Yang, Chenyao, Menz, Christoph, Fraga, Helder, Reis, Samuel, Machado, Nelson, Malheiro, Aureliano C., Santos, João A. (2021):
Simultaneous Calibration of Grapevine Phenology and Yield with a Soil–Plant–Atmosphere System Model Using the Frequentist Method
- Agronomy
Kittel, Tim, Ciemer, Catrin, Lotfi, Nastaran, Peron, Thomas, Rodrigues, Francisco, Kurths, Jürgen, Donner, Reik V. (2021):
Evolving climate network perspectives on global surface air temperature effects of ENSO and strong volcanic eruptions
- European Physical Journal - Special Topics
Irrgang, C., Boers, Niklas, Sonnewald, M., Barnes, E. A., Kadow, C., Staneva, J., Saynisch-Wagner, J. (2021):
Towards neural Earth system modelling by integrating artificial intelligence in Earth system science
- Nature Machine Intelligence
Schauberger, Bernhard, Makowski, David, Tamara, Ben-Ari, Julien, Boé, Ciais, Philippe (2021):
No historical evidence for increased vulnerability of French crop production to climatic hazards
- Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Nauck, Christian, Lindner, Michael, Schürholt, Konstantin, Zhang, Haoming, Schultz, Paul, Kurths, Jürgen, Isenhardt, Ingrid, Hellmann, Frank (2021):
Predicting Dynamic Stability of Power Grids using
Graph Neural Networks
Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Heitzig, Jobst (2021):
World-Earth Dynamics in the Anthropocene: A Copan Reader 2013 - 2021
Sawicki, Jakub, Koulen, Julia M., Schöll, Eckehard (2021):
Synchronization scenarios in three-layer networks with a hub
- Chaos
Rakshit, Sarbendu, Majhi, Soumen, Kurths, Jürgen, Ghosh, Dibakar (2021):
Neuronal synchronization in long-range time-varying networks
- Chaos
Berner, Rico, Yanchuk, Serhiy, Maistrenko, Yuri, Schöll, Eckehard (2021):
Generalized splay states in phase oscillator networks
- Chaos
Asano, Yuki M., Kolb, Jakob Johannes, Heitzig, Jobst, Farmer, J. Doyne (2021):
Emergent inequality and business cycles in a simple behavioral macroeconomic model
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Bak-Coleman, Joseph B., Alfano, Mark, Barfuss, Wolfram, Bergstom, Carl T., Centeno, Miguel A., Couzin, Iain D., Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Galesic, Mirta, Gersick, Andrew S., Jacquet, Jennifer, Kao, Albert B., Moran, Rachel E., Romanczuk, Pawel, Rubenstein, Daniel I., Tombak, Kaia J., Van Bavel, Jay J., Weber, Elke U. (2021):
Stewardship of global collective behavior
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Chen, Kaiqi, Lanlan, Yu, Tingting, Zhu, Ping, Li, Kurths, Jürgen (2021):
Succinct Representation of Dynamic Networks
- IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
Zhao, Yong, Ren, Shanshan, Kurths, Jürgen (2021):
Finite-time and fixed-time synchronization for a class of memristor-based competitive neural networks with different time scales
- Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
Mitsui, Takahito, Boers, Niklas (2021):
Seasonal prediction of Indian summer monsoon onset with echo state networks
- Environmental Research Letters
Lu, Jianquan, Ho, Daniel W. C., Huang, Tingwen, Kurths, Jürgen, Trajkovic, Ljiljana (2021):
IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Recent Advances on Hybrid Complex Networks: Analysis and Control [Editorial]
- IEEE Access
Wang, Zhanqing, Xu, Yong, Li, Yongge, Kapitaniak, Tomasz, Kurths, Jürgen (2021):
Chimera states in coupled Hindmarsh-Rose neurons with α-stable noise
- Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
Hui, Nirmalendu, Biswas, Debabrata, Banerjee, Tanmoy, Kurths, Jürgen (2021):
Effects of propagation delay in coupled oscillators under direct–indirect coupling: Theory and experiment
- Chaos
Liu, Qi, Xu, Yong, Li, Yongge, Kurths, Jürgen, Liu, Xiaochuan (2021):
Fixed-interval smoothing of an aeroelastic airfoil model with cubic or free-play nonlinearity in incompressible flow
- Acta Mechanica Sinica
Chen, Peng, Qi, Mingze, Lu, Xin, Duan, Xiaojun, Kurths, Jürgen (2021):
Efficient network immunization strategy based on generalized Herfindahl–Hirschman index
- New Journal of Physics
Hu, Bin, Yu, Xinghuo, Guan, Zhi-Hong, Kurths, Jürgen, Chen, Guanrong (2021):
Hybrid Neural Adaptive Control for Practical Tracking of Markovian Switching Networks
- IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
Lindner, Michael, Lincoln, Lucas, Drauschke, Fenja, Koulen, Julia M., Würfel, Hans, Plietzsch, Anton, Hellmann, Frank (2021):
NetworkDynamics.jl—Composing and simulating complex networks in Julia
- Chaos
Arumugam, Ponraj, Chemura, Abel, Schauberger, Bernhard, Gornott, Christoph (2021):
Remote Sensing Based Yield Estimation of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Using Gradient Boosted Regression in India
- Remote Sensing
Krishnan, Abin, Sujith, R. I., Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen (2021):
Suppression of thermoacoustic instability by targeting the hubs of the turbulent networks in a bluff body stabilized combustor
- Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Wunderling, Nico, Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Kurths, Jürgen, Winkelmann, Ricarda (2021):
Interacting tipping elements increase risk of climate domino effects under global warming
- Earth System Dynamics
Ma, Rui, Qiu, Qi, Kurths, Jürgen, Zhan, Meng (2021):
Fast-Slow-Scale Interaction Induced Parallel Resonance and its Suppression in Voltage Source Converters
- IEEE Access
Mudereri, Bester Tawona, Chitata, Tavengwa, Chemura, Abel, Makaure, Joseph, Mukanga, Concilia, Abdel-Rahman, Elfatih M. (2021):
Is the protected area coverage still relevant in protecting the Southern Ground-hornbill (Bucorvus leadbeateri) biological niche in Zimbabwe? Perspectives from ecological predictions
- GIScience & Remote Sensing
Ye, Jiachen, Peron, Thomas, Lin, Wei, Kurths, Jürgen, Ji, Peng (2021):
Performance measures after perturbations in the presence of inertia
- Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
Wang, Weiping, Guo, Junjiang, Wang, Zhen, Wang, Hao, Cheng, Jun, Wang, Chunyang, Yuan, Manman, Kurths, Jürgen, Luo, Xiong, Gao, Yang (2021):
Abnormal flow detection in industrial control network based on deep reinforcement learning
- Applied Mathematics and Computation
Willner, Sven, Glanemann, Nicole, Levermann, Anders (2021):
Investment incentive reduced by climate damages can be restored by optimal policy
- Nature Communications
Sauer, Inga, Roca, Elisabet, Villares , Míriam (2021):
Integrating climate change adaptation in coastal governance of the Barcelona metropolitan area
- Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change