
Complex Networks, Machine Learning & Decision Theory
Wang, Xin, Wang, Hui, Li, Chuandong, Huang, Tingwen, Kurths, Jürgen (2020): Consensus seeking in multiagent systems with Markovian switching topology under aperiodic sampled data - IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems
Protachevicz, Paulo R., Iarosz, Kelly C., Caldas, Iberê L., Antonopoulos, Chris G., Batista, Antonio M., Kurths, Jürgen (2020): Influence of Autapses on Synchronization in Neural Networks With Chemical Synapses - Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
Su, Zhen, Gao, Chao, Liu, Jiming, Jia, Tao, Wang, Zhen, Kurths, Jürgen (2020): Emergence of nonlinear crossover under epidemic dynamics in heterogeneous networks - Physical Review E
Zhang, XiaoYu, Xu, Yong, Liu, Qi, Kurths, Jürgen (2020): Rate-dependent tipping-delay phenomenon in a thermoacoustic system with colored noise - Science China Technological Sciences
Zhou, Bin, Erell, Evyatar, Hough, Ian, Rosenblatt, Jonathan, Just, Allan C., Novack, Victor, Kloog, Itai (2020): Estimating near‐surface air temperature across Israel using a machine learning based hybrid approach - International Journal of Climatology
Koulierakis, I., Verganelakis, D. A., Omelchenko, I., Zakharova, A., Schöll, Eckehard, Provata, A. (2020): Structural anomalies in brain networks induce dynamical pacemaker effects - Chaos
Wiedermann, Marc, Smith, E. Keith, Heitzig, Jobst, Donges, Jonathan Friedemann (2020): A network-based microfoundation of Granovetter’s threshold model for social tipping - Scientific Reports
Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Heitzig, Jobst, Barfuss, Wolfram, Wiedermann, Marc, Kassel, Johannes A., Kittel, Tim, Kolb, Jakob Johannes, Kolster, Till, Müller-Hansen, Finn, Otto, Ilona M., Zimmerer, Kilian B., Lucht, Wolfgang (2020): Earth system modeling with endogenous and dynamic human societies: the copan:CORE open World–Earth modeling framework - Earth System Dynamics
Jin, Xin, Wei, Du, He, Wangli, Kocarev, Ljupco, Tang, Yang, Kurths, Jürgen (2020): Twisting-based finite-time consensus for Euler-Lagrange systems with an event-triggered strategy - IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
Cohen, J., Zhang, X., Francis, J., Jung, T., Kwok, R., Overland, J., Ballinger, T. J., Bhatt, U. S., Chen, H. W., Coumou, Dim, Feldstein, S., Gu, H., Handorf, D., Henderson, G., Ionita, M., Kretschmer, M., Laliberte, F., Lee, S., Linderholm, H. W., Maslowski, W., Peings, Y., Pfeiffer, K., Rigor, I., Semmler, T., Stroeve, J., Taylor, P. C., Vavrus, S., Vihma, T., Wang, S., Wendisch, M., Wu, Y., Yoon, J. (2020): Divergent consensuses on Arctic amplification influence on midlatitude severe winter weather - Nature Climate Change
Krichene, Hazem, Inoue, Hiroyasu, Isogai, Takashi, Chakraborty, Abhijit, Xing, Lizhi (2020): A model of the indirect losses from negative shocks in production and finance - PloS ONE
Pradhan, Prajal, Kropp, Jürgen P. (2020): Interplay between diets, health, and climate change - Sustainability
Protachevicz, Paulo R., Borges, Fernando S., Iarosz, Kelly C., Baptista, Murilo S., Lameu, Ewandson L., Hansen, Matheus, Caldas, Iberê L., Szezech, José D., Batista, Antonio M., Kurths, Jürgen (2020): Influence of delayed conductance on neuronal synchronization - Frontiers in Physiology
Wang, Xin, Wang, Hui, Li, Chuandong, Huang, Tingwen, Kurths, Jürgen (2020): Improved consensus conditions for multi-agent systems with uncertain topology: the generalized transition rates case - IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
Tang, Xiuchuan, Huo, Wei, Yuan, Ye, Li, Xiuting, Shi, Ling, Ding, Han, Kurths, Jürgen (2020): Dynamical network size estimation from local observations - New Journal of Physics
Li, Zheng, Zhao, Yue, Botta, Nicola, Ionescu, Cezar, Hu, Xiyang (2020): COPOD: Copula-Based Outlier Detection - IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM)
Gelbrecht, Maximilian, Kurths, Jürgen, Hellmann, Frank (2020): Monte Carlo basin bifurcation analysis - New Journal of Physics
Agarwal, Ankit, Marwan, Norbert, Maheswaran, Rathinasamy , Öztürk, Ugur, Kurths, Jürgen, Merz, Bruno (2020): Optimal design of hydrometric station networks based on complex network analysis - Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Lade, S. J., Steffen, W., Vries, W. de, Carpenter, S. R., Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Gerten, Dieter, Hoff, Holger, Newbold, T., Richardson, K., Rockström, Johan (2020): Human impacts on planetary boundaries amplified by Earth system interactions - Nature Sustainability
Ciemer, Catrin, Rehm, Lars, Kurths, Jürgen, Donner, Reik V., Winkelmann, Ricarda, Boers, Niklas (2020): An early-warning indicator for Amazon droughts exclusively based on tropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures - Environmental Research Letters
Beillouin, Damien, Schauberger, Bernhard, Bastos, Ana, Ciais, Philippe, Makowski, David (2020): Impact of extreme weather conditions on European crop production in 2018 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences
Athare, Tushar, Pradhan, Prajal, Kropp, Jürgen P. (2020): Environmental Implications and socioeconomic Characterisation of Indian Diets - Science of the Total Environment
Singh, Uday, Sathiyadevi, K., Chandrasekar, V. K., Zou, W., Kurths, Jürgen, Senthilkumar, D. V. (2020): Trade-off between filtering and symmetry breaking mean-field coupling in inducing macroscopic dynamical states - New Journal of Physics
Di Capua, Giorgia, Runge, Jakob, Donner, Reik V., van den Hurk, Bart, Turner, Andrew G., Vellore, Ramesh, Krishnan, Raghavan, Coumou, Dim (2020): Dominant patterns of interaction between the tropics and mid-latitudes in boreal summer: causal relationships and the role of timescales - Weather and Climate Dynamics
Wang, Zhen, Jusup, Marko, Guo, Hao, Shi, Lei, Geček, Sunčana, Anand, Madhur, Perc, Matjaž, Bauch, Chris T., Kurths, Jürgen, Boccaletti, Stefano, Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2020): Communicating sentiment and outlook reverses inaction against collective risks - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)