. V., Estacio, A. B. S., Rolim, L. R. S., Pontes Filho, J. D. A., Porto, V. C., Guimarães, Sullyandro Oliveira, Pessanha, J. F. M., Almeida, V. A., Chan, P. D. S., Lappicy, T., Lima, C. H. R., Detzel, D. H. M., Bessa, M. R. (2023):
A Framework to Evaluate and Compare Synthetic Streamflow Scenario Generation Models
- Revista Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos
Yuan, Ye, Li, Xiuting, Li, Liang, Liang, Frank, Tang, Xiuchuan, Zhang, Fumin, Goncalves, Jorge, Voss, Henning, Ding, Han, Kurths, Jürgen (2023):
Machine discovery of partial differential equations from spatiotemporal data: A sparse Bayesian learning framework
- Chaos
Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, Oxana, Sergeev, Konstantin, Semenova, Nadezhda, Slepnev, Andrey, Karavaev, Anatoly, Hramkov, Alexey, Prokhorov, Mikhail, Borovkova, Ekaterina, Blokhina, Inna, Fedosov, Ivan, Shirokov, Alexander, Dubrovsky, Alexander, Terskov, Andrey, Manzhaeva, Maria, Krupnova, Valeria, Dmitrenko, Alexander, Zlatogorskaya, Daria, Adushkina, Viktoria, Evsukova, Arina, Tuzhilkin, Matvey, Elizarova, Inna, Ilyukov, Egor, Myagkov, Dmitry, Tuktarov, Dmitry, Kurths, Jürgen (2023):
Machine Learning Technology for EEG-Forecast of the Blood–Brain Barrier Leakage and the Activation of the Brain’s Drainage System during Isoflurane Anesthesia
- Biomolecules
Yan, SiLu, Yang, XiaoLi, Kurths, Jürgen (2023):
Abnormalities of rhythms and phase lag index in the data-driven cortical network model of Alzheimer's disease
- Nonlinear Dynamics
Stechemesser, Annika, Kotz, Maximilian, Auffhammer, M., Wenz, Leonie (2023):
Prolonged exposure weakens risk perception and behavioral mobility response: Empirical evidence from Covid-19
- Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Zhao, Shan , Saha, Sudipan , Xiong, Zhitong , Boers, Niklas, Zhu, Xia Xiang (2023):
Exploring Geometric Deep Learning for Precipitation Nowcasting
- IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium: Proceedings
Meng, Jun, Fan, Jingfang, Bhatt, Uma S., Kurths, Jürgen (2023):
Arctic weather variability and connectivity
- Nature Communications
Hess, Philipp, Lange, Stefan, Schötz, Christof, Boers, Niklas (2023):
Deep Learning for Bias-Correcting CMIP6-Class Earth System Models
- Earth's Future